problems always seem big, then you face a bigger problem and you feel that it can't get any worse
this keeps happening till you think that your life must be the hardest if it keeps getting this bad
guess what?
this happens to everyone, you're not that special
i've went through alot, things that ppl won't ever go through(most anyway, and thas a fact)
but i know ppl have been through worse so i won't complain
if they haven't i won't complain anyway, i mean what does it really help?
just gotta take it, you can't change the past
i agree with umi and splitz, but still allyuh doh know if they have been through worse even though they mightn't have( probably not)
but give them the benefit of the doubt, it's not good to judge
but i do agree with allyuh so doh take it the wrong way