Author Topic: Freedom Fighters - Anyone played it yet?  (Read 3841 times)

Offline Kayode

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Freedom Fighters - Anyone played it yet?
« on: October 13, 2003, 08:55:28 AM »
Yes, this is me endorsing (wholeheartedly) a game named Freedom Fighters, based on an American resistance movement in a fictional reality where the Soviet Union became the sole Superpower of the world and invaded USA.

The game is a third-person squad-based single-player action title with RPG elements. You control some guy (a plumber) who reluctantly becomes part of the Resistance movement, and you move to various parts of New York freeing the city from Soviet control.

It was developed by the same team that did Hitman 2 (one of my favorites from last year), and it uses basically the same graphical engine, only modified a bit for much more action. And trust me, when I say this game has action...I mean it. Shootouts against whole platoons (20-50) of Soviet soldiers with just two or three men as your back-up. Serious bullet time...and I don't mean in slow motion either. Lots of grenades and molotovs to keep it spicy. Parked vehicles explode as well. Taking cover is a must...this ain't no Rambo business at all.

This is where the game gets interesting. You can command up to 6 other freedom fighters depending on your charisma. Charisma is gained by completing missions and performing acts of bravery, like running into the open to save civilians, or healing your own men when your life is low. You can heal fighters or civilians with your own health packs. Commands are simple and narrowed down to Attack, Defend This Area, and Regroup Around Me. Pressing the button once commands one man, holding it commands your whole squad. The guys are actually very competent on the field, actually beating the AI I've seen on the Call of Duty demo. They know how to take cover etc, BUT, they like too much action and will run into battle too easily. Still, the AI is excellent, and the enemy AI is almost as well done. I was amused a while ago when me and the guys stopped firing at an enemy outpost to go look for some weapons, and at least 6 soviet soldiers popped out suddenly from behind walls and barrels. They were hiding from our gunfire...and VERY effectively.

Also, like Hitman 2, there is freedom of movement and strategy. I'm playing a level right now where I left my guys in the street engaged in a gunfight with a platoon (Stand Your Ground!), went into a building where I saved a wounded civilian, recruited another fighter, and ended up behind the soviets who were engaging my other fighters. Grenades ended it quick. And this wasn't scripted...I could have just as easily gotten caught up in the firefight downstairs and ignored that building.

The next time I played it I actually got a sniper rifle on one of the floors of the building and took out the most dangerous soviet officers, then ordered my men to press forward and meet me a half-block down. One guy didn't make it

Very impressive is the way there's a high vantage point near any place that might have a big firefight. You're supposed to climb up there, whether it's a stack of crates, a stairwell, or just a truck, and command your men around while providing covering fire for them. Or if you want you can just let your men cover you while you do the dirty work.

The graphics are great...they look like a refined version of Hitman 2's visuals, and the often-hilarious ragdoll physics are intact. Very colorful, vivid, comic-booky, but the bullets aren't visible this time around :P

Music is done by the man himself, Jesper Kydd, who did the amazing soundtrack for Hitman 2. The whole soundtrack seems to be done with a Russian Russian. Classy.

As for the game's story and atmosphere...amusing and impressive. I expected loads of jingoistic crap, but the game's story is almost satirical. For one, the Soviet Union's rise to superpower mirrors USA's rise to power very closely, since in the game THEY were responsible for the nuclear drop on Japan, and therefore gained the big stick to wave (There's a historical synopisis that plays in the game's intro). When the Soviets invade USA, their media reports talk about "Liberating" the people of USA from a "Corrupt regime", and their news personalities brand the freedom fighters as "terrorists". There are tongue-in-cheek jabs at American foreign policy all over the game, including my favorite, Embargo Oil Inc, which runs the gas stations.

Flaws/Faults: Not too many so far. The save system is somewhat limited. You autosave anytime you enter a manhole, which is how you get around the city. You can also simply use the manhole as a save point. Your soldiers' AI is too gung-ho. They rush into fights too quickly, even though they can stand their ground when doing so. And the story isn't fleshed out too well after the first level.

Gamespot gave this game a 9.3 score, and so far I can see why. I'm loving it so far, and it's worth a look.                    


Freedom Fighters - Anyone played it yet?
« on: October 13, 2003, 08:55:28 AM »

Offline Kayode

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Freedom Fighters - Anyone played it yet?
« Reply #1 on: October 13, 2003, 08:56:50 AM »
And if this thread turns into some kinda heated political discourse, I'll lock it. Discuss the game, if you've played it.                    

Offline vinion2000

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Freedom Fighters - Anyone played it yet?
« Reply #2 on: October 13, 2003, 01:38:10 PM »
its not that simple koyode. its like americas army where the game is saturated with pro-army stuff that its almost brainwashing. once you get pass the proproganda its really a good looking and playing game but then again thats if you get past the proproganda. same for freedom fighters. i will agree with the gung-ho sidekicks and also at times i find the game quirky especially with camera angles and ive gotten a few crashes (needs a patch) from it. its no Max Payne 2 or half life 2 but it will pass the time till you get either but i wouldnt go as far to say you must get it.
note i know some ppl will say oh but gamespot gave it 9.3 but i always say play it yourself and youll see if thats your type of game and youd give it that kinda of score. not                    
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Offline Kayode

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Freedom Fighters - Anyone played it yet?
« Reply #3 on: October 13, 2003, 02:22:31 PM »
What propaganda and brainwashing?

The game is a blatant slap in the face for the propaganda that has poured out of USA since 9/11.

The game is saturated with sarcastic and satirical pokes at America itself.

Look at the Russian newscaster, and her "interviews". Look at the Russian motivation for entering the States: "Liberation". Look at the way the freedom fighters are looked at like terrorists. The mere fact that the Russian Generals/spokespersons all look and act like US Generals/spokespersons says something.

It's almost like showing a different side to the global conflicts that US television viewers aren't able to putting USA into the role of Iraq.

As far as I can see, and I looked HARD for that kinda stuff, the game tells it as it is as far as the game itself is concerned. It doesn't waste time on making anything seem worse/better than it is.

This game is NOTHING like America's Army, except for whole US patriotism theme, which is more or less absent until you hoist a flag at the end of the level. There was one rousing speech near to the end of the game, after you beat the television station, and it was honest, heartfelt, well-delivered, and short.

I didn't compare it to Max Payne 2 or Half-Life 2 because I haven't played either, considering neither has been released.
And I didn't say it's good BECAUSE Gamespot gave it a 9.3. I said that so far, I more or less agree with the score. I would have probably given it a 9.0 though.

The action is top-notch, and different. You can't just go running into gunfights because you have 6 or more men behind you. It's meant to be played strategically, which mean setting up ambushes, hitting from two (or three) sides, staying behind cover as much as possible, and retreating when you're under too much pressure.

But I's not for everyone. One friend of mine said he would have rathered if he could just do it all himself...which he could, I guess.

It crashed exactly three times with me though. More than likely heat-related. And the lip-sync is way out of sync. A patch is always nice.                    

Offline QDizzle

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Freedom Fighters - Anyone played it yet?
« Reply #4 on: October 13, 2003, 03:24:08 PM »
where yuh get this game from gimme a borrow nah                    


Freedom Fighters - Anyone played it yet?
« Reply #4 on: October 13, 2003, 03:24:08 PM »

Offline vinion2000

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Freedom Fighters - Anyone played it yet?
« Reply #5 on: October 14, 2003, 09:04:00 AM »
well judging from that reply i can see you miss read me. i never compared it to Half life 2 or Max payne 2 i said it isnt those two games aka something your have been waitng for or something thats suppose to push the boundries of gaming (well atleast half life 2 claims that). it was a comparision of the actual gamplay since i havent yet acquired the half life 2 leaked version ( well not as yet  :lol: ).

like i said propaganda is what it is. up here theres some fuss about the content. the same fuss was made about the americas army. different ppl see it in different ways and while i see where you come from other ppl are looking at it as an Anti-communist libeterian type game aka USA propaganda. english ppl are a bit rash and narrow minded at times.

other than that i think we do agree on the necessity of a patch. you know God only knows why i buy all these games. i only play them for like 5 or so days and them shelve them. i still havent even finshed MoH aa and i have all the expansion :sad:.

on a side note -- thank goodness for men like alyuh. one line responses get really boring and doesnt even evolve into a good discussion. why have a forum if ppl only going to say " yeah that cool man "                    
If I enjoy eating chicken does that make me a stereotype

or a fat bastard?

Offline Xen_spartan-117

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Freedom Fighters - Anyone played it yet?
« Reply #6 on: December 17, 2003, 07:56:22 PM »
i fine its a very good game that has been has solid gameplay...a.i is intesne...and the battle scenes are fast paced and intense..                    
on the battlefield,you must learn in the battles that ended in victory or must think about if those lives were either spent for a good cause or or wasted

Offline Xen_spartan-117

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Freedom Fighters - Anyone played it yet?
« Reply #7 on: December 17, 2003, 07:59:23 PM »
i love this has everything a gamer would love..hardcore action...solid gameplay and battle scenery...SMART A.I(which most games lack) but most of needs brains on how to take out an enemy outpost                    
on the battlefield,you must learn in the battles that ended in victory or must think about if those lives were either spent for a good cause or or wasted

Offline Osiris

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Freedom Fighters - Anyone played it yet?
« Reply #8 on: December 17, 2003, 09:38:23 PM »
yeh i agree wit xen on this one this game is very cool ........                    

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Freedom Fighters - Anyone played it yet?
« Reply #9 on: December 19, 2003, 07:22:52 PM »
I really must get back around to it...a few releases grabbed my attention away from it...don't think I even have that far to go....but right now I'm on KOTOR so dunno when I'll be getting back to it. Top notch game tho...yet another contender for GotY.                    

Offline Xen_spartan-117

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Freedom Fighters - Anyone played it yet?
« Reply #10 on: December 20, 2003, 10:29:03 AM »
I.O interactive has made another game with good handling and funny rag doll physics  :lol:  i cant wait for the sequel( YES PEOPLE THERE IS A SEQUEL)                    
on the battlefield,you must learn in the battles that ended in victory or must think about if those lives were either spent for a good cause or or wasted

Offline Xen_spartan-117

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Freedom Fighters - Anyone played it yet?
« Reply #11 on: December 20, 2003, 10:32:16 AM »
oh yeah kayode got that game down to the should make reviews and stuff                    
on the battlefield,you must learn in the battles that ended in victory or must think about if those lives were either spent for a good cause or or wasted

Offline Xen_spartan-117

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Freedom Fighters - Anyone played it yet?
« Reply #12 on: December 20, 2003, 10:46:23 AM »

on a side note -- thank goodness for men like alyuh. one line responses get really boring and doesnt even evolve into a good discussion. why have a forum if ppl only going to say \" yeah that cool man \"  

 shut up man  halflife2 we all know is going to be a good game...dont need to boast about it and put down this one...                    
on the battlefield,you must learn in the battles that ended in victory or must think about if those lives were either spent for a good cause or or wasted

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Freedom Fighters - Anyone played it yet?
« Reply #13 on: December 20, 2003, 10:53:22 AM »
ff is a very bad forking game.i only played it on ps2 and i love the multiplayer which not available on pc :(                    

Offline Flippant

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Freedom Fighters - Anyone played it yet?
« Reply #14 on: December 20, 2003, 11:52:31 AM »
yeah it needs mp...
nice game, great engine. ai is nice, but people dont run up in your face in a gunfight, take point blank shots and then get back up. takes away from the realism.                    

Offline Kayode

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Freedom Fighters - Anyone played it yet?
« Reply #15 on: December 20, 2003, 07:19:09 PM »
oh yeah kayode got that game down to the should make reviews and stuff

Thanks...I do.  :P                    

Offline crazy_samurai

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Freedom Fighters - Anyone played it yet?
« Reply #16 on: December 20, 2003, 11:04:24 PM »
i played the game already
it was alright
was there multiplayer in this game?                    

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Freedom Fighters - Anyone played it yet?
« Reply #16 on: December 20, 2003, 11:04:24 PM »


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