My advice is to carry it by Nanan's and ask if they think the system could handle it first to find out. Yes Nanan is out to make money but I have seen him turn ppl down with PS2s that have a high chance "mash-upsy".
Pass on that guys contact info in japan!It would really help the gamedom.As is, we bring down games for the membership at near cost price from the states but the vat and duty to import the games into the island increases the price quite a bit.Luckily, you can have some pretty good games for small money if you're into the "foreign used" market.Especially yesteryears big titles.
thanks for the info....the last time I called Nanan's and read the spc number, they said they could mod it, but it would be $1000 (about what it will cost me to buy a new one in the states if I needed to).You are right about the folks that said it would decrease the longevity of the system being folks that don't have was all hearsay on their part.