Author Topic: World of Warcraft vs. Lineage II  (Read 21979 times)

Offline Kayode

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World of Warcraft vs. Lineage II
« Reply #40 on: March 01, 2005, 07:02:52 PM »
on a small note of quality again.

wow took wat less than 2 years to make.

lienage 2 took 5 years to make up to prelude pathc and has about 6 more years before it reaches the final prelude.

wow has nothing on this game interms of quality and staying power

WoW was in development alongside Warcraft 3. That's more than 4 years.

Which means nothing really. Daikatana too 5 years to develop as well. And we know how great it turned out.                    


World of Warcraft vs. Lineage II
« Reply #40 on: March 01, 2005, 07:02:52 PM »

Offline Kayode

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World of Warcraft vs. Lineage II
« Reply #41 on: March 01, 2005, 07:07:22 PM »
in 1997 when the batltle started between eq and lineage 1,
EQ was voted game of the year [much like wow is voted now]
yet lineage 1 had a much larger playerbase.[funny how that works aye]
lineage 1 did very few adds and functions. 1 main reason for this is lineage 1 was in 2 years of closed beta and 1 year of open beta and was well known on the gaming scene.

Yet all these wbesites year after year praised EQ[btw they still rate it number 1 in 2d mmpogs

Bushman, Lineage wasn't released in the US until years after its release in Asia. That's why it could never be rated alongside Everquest.

Yuh see what I mean about your points? yuh facts straight.                    

Offline Kayode

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World of Warcraft vs. Lineage II
« Reply #42 on: March 01, 2005, 07:10:08 PM »
to prove my worth and my knowledge of wat im saying vs yours
how much money a month do you make from wow.
me i pull in aprox 1k tt to 15ktt eveyr month.

I don't make a cent.

I don't judge the quality of a game on how much money I make from it.

I make my money from a real job and buy games to have fun.                    

Offline TaC_uP

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World of Warcraft vs. Lineage II
« Reply #43 on: March 01, 2005, 07:13:43 PM »
wow to the craw                    

Offline Kayode

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World of Warcraft vs. Lineage II
« Reply #44 on: March 01, 2005, 07:18:48 PM »
Little things that make WoW great:

 - The heavily customizable User Interface.

 - The Windrider transit system.

 - The mailbox system.

 - The Auction Houses.

 - The ability to "link" items in the chat, allowing others to simply click on the info and see the item's full stats.

Those last three make trade in WoW extremely efficient and enjoyable, which is why we doh hadda resort to E-Bay.

Your partner might find an axe you want while he on the other side of the world. He messages you and links the item in the chat, allowing you to see exactly what it is. You decide you want it. He mails it to you, and within minutes, it appears in a mailbox on the other side of the world. All you hadda do is get to the nearest town or outpost. He can even mail it COD, meaning that you'll have to pay money at the mailbox (which is then sent to him) before getting the item.

With the Auction House, you pay a small fee and post up your item for sale for 2, 8 or 24 hours. It's a central location where anyone can come looking to buy or sell stuff.

In L2, yuh find de nearest town and sit down with a sign over yuh head, hopin somebody go give yuh a sale.



World of Warcraft vs. Lineage II
« Reply #44 on: March 01, 2005, 07:18:48 PM »

Offline Kayode

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World of Warcraft vs. Lineage II
« Reply #45 on: March 01, 2005, 07:21:05 PM »
wow to the craw
Boy is WoW idmc, yuh feel is joke?                    

Offline [Mx]~Mengsk

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World of Warcraft vs. Lineage II
« Reply #46 on: March 01, 2005, 07:25:28 PM »
Bushman i hadda see u oui and bring yuh PC so we could show yuh a lil niceness in WOW
WOW was not designed for cheats and exploiters tuh come and rob players of their hard earned game items and money
it also encourages u to play and earn what u get not buy it offline
so fact being its a game not a livelyhood so hard luck if yuh wann amake TT dollars on it
Aand by the way it has the largest MMORPG realease ever in history read and weap i ent go even post the link go find it yuh FIREBALL SELF


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World of Warcraft vs. Lineage II
« Reply #47 on: March 01, 2005, 07:29:04 PM »
OHHH did u know that it is illegal in the game to use bots and buy Ebay gold if u are caught u get banned
Bet u didint know that
I wonder if u know the reason why Blizzard has done this
Lemme see if yuh smart.                    

Offline Kayode

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World of Warcraft vs. Lineage II
« Reply #48 on: March 01, 2005, 07:33:45 PM »
WOW was not designed for cheats and exploiters tuh come and rob players of their hard earned game items and money
it also encourages u to play and earn what u get not buy it offline

Can't emphasize this more.

When you get an item of armor or weapon in WoW, it automatically becomes soulbound to you. No one else can wield it, so yuh can't sell it on E-Bay.

And in WoW, equipment drops much more often and is much cheaper than L2...yuh doh hadda resort to them kinda tactics to become a good player.

If L2's player population was so "hardcore", they wouldn't have a thriving off-game economy with men buying stuff off of Korean websites and E-Bay. Men would just play the game and buy their stuff in-game.

L2 has a HUGE community of cheaters and scammers, and that eh no speculation.                    

Offline Frozen

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World of Warcraft vs. Lineage II
« Reply #49 on: March 01, 2005, 07:51:34 PM »
Ok i prefer WOW. Simply because it is a game to have fun and also more stragtegic.
Correct me if im wrong
You say L2 is for hardcore gamers.
Lineage 2 is a game where u level all the way to the highest level and u are the strongest. Wow is where u use tactics and strategy to  win a battle. You can be the highest level in WOW and yet there are still ppl that can beat u. (Like warcraft 3 is micro management)
The only thing i see that is hardcore is that u play the game alot

On the whole i think that L2 is much more BORING because all u do is level up. I mean what is the term GAME defined as. Something with which u play to have FUN. Ask anybody why they does play game. And most of the answers would be to have fun. Oh yea some ppl does play L2 for the main purpose of making money. My friend tell me how a person play the game to be the highest level just to win a computer. When that competition was done, he stop playing the game.                    

Offline ShinSagat

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World of Warcraft vs. Lineage II
« Reply #50 on: March 01, 2005, 07:58:26 PM »
One thing hadda remain doh Lineage 2 was and still is a good game doh let people think that it is crap (i know you not i just want to state it) I think even blizzard ripped a few pages from lineage book on d way to makin this. I think that people will play what they prefer and I prefer WoW. There are more than enough reasons here and ratings to prove that WoW is superior in many ways in a general sense                    

Hmph...Try again Kid - Sagat


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World of Warcraft vs. Lineage II
« Reply #51 on: March 01, 2005, 09:43:45 PM »
kayode the majority of the features you stated are minor and of measure. the whole thing is yuo cannot deny a hardcore hyper teenager who have nutting else to do can run through that game in under a month. This is wat defines a mmpog most of the time. if they raising the lvl cap well one less thing for me to talk about.
2nd thing is your figure you using is from firt few days of sales. i agreeded with you on this. is true reallll men did ead over to wow. but in about a month realll men did ride  out same speed. i know this cause of player sale sites and the price of adena and gold.

I anticipated this was gonna happen as well. so i sold out all my adena and waited. 1 week before wow the market was flooded with lineage 2 accounts and  adena[ if you want proof ask shizz  flint or akil. ] so i bought up my stockpile of adena and less than half of wat i sold it for before. then 1 month after  the demand for accounts and adena where back nd prices went up up up. that isnt no fluke. men did beat wow and was like wtf i want meh money back.

i will give itto you on 1 thing. blizzard only smart thing they did was reconize this. The market may happen to be mostly filled with young people who want a hardcore game, eg lineage 2, but their is still the otehr 20% of people who want a more relaxed laidback game wth is wow. my whole argument is a game like wow will never appeal to gamers like my self [ whom btw make up the majority of the marketshare] and when l2 is in episode 15 wow will be on the way out with a bare amount of servers.

and to shinsagat fellar you 2 jst refuse to iacknowledge my opinions of ratings ect

and talking about war in wow war 24/7 as the man said.
24/7 war a man get kill and wat. the penality for death is wah.
thats is wat is called a carebear game. that kind thing is for men who does slit they wrist if the drop they sword and thing.

But once again, if ya is a softcore gamer  and dont have time for a heavy game thne ya das cool. but dont be trying to compare it to lineage 2 cause one is  and will always be of a much higher  calibur. mainly cause of a few reasons.

ncsoft in dis mmpog thing yearrrrrrss. they released the first sucessful lmmpog ever. They wrote the book on dis crap.
yes i go give propes to  blizzard pr department and advertising. but once again as i said above is simply just throwing out 1 dollar to make back 3. nothing special about the game. tons of stuff they are doing has been done before.  rubies of eventide to name 1 veyr similar to  wow [ ive beta tested almost every mmpog ever to come out] the only  reason rubies didnt do well is cause they didnt have any type of budget.

on the point of competition between EQ and lineage 1
Their was always competition. The lineage US beta server was live  soon after lineage went p2p in korea. it is refered to as the .77 server. This server was in beta for a few years well [ and yes i beta tested it and eq ]

One the art work of lineage was far superior to eq

The quest system of lineage was alot more indepth and linked to the worlds story line. eq was a total mess when it came to quests [and still is]

Lineage had pvp. eq had some stupid system where it was turn based but not quote as slow as you would see in final fantasy. als their was no penality for pvping. so basically eq pvp didnt exist.

Sound track for EQ was atad better than lineage but like thats important.

So i ask you has did a game that had double the first day subscribers betetr art work better pvp system better story line. and a overall betetr game mechanisc get  not even top 3.
Its called the power of the all mighty dollar. EQ was on a hugeee marketing strategy. lineage was barley ever heard  of. except for a few shows in malls and ina magazine. o and 1 spot they had on tech tv[ which i mite add was highly praised as one of a kind] eq was spend money to promote eq like their was no tommorow. toppled with  majority of these rating websites either run their adds.  [ and dont even try to say but but thats not possible cause i mena pleasee this isnt a election it can be easily toppled to whoever is willing to go the extra mile and pay for it]

o and also 1 small point to kayode about lineage 1 that few people know. lineage 1 was launched 2 times.

the first server like i w said was the .77 server. and it was relaunched when the US right was transfered or whatever happened.  then it was relaunched to wat it is today dep server.                    


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World of Warcraft vs. Lineage II
« Reply #52 on: March 01, 2005, 09:53:09 PM »
anotehr point to you. how  can you even compare wow's pvp system to l2. eveyr 1 knwos inclusing your precious gaming websites l2 pvps  is the bets one out their as of now.

anmd you wanna tlak about factual show me where eveyr single server has 6000+ people and a 7000+ cap please show me the fact mr factual.

staying power is wat keep people paying month after month.
staying power is wat makes a fellar tizik after school.
personally i dont feel ive achieved nothing if it took me a hour to do. but hey i have high stadards i dont like stuff just handed to me ina space of a month.

You know wat the real pull to a MMPOG IS to be LEET. men wanna work hard hard no mc  to be better than any 1 else. that is the pull to mmpogs. that is  deeply rooted in most men. to outdo and be betetr than any 1 else. the pride you take to see your accomplishment after 2 years of work. to walk out in a arena and beat the crap outta men. that is wat a mmpog is suppsoed to be. to have all the noobys looking up seeing you riding a dragon and saying OMFG  i wanna be just like Bushman. that is my friend the real draw of the mmpog.

Now in the case of WOW that does not exist. eveyr 1 can be just like jack and jill at any time they wish. and all the  bells and whistles or whatever else you can throw out here today will never change the simpel fact. WOW  is a carebear game  and Lineage 2 is for the hardcore plain and simple. now let me see you deny that.  o and ocne again im surgical with this b.itch  LOL                    


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World of Warcraft vs. Lineage II
« Reply #53 on: March 01, 2005, 10:04:28 PM »

 WoW is way too easy for one. I was able to reach the level 60 cap in less than a month. That's just not right. After that there wasn't much to do but quests, and town raids.. I've been burnt out on town raids since UO. The environment graphics for WoW are great, some of the best I've seen in mmog gaming, especially the sun. The characters however are extremely low in detail, not appealing to the eye at all. WoW also lacks any kind of well thought out pvp system. Which is depressing, killing another player in WoW doesn't really mean anything. WoW needs to make some major changes to appeal to a long term audience, otherwise it will not hold people's interests very long.

Lineage I play for the pvp system. I'm not sure why this keeps happening but in many of these mmogs (especially my beloved UO) They keep bowing to the carebear players that do not want to pvp at all, and forcing these servers to non pvp only. In UO they split the shards so that you had to teleport with a moon gate to the pvp shard which was like a mirror world just will global pvp available. Of course when people are actually given that option they run and hide on the carebear shard. I think most people don't even know what is good for them, and they shoot themselves in the foot allowing the bordom on these non pvp mmogs yawn them to death.

I really enjoy how during normal times in Lineage you can pvp anywhere at any time outside of towns/safe zones. Experience loss is 4% per kill. When server events are setup like Boss raids and Castle Sieges, the entire area turns into a global pvp zone with all flagging properties turned off and death cost is lowered to .75% exp loss per kill. This makes it fun for everyone! Another nice thing about active pvp is if someone is really ticking you off, you can flat out murder them, always makes me feel much better. Then you can work off the negative karma with your friends or die off the karma.

Another aspect of L2 I enjoy is the classic Asian game design, for both the fighting system, characters, and world itself. The graphics intensity requires a high end machine to play, and there are so many elements of the game explore you could just spend your whole time walking around taking pictures of everything. Each Chronical that is released adds more and more detail and play options to the world of L2. I greatly look forward to all 15 chronicals.


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World of Warcraft vs. Lineage II
« Reply #54 on: March 01, 2005, 10:08:39 PM »

Lineage II is not a sissy game, I'll tell you this right now. It is pvp heavy and you have to work hard for everything (unless you get a rare drop hehe). We were playing warcraft for close to 2 months and my friend and I maxed out two level 60 characters. If you ask me, that's just not right. PVP doesn't really mean anything in warcraft.. You basically die with no loss. Which is nice for carebears. Sorry all you that play Warcraft, but I have been in this discussion about 80 times between online chats and people at work lol. Warcraft has a nice atmosphere, but the characters and the environment look like candy land. I've seen more polygons in the Tie Fighter DOS game than the WoW characters.

Lineage was made by the creator of Ultima Online who left Origin and eventually joined up with NC soft to make new online RPGs. Lineage is his baby, and he wants to see the game grow into a true success. Lineage is how a game should look, and like MTL pointed out being a fan of the Unreal engine you would know that the game has no limits as far as dynamics and texturing are concerned. They actually created an algorithm just for the trees in l2 so that no 2 trees look the same. I'd say about the only complaint I have about the current environment in L2 is that there is literally no sun.. It's basically a lens flare in the sky.

There are a total of 15 chronicles planned for Lineage 2. We are currently on chronicle 2; each major chronicle patch adds more land, more dungeons, more cities, and more castles. They also add more game content like fixing generalized problems the game originally came out with like swimming, underwater mobs, and updates to the user interface. Right now the biggest thing that is holding back Lineage developers from adding things like dynamic weather/water is the current speed of people's computers. L2 requires a higher end graphics card and lots of memory to truly show off the game's beauty.

Even after playing the game for a year I am perfectly content with walking around from area to area seeing new things and going to corners of the continent I've never been to before. Your character is not another zergling, when you level in L2 you become superior quickly to people lower level than you. You can now find active pvp arenas and even a giant coliseum for no loss pvp. The fun comes when people fight outside the arenas, in this game if someone ticks you off, you can do something about it. It is really nice too with all the pvp freedom comes player respect, and teamwork on all levels. If you are looking for community you will find more in Lineage than most any other game. We have less of the "too cool for you" attitude which is a really nice change from EQ and UO.

Lineage does not have constant town/city raids.. I did about 5 in warcraft before I fell over from boredom and went back to leveling. We have Castle Sieges that were not added till the chronicle 1 patch. Basically your clan can own it's own castle and control the taxes for it's neighboring town. It also allows you to get items/quests other players cannot get. Castle Sieges are basically every other Saturday and Sunday, there are currently 6 castles in the game. Your clan/alliance signs up to either attack or defend a castle. When the siege starts the entire area around the castle becomes an active pvp zone where anyone can kill anyone without negative penalty to the killer. Active PVP zones in L2 regardless if it is a castle siege or raid mob give you -.75% loss in experience instead of the normal 4% loss if dying anywhere else in the game. [--- siege pics

Supposedly the next chronicle will be patched the same time as Korea, so US and Korean servers will be at the same stage, and people will stop trying to use hacked textures from the Korean chronicle lol! The game is allot of fun, and I have test played so many mmogs to make sure I pick the one that will be the most fun in the long run. Anyway, that's the end of my lineage rant. Hope this gives some insight

[3 lineage 2 [--- to see tons of pics.

If you kill someone in the game that doesn't fight back you get negative karma and your character turns red. The pvp state turns your name purple just by smacking someone with your fist, so now everyone around you is free to go purple as well and attack you without worrying about negative karma. It is impossible to drop items in PVP unless you are Red (have negative karma). Reds are fun to hunt, because if a high level person goes red, and you kill them, they are doing to drop all kinds of neat high-level weapons/armor crap they are carrying with them. Making you richer very quickly.

Right now if you attack a red you stay white, but after the chronicle 3 patch you will actually turn purple which will help increase the pvp level even more. This will allow reds to defend themselves from attackers, unless the attacker out numbers or out levels the red.

I noted pvp zones above, nobody turns purple or red in a pvp zone, you just kill people you know are your enemy, or just kill everyone. There are zero rules in pvp zones.

For new players they have distributed NPC guards throughout all the starter area lands. So if you see a red lurking about run to one of the guards and they will make a swift meal of the red. That will also leave you open to pick up the stuff the red dropped. Some of the higher-level players have been trying to distribute around the starter areas and keep the red population down. Last thing we want is for people to get scared away and go play warcraft

Usually we are dressed up like noobs, no clan tag, and no recommendations to change our name at all. Makes it easier to sneak up on the reds.. Usually like this guy, he would run up to me and shoot something that would usually kill a new person in a couple shots, but when he does 1 damage he runs like crazy unless I put him to sleep                    

Offline ShinSagat

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World of Warcraft vs. Lineage II
« Reply #55 on: March 01, 2005, 11:21:54 PM »
and to shinsagat fellar you 2 jst refuse to iacknowledge my opinions of ratings ect

I acknowledged them brother all i tryin to say is that they exist added to the reasons stated here.  I give up on arguein on it because is just as bad as arguein on religion NO MATTER WHAT evidence is brought forward nobody gonna change there mind.  One way to show how i not even into your talk is how you skewed what kayode said from it havin a cap of 5000-6000 to there being ALWAYS 6000+

I done horse i go let the future tell this tale for me                    

Hmph...Try again Kid - Sagat

Offline Kayode

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World of Warcraft vs. Lineage II
« Reply #56 on: March 02, 2005, 12:18:59 AM »
kayode the majority of the features you stated are minor and of measure.

Little things that make WoW great:

2nd thing is your figure you using is from firt few days of sales. i agreeded with you on this. is true reallll men did ead over to wow. but in about a month realll men did ride out same speed. i know this cause of player sale sites and the price of adena and gold.

No. You're wrong again.

6 new servers were addd to WoW recently. If men were riding out, there'd be no need to increase the game's player capacity, since the exodus would balance with new players.

yes i go give propes to blizzard pr department and advertising.

Lineage 2 and COH were advertised just as much as WoW, if not more.
And keep in mind that it's two games...not one. So once again, yuh point not making any sense.

anmd you wanna tlak about factual show me where eveyr single server has 6000+ people and a 7000+ cap please show me the fact mr factual.

I will get the quote, but in the meantime, simply divide the highest concurrency by the number of servers. At least 2700 players per server, with the highest servers having more than twice the number of players than the lowest server. So that 1500 talk is real ole talk.


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World of Warcraft vs. Lineage II
« Reply #57 on: March 02, 2005, 12:20:02 AM »
You know wat the real pull to a MMPOG IS to be LEET. men wanna work hard hard no mc to be better than any 1 else. that is the pull to mmpogs. that is deeply rooted in most men. to outdo and be betetr than any 1 else. the pride you take to see your accomplishment after 2 years of work. to walk out in a arena and beat the crap outta men. that is wat a mmpog is suppsoed to be. to have all the noobys looking up seeing you riding a dragon and saying OMFG i wanna be just like Bushman. that is my friend the real draw of the mmpog.

Now's not only wrong and narrow-minded, but it says a lot about you as a person.

Yeah, it's nice to be a big dog in a MMORPG or any other game, but the draw for players is not to get some kinda attention or respect that they can't get in real life.

It's to have fun.

Fun can mean playing through quests. Fun can mean forming a guild with friends and doing quests and dungeons together. Fun can mean duels or PvP raids. Fun can simply be kicksin around with partners in-game.

Yuh see how you describe Lineage 2 there? Work?

That says it all.

If the appeal of a game for you is to "work hard" so that yuh could glam out and pose off to impress newbs...well boy, that is the end of this discussion.

Because in my mind, that so small and joky it pathetic.                    


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World of Warcraft vs. Lineage II
« Reply #58 on: March 02, 2005, 09:40:21 AM »
lol jokey budder i didnt create the world. i didnt make man have a competitive streak in him. i guarantee if you  for some reasoj play datr mmpog for 2 years a mn come round and start killing you and giving you talk you go be damn vex. cause your 2 years in dat game aint amount to crap. [ das if you even stay dat long whihc i doub t you will ] The reason  blizzard has this  policynow of pleaseing the care bear players is simple.  studies have shown that 60 % of profitn come from new players and not players who stay.
This is a short  term plan to make money quickly. if you cant see it well iwasting meh time with you.

Every 1 takes on a certain persona when it comes to mmpogs. its basically a amplification of their true selves.
The way you talk says also alot about you also. ingame you are a carebear and i mena das cool if you wanna just chill and hang out with friends. but i wish  blizzard would change the  classification of their game from mmpog to  social sim.
Cause wow is far from a  rpg in the true sence. You never get better than any 1. and ive stated all the reason why abve and so have those 2 wow players [which i noticed you clear ignored]

Now  you say all i wanna do is impress noobys. that was purly for a example, to show wat a mmpog is suppsoed to be like. and show how different a mmpog is from a social sim.
Ive played and sold money for social sims already as well.

Their is a sim called  second life. it is veyr much like WOW.

graphics: where actually better than WOW

quests: build houses start busineses fly around inplanes

some good features: people can instant teleport and they can also fly

why i think such a gay ass carebear game is more fun
This game you could manipulate anything ingame by doing basic scripting in c++ pearl and a number of otehr coding languages that where simplified to you. so you could make scripts and programm anything from windows that opened at the touch of a button to dogs that alked and had their own built in AI.

The major goal of this gam,e was basically to build up your estate  eg house car plan bank account. and just be friends with people. people used to get married have weddings  children. hell they even used to have  sex where they molded genitals thatd used to cum and have real sex animations.

now that my brudder is wat is refered to as a CAREBEAR game. teir are no consequences for your actions. eveyr 1 stays the same lvl. the grasphics where lameass.  pvp existed but their was no penality  [ you could shoot a man dead and hed just respawn in his house ] and their where 1million and 2 things to do. let me guess you gonna say but bushman once again ya talking shoit wow far more complex in quest.  wats more complex c++ or wow. wats more challenging  construction a actual replica of a house that you made floor plans for, or wow stupid quests.  your  precious WOW is nothing more that a social sim with a few orcs and some  ugly dwarfs.

id really like to see you deny this 1 but i know youll desperatly try                    

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World of Warcraft vs. Lineage II
« Reply #59 on: March 02, 2005, 11:20:57 AM »
I wanted to know if hunting for the most powerful "purple" items (and novelty items like that tuxedo) can also go under having something to be proud of? or maybe having that incredible stallion that give you 100% increased speed. Or maybe working your azz off to be a contestant for battlegrounds                    

Hmph...Try again Kid - Sagat


World of Warcraft vs. Lineage II
« Reply #59 on: March 02, 2005, 11:20:57 AM »


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  • cold_187: @TriniXjin not really, I may have something they need (ssd/ram/mb etc.), hence why I also said "trade" ;)
    February 05, 2018, 10:22:14 AM

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