graphics remeniscient of warcraft III... no pixel shaders??? or is it just running on an ancient card ??
aye kayoi never made a tauren characterhow do they play? played any nightelves to give me a comparison?do they have magic classes within the tauren?
i plan on takin my copy down to hq and slappin it onand playin de hell out of it infront dem lineage mensee if i could lure them awaythen de rest of alyuh could throw de net on dem and we can drag dem back to the real world and awayyyyy form lineage.while the beta was on, we used ventrilo and gatt mirc to coordinate some sweatage so this can be furthered for the real much as SOME PEOPE (cough cough b cough aego cough) trying to disuade me from buying and payin monthly fee, i think i will handle a 6 month run on de game, as a christmas present to myself.
i'm afraid to buy this or any MMO..... i have a friend who plays it 11 hours a day.... scary .......