1.Thanks 2 all who posts on dis thread
2. De name of this forum is "for all de sof2 men" so a tink dat i would post something now dat all sof2 men should know
So you want to make your own kick-arse weapon skins
For the sake of this tutorial I will use the AK74 as an example.
Following this tutorial I will list the PATH, FILE YOU NEED & WHERE TO FIND THEM for every weapon in SOF2 multiplayer.
First things first.
You MUST have 2 programs:
1st is WINZIP.
2nd is a graphics program that can handle .jpg format picture files. I use Paintshop Pro.
To get your AK74 skin to work you must set a few things up first.
- Make 3 folders one inside the other, inside the other.
- 1st folder is called models.
- Once you've made it, open it up and make another one called weapons.
- Open it up and make another one called ak74.
- Open that one up and that is where you put your ak74 file.
- So the path looks like:
- modelsweaponsak74.
That's the set up done…
To get your weapon files:
- Open your Soldier of Fortune 2 - Double Helix base folder.
- Locate the models.pk3 file and double click on it to open it (must have winzip installed to do this).
- Scroll down the list until you find this file:
- ak74.jpg.
- To open it for editing (in Paintshop Pro) just double click on it.
- This will open up Paintshop Pro and have your file ready to edit.
"STOP right there".
- Now press the [F12] key to SAVE AS.
- Don't change the file name (or you won't be able to use your weapon skin ingame) but browse to find the folder you made in the setup phase: modelsweaponsak74 and hit [ENTER].
- This will save the weapon skin into your folder that you setup earlier and will avoid making changes to the REAL / DEFAULT weapon skin.
- So the path to your weapon Skin will now be:
- modelsweaponsak74ak74.jpg.
- So now edit the picture to your needs and save it.
- Your picture will be saved into the modelsweaponsak74 folder we created earlier.
You can close Painthop Pro now.
- Locate the models folder that you made before.
- Now RIGHT CLICK on the models folder and select ADD TO MODELS.ZIP.
- This will create a separate file called (believe it or not) models.zip.
- Now to turn this into a .PK3 file to be used ingame simply rename it to WHATEVERYOUWANT.pk3.
- You will get an error message but just click OK or YES.
- All that is left to do now is copy the file and paste it into your Soldier of Fortune II - Double Helixbasemp folder.
Start up or join a Multiplayer SOF2 game.
Go BESERK with your new weapon skin
This is exactly the process I use.
End Tutorial ... GAME ON
M4 modelsweaponsm4 m4.jpg models.pk3
M203 (goes with M4) modelsweaponsm203 m203.jpg models.pk3
MP5 modelsweaponsmp5 mp5.png update101.pk3
Silencer (for MP5) modelsweaponsmp5 mp5_supressor.png update101.pk3
M590 Shotgun modelsweaponsm590 m590.jpg models.pk3
M1911a1 Pistol modelsweaponsm1911a1 m1911a1.jpg models.pk3
AK74 modelsweaponsak74 ak74.jpg models.pk3
Bayonet (for AK74) modelsweaponsbayonet bayonet.jpg models.pk3
Incendry Grenade modelsweaponsanm14 anm14.jpg models.pk3
Knife modelsweaponsknife knife.png models.pk3
M15 (Smoke Grenade) modelsweaponsm15 m15.jpg models.pk3
M3A1 Grease Gun modelsweaponsm3a1 m3a1.jpg models.pk3
M60 modelsweaponsm60 m60.jpg models.pk3
M84 Flash Grenade modelsweaponsm84 m84.jpg models.pk3
Microuzi modelsweaponsmicrouzi microuzi.jpg models.pk3
MM1 Grenade Launcher modelsweaponsmm1 mm1.jpg models.pk3
MSG90A1 Sniper Rifle modelsweaponsmsg90a1 msg90a1.jpg models.pk3
RPG7 modelsweaponsrpg7 rpg7.jpg models.pk3
SMOHG92 Frag Grenade modelsweaponssmohg92 smohg92.jpg models.pk3
USAS12 Auto Shotgun modelsweaponsusas12 usas12.jpg models.pk3
USSOCOM Pistol modelsweaponsussocom ussocom.jpg models.pk3
i hope dat dis is easy enough 4 you all 2 learn how to mod :cool: