so why Switch does wear white?why you seing Others like Bane and Niobi in brown and green clothes (green like the MATRIX green).nah not really. There are only 10 ships in ZION that have crew on them. They would know all the people.Brahma, Logos, Osiris,Gnosis, Vigilant,Mjoinir (Hammer), Caduceus,Icarus, Nebacadnezzar and Novalis. You bonks up most of the captains and crew in the beginnig of Reloaded.
WHY? Well NEO is already at the source. The only way SMITH could be deleted was to go to the source. If they unplugged everyone from the matrix and everyone SMITH cloned they STILL would not have gotten all the SMITHS, all the Agents he cloned, the original program and even the SUPER SMITH would still be there. When SMITH clones NEO one thing happena. Smith reaches the source. When the program reaches the source it can be deleted and therefore the ENTIRE SMITH VIRUS is GONE.
You see Smith EXISTS because of NEO. Smith is the equation trying to balance itself out like ORACLE said to NEO in Rev. SMITH was created BY the Architect to balance the NEO program. However all hell break loose etc and he could not be controled.
So SMITH would not have been canceled out if NEO was not canceled out. BUT wait, look at the end of Rev if you ever borrow it on DVD and see the part where NEO dies and the machines start to move away with him. LOOK AT THEIR EYES, they are no longer red, there GREEN. Watch as they load him up onto the machine to take him away, its eyes are changing to green and all the machine buildings in the background are turning green. Did you see Animatrix? Watch Metriculated where they convert a machine to the human side, the eyes are green as well. It was proof that the CODE of the one was still there, and that it was not deleted.