...or is X-play playing the absolute nen-nen when it comes to reviewing games?
I have been waiting a very long time for Adam Sessler and Morgan Webb to review two games I wanted to see for the longest while on their show, 'Mega Man X7' and 'Mega Man Zero 2'. These games have been out for months now, and were eagerly anticipated by the Mega-holics such as myself....and yet, what does X-play do???
1] Review complete crap like 'Aquaman: The battle for Atlantis' (if it's so damn crappy, then why the hell do you keep reviewing it??!!)
2] OVER REVIEW certain titles like Silent Hill 3 and Otogi (we get the message, guys!!!)
3] Play re-runs over and over again at the most inconvenient times (I did NOT wait up until midnight to see the Halloween episode again...it's nearly CHRISTMAS for crying out LOUD!!!!!)
4] Review titles that nobody cares about (Grabbed by the ghoulies? You've got to be kidding me......)
5] Don't review titles that we DO care about. [when is that review for Soul Caliber 2 gonna come out? When pigs fly? When the cows come home?]
I am really getting annoyed here.
X-Play is just completely ignoring the most popular and most wanted titles, and reviewing what they want to review. Me, I ent too worried, really. Regardless of whether they finally get their heads out of their rear ends and review the two games, I'm still going to get them.
I just think that X-play should get their freaking heads on straight and start being a bit serious about what the gamers want to see (although, I thought that skit with Slippy when Adam reviewed Aquaman was pretty funny...).
Well, that's my P.O.V., I could be wrong. But it's my opinion, and I'm sticking by it.