and turst me...if you think im a newbie...i'd like what else you would say in halo,unreal2k3,quakeIII,and starcraft....
well \"sanosuke\" snipers may be good in the operations of stealth...but remember WE ARE TALKING ABOUT VIDEO GAMES NOT REAL LIFE.... besides not as if any of us will join the military anytime a video game...sniping requires ZERO real life i can have respect for them yes...but in a video game..where you stupidly wait for your kill..simply becuase you cant go up close to do it.....welll.....guess i have one thing to say__________________Its SnIpEroUs JoobIouS!
umi, bob and samuraiallyuh know i never meet rabid pandashe was a good sniper or wha?
Well that is for the HQ squad, for the rest of gatt i would say that Eva01, Samanosuke, Butterz and Umi really know how to handle the sniper rifle......but if you don't belive me i would be happi to arrange a more \"suitable\" form of persuasion.
i say snipe in sniper stages and assault in assault stages.or if u have a team ,u cud all move like a big clip and have snipers for support as what CVT40 does<-i might name that an official strategy of CVT
Aye personally i know being a \"good\" sniper is not as easy as it looks, especially in games where the sniper riflles have sway on them, more difficult to aim, but in games like sof2, sniping is pretty much a breeze to get the hang of. Also remember snipers are long range units, they dont deal up much in close range combat, remember that. Snipers are not all powerful, jus that for the well trained marksman that is what the sniper can almost achieve. also good snipers dont camp.DEATH TO CAMPERS