yeah mah friends, ive been in vancouver for about 3 days now! In the short time that i have been here i have learnt a couple of things that i will now share with ya'll
1. ppl drive on the right side of the road. remember this or you >will find your ass lookin up the left side saying "okay no cars" crossing the road then gettin you tail lick down.
2. food is cheap. $2 for 4 slices of pizza!! (well actually its 2 slices, but 1 slice equal 2 slices from a marios pizza!!
3. when you can't feel your fingers, that means it time to go >inside. you don't want them to fall off now do we.
4. slavery never existed in canada. i came to this conclusion >because there are NO BLACK PEOPLE!!!!
5. about 60% of the ppl here are white. well what did i expect its >canada
6. about 39% of the ppl here are asian!! aint that a shocker. i walk >around and i feel like i'm in hong kong
7. about 1% of the ppl can't speaka in engalish. okay well they can >but they usually have some sort of arabian accent
8. a playstation is a good thing to have. to bad i don't have one, >so all do is sit in my room and watch TV. oh yeah and eat soup, >which brings me to #9
9. packet soup is your best friend. mmmmm soup.......... ima make a >bowl of that when i'm done here
10. being alone makes you think of the girl you love. yeah soppy but >true.
11. all of the male asians look like they should be in a martial arts movie. i tend be walking down the road saying to mahslef "damn he looks like he can kick my ass"
12. about 98% of the asian females are cute! chrono x you would go insane
13. about 2% of the asian females are old. but very polite!
14. about 1% of the asian population belong on a caribbean island on >the beach, with a carib.................................................
15. walkin around with a red, yellow and green head band on your >head lets everyone know that you are from the caribbean
16. walkin around with a red, yellow and green head band on your >head makes everyone think that your from jamaica.
17. i believe i forgot to mention that is cold.
18. residing in the middle of downtown vancouver, right next to all >the shopping spots is not good when your poor. you tend to stand >outside of all the stores looking in wishing you could "buy that"
19. i am about the only asian person (or half asian) walking around >with a gerry curl. everyone else has got straight hair. and >lastly..................
20. vancouver is great! its real pretty, i think i'll enjoy it here! > >well i'll gets back to you ppl later. for now shogun is ice cold.