Id DID mention quake 4..that it will be focusing on single player like quake 2.. that it will be using the DIII engine.... that it will be out before TSTT becomes reliable and affordable.spider man does whatever a spider can, except lay eggs i write some of these threads to kill time, not to educate people or speak facts
Aint we thinking a little too far ahead with Q4? DIII aint even out yet much less Q4.
the xbox's hardware is showings its age, it will not be enough to get the full experience of the next generation games eg:half life 2quake 4doom III
what? will they spend ANOTHER few years making ANOTHER engine when they have their own PERFECTLY good engine already... will they spend money to buy SOMEONE ELSE'S engine?
Oh and BTW...the Xbox is an inanimate was never alive to begin with
Developers like ID have no problem taking a few years making a new engine because they KNOW that their fanbase will NOT mind waiting. The quality of their games speaks for itself. They'd rather spend 5 years making an engine perfect rather than 2 weeks on a ratch job. And don't we appreciate that? Suppose LOTR, rather than 3 3 odd hours movies was condensed into 1 1 hour and a half you think it would have won 11 Oscars?