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Messages - lt plank

Pages: [1]
Clan Announcements and Challenges / Re: xbox 360
« on: October 15, 2006, 10:09:22 AM »
halo 2 e
it was a typo

i ment halo 2

Clan Announcements and Challenges / xbox 360
« on: October 14, 2006, 05:44:04 PM »
http:// are there any xbox 360 clan in these forums..
i am part of a xbox live clan and we would like to battle any other clan with 360's
we play ghost recon 3, nba 2k6 and 2k7 , fifa, halo 2 e, ea fight night 3 ect.
my clan's name is Plank Nation and we are located in ANTIGUA(GAMING CAPITAL OF THE CARRIBEAN) LOL
MY gametag is LT PLANK and we are always ready for a good battle.
check us out at:

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