Author Topic: DX9: why do FX cards look like crap while Radeons look great  (Read 3674 times)

Offline TrinireturnofGamez

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DX9: why do FX cards look like crap while Radeons look great
« on: October 16, 2003, 09:04:20 PM »
I just did some thinking..........
 32 bit colour.... 4 billion colours........... an untold amount of which we never see. DX9 more colour precision therefore more of those 4 billion are used . Radeon cards have 96 bit colour prescision , FX cards have 128 . More presise may also mean wierder colours which we never see in reality are used.... therefore that may be the reason why radeon cards are faster... less colours are used because the colours used are NORMAL . FX cards : more colours used but those colours are WIERD so it gets slowed down AND it looks yucky .

I looked at a leaf.... it reminded me of an NVIDIA demonstration of an FX card VS a geforce 4 TI . The FX leaf looked wierd , the TI card had a more greeny green . amazing how people thing ............           

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DX9: why do FX cards look like crap while Radeons look great
« on: October 16, 2003, 09:04:20 PM »

Offline Waggy

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DX9: why do FX cards look like crap while Radeons look great
« Reply #1 on: October 17, 2003, 04:58:34 PM »
I'm not sure, but I think the colours are the same, just the shades, or the way light affects them. So maybe ATI gpu's have a better physics engine to interpret light values, directions, intensity...etc...                    
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Offline !Synth

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DX9: why do FX cards look like crap while Radeons look great
« Reply #2 on: October 28, 2003, 10:03:17 PM »
I just did some thinking..........
 32 bit colour.... 4 billion colours........... an untold amount of which we never see. DX9 more colour precision therefore more of those 4 billion are used . Radeon cards have 96 bit colour prescision , FX cards have 128 . More presise may also mean wierder colours which we never see in reality are used.... therefore that may be the reason why radeon cards are faster... less colours are used because the colours used are NORMAL . FX cards : more colours used but those colours are WIERD so it gets slowed down AND it looks yucky .

I looked at a leaf.... it reminded me of an NVIDIA demonstration of an FX card VS a geforce 4 TI . The FX leaf looked wierd , the TI card had a more greeny green . amazing how people thing ............

Lol! Thats got to be one of the more *creative* explanation i've heard in a

[1] 32bit color != 4 billion discrete colors

32bit color = 24bit + 8bit alpha channel or other such combo with alpha. eg.
Parhelia512 its 10-10-10-2 (10bit for red, 10bits for green, 10bits for blue
and 2bits for alpha). In this case its color depth I am referring too. It can
also being used in terms of color precision. Mathematically using 32bits to
represent colors would mean a theoretical 4 billion possible combinations of
color. But thats not how it works.

The question of faster is highly dependent on the use of card among other
things. Thats where you start off being biased. Saying its because of color
precision used is also WRONG, due to the many other variables involved, and
lack of empirical/statistical/logical evidence to prove such. It may be
affecting or not. Its effect if at all, may be significant, or it may not. I
doubt its possible for anyone to say. Besides, with all the other factors
influencing, it makes little diference either way.

Image quality is dependent on many many variables...among them the quality of
the videocard's ramdac, drivers and of course the hardware capability of the
chipset itself.

"Radeon cards have 96 bit colour prescision, FX cards have 128"

Before the image is outputted, the card must first render image internally.
Thats where the term precision comes into play. Now to the image, various color
manipulations (mathematical processing) have to be done before before final
output. To maintain 24bit color accuracy, the internal calculation has to be
done at a higher accuracy (errors due to rounding, etc). Thats why modern day
cards are rendered with such high precision internally even though the final
output is only "24bit".

The final output is dependent on many other variables. Nonetheless, its best
work with more than less, as long as no significant performance degradation is

Getting back to why ATI image quality is typically superior...Its a combination
of drivers (ATI stuck to image quality over performance) and quality of
hardware itself.

Its generally accepted ATI colors are more "vibrant".

On a plus for Nvidia, the image quality has come a good way from the early gf2
days...but thats mostly to higher quality hardware. The drivers are still
tweaked for performance over image quality.

Also take note that one man's perception of quality is not always the same as
another. Who knows, in Nvidia camp they might actually think their image
quality is higher than ATI :D

That said, Matrox still has best 2D. ATI in close second though.


An interesting related quote:

"It is not possible to show 30-bit images on hardware that is only capable of
displaying 24-bit color."                    

Offline Flippant

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DX9: why do FX cards look like crap while Radeons look great
« Reply #3 on: October 28, 2003, 10:17:52 PM »
well, you coulda said that the pipline had nothing to do with colour-depth and done. jeez.
anyway, radeon cards don't necessarily look better. They look better at similar price points to some people. I am not defending nvidia but some of these things are a matter of taste and cannot be looked at as simple fps.                    

Offline unimatrix001

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DX9: why do FX cards look like crap while Radeons look great
« Reply #4 on: October 28, 2003, 10:29:53 PM »
i love my ati aiw9800........ <sigh> too bad its still a dream                    


DX9: why do FX cards look like crap while Radeons look great
« Reply #4 on: October 28, 2003, 10:29:53 PM »

Offline !Synth

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DX9: why do FX cards look like crap while Radeons look great
« Reply #5 on: October 29, 2003, 12:05:37 AM »
well, you coulda said that the pipline had nothing to do with colour-depth and done. jeez.
anyway, radeon cards don't necessarily look better. They look better at similar price points to some people. I am not defending nvidia but some of these things are a matter of taste and cannot be looked at as simple fps.

I'd love to here what exactly you referring to by saying "that the pipline had nothing to do with colour-depth" - please give us the full explanation.

look better? "radeon cards don't necessarily look better" - you mean in terms of actual image quality or in terms of economic value for performance? first u start off by suggesting image quality then you mention price point?

"ATI image quality is typically superior" - that has nothing to do with price points...its a general historical/technical/public opinion fact.

"I am not defending nvidia but some of these things are a matter of taste and cannot be looked at as simple fps" - what does this have to do with the topic of image quality?                    


DX9: why do FX cards look like crap while Radeons look great
« Reply #5 on: October 29, 2003, 12:05:37 AM »


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