Author Topic: Mega Man X: Command Mission  (Read 2503 times)

Offline New Era Outlaw

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Mega Man X: Command Mission
« on: October 16, 2004, 07:35:03 PM »
So, I picked up my copy yesterday, and I must say that this game is pretty alright.

In this game, you play as X, who has been issued by the government to quell an attack by the Rebellion Army, before an indiscriminate attack is launched against Giga City, the centre of this chaos. X is joined by Zero and Shadow on this quest, but, when events unfold, Shadow ends up betraying the team, a new fold of Mavericks emerge, and Zero mysteriously vanishes after being flung off of the tower. X manages to escape by firing his X-Buster at the floor and hurling himself off of the tower, but becomes unconcious. As he awakens, he finds himself in the Resistance Base, where he is about to embark on a new destiny....

All right, that sounded a bit on the corny side, but this game plays great. For those of you familiar with the turn-based system in Final Fantasy X, it's here in Command Mission, although it's a tad harder to get the gist of it until you get used to battle. You start off with X alone, but soon, you get new allies that each have their own unique skills. So far, Spider (the card-tossing bounty hunter), Massimo (a huge guy weilding a huger lance and and the HUGEST insecurity complex that I've seen) and Marino (the petty theif with really big, err....'life affirming jumblies'....heh, heh...) have all joined my party. Zero and Axl, however, are yet to join my party. Bummer.

The graphics are also pretty awesome. It's pretty much what you'd expect from a cell-shaded RPG. X's new costume is simply the bomb, and I just wish he kept it in X8. Other characters are designed very well (especially the new characters), and show some detail worked into them. The environments are simply HUGE, and you'd swear you would spend an eternity getting lost in an area....which is one of the game's flaws, really. Several areas in a stage look alike, and it's easy to get a tad daunted by the repetitiveness. Still, the game is graphically sound here.

I must give credit where credit is due, though....Capcom FINALLY got some decent vioce actors. Zero sounds exactly how he should have been all the time....a cool, 'take-no-prisoners' dude with attitude, that still manages to show some maturity in his voice. X sounds like he does on X7, but this time, no whining (thank GOD). Massimo could have sounded a bit heftier, but it works since he has his own doubts about himself. Spider is awesome....definitely the perfect voice actor for a trickster like himself. The music, though, tends to be a bit boring at times, and at others, just repetitive (the Battle theme), but others, however, simply shine (Zero's theme). It's a mixed bag. The same could be said for the sound effects....some are pleasing to listen to (X's dash and clanking metal boots are well done) while others are SHEERLY annoying (Rabbid bouncing on the floor).

For the Mega Man X fan out there, there's no excuse NOT to get this game. It may be a deviation from the typical run and shoot gameplay of all of the X titles so far, but to me, that's a good thing. After all, variety is the spice of life. You also get a Mega Man X Trading Card (glee!  :lol2: ) as well as a demo of Mega Man X8 (the key is hidden in the Resistance Base, you have to find it first).

So, what are you waiting for?
Go and get it. It'll definitely be worth your time.

Has anybody else gotten, or seen this game?
Please feel free to post your thoughts here.                    


Mega Man X: Command Mission
« on: October 16, 2004, 07:35:03 PM »

Offline Bourbon_Ghost

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Mega Man X: Command Mission
« Reply #1 on: October 19, 2004, 12:49:16 PM »
Era where u does get these games from hoss?
u running an underground ops or something
my connectios not so good! geez :huh:

But this 1 sounding like they mix everything with a little extra                    



Offline DeadEyes

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Mega Man X: Command Mission
« Reply #2 on: October 19, 2004, 01:57:47 PM »
d man hav d linkup breds, either that or no
 :lol:  :lol:  :lol:  :lol:                      

Offline PsiVal

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Mega Man X: Command Mission
« Reply #3 on: October 19, 2004, 04:52:38 PM »
Ppl dont know that punk iz a REAL megaan fanatic...if it mega he have it...he doh lapse when it come 2 lookin dread i have 2 get a peek at that sometime                    
dEaTh Iz Easy LiFe Iz HaRd

Offline New Era Outlaw

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Mega Man X: Command Mission
« Reply #4 on: October 30, 2004, 12:20:47 PM »
Indeed. But, to tell you the truth, I'm a little behind in the titles as of late.
I've STILL to get the two sequels of MegaMan Zero, and don't get me started on MegaMan: Battle Network. I'm WAY behind on that.                    


Mega Man X: Command Mission
« Reply #4 on: October 30, 2004, 12:20:47 PM »


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