on a small note of quality again.wow took wat less than 2 years to make.lienage 2 took 5 years to make up to prelude pathc and has about 6 more years before it reaches the final prelude. wow has nothing on this game interms of quality and staying power
in 1997 when the batltle started between eq and lineage 1,EQ was voted game of the year [much like wow is voted now]yet lineage 1 had a much larger playerbase.[funny how that works aye]lineage 1 did very few adds and functions. 1 main reason for this is lineage 1 was in 2 years of closed beta and 1 year of open beta and was well known on the gaming scene.Yet all these wbesites year after year praised EQ[btw they still rate it number 1 in 2d mmpogs
to prove my worth and my knowledge of wat im saying vs yourshow much money a month do you make from wow.me i pull in aprox 1k tt to 15ktt eveyr month.
wow to the craw
WOW was not designed for cheats and exploiters tuh come and rob players of their hard earned game items and moneyit also encourages u to play and earn what u get not buy it offline
kayode the majority of the features you stated are minor and of measure.
Little things that make WoW great:
2nd thing is your figure you using is from firt few days of sales. i agreeded with you on this. is true reallll men did ead over to wow. but in about a month realll men did ride out same speed. i know this cause of player sale sites and the price of adena and gold.
yes i go give propes to blizzard pr department and advertising.
anmd you wanna tlak about factual show me where eveyr single server has 6000+ people and a 7000+ cap please show me the fact mr factual.
You know wat the real pull to a MMPOG IS to be LEET. men wanna work hard hard no mc to be better than any 1 else. that is the pull to mmpogs. that is deeply rooted in most men. to outdo and be betetr than any 1 else. the pride you take to see your accomplishment after 2 years of work. to walk out in a arena and beat the crap outta men. that is wat a mmpog is suppsoed to be. to have all the noobys looking up seeing you riding a dragon and saying OMFG i wanna be just like Bushman. that is my friend the real draw of the mmpog.