Author Topic: GTA makes cop killers  (Read 5732 times)

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GTA makes cop killers
« on: February 17, 2005, 08:27:27 AM »
Dread, pplz check out this nonesense...
Grand Theft Auto turned kid into cop killer, claim

Trained child to kill

By Nick Farrell: Thursday 17 February 2005, 07:30
RELATIVES OF the victims of an alleged teenage cop-killer are suing the makers and retailers of Grand Theft Auto saying the game was responsible for training him.

The law-suit claims the video game led Devin Thompson, now 18, to shoot two police officers and a dispatcher to death in 2003.

Thompson, who is charged with murder, had played the video game repeatedly. In June 2003 he was brought to the Fayette police station on suspicion of driving a stolen car. In the station, it is claimed that Thompson grabbed one of the officer's guns, shot him and another two, then fled in a patrol car.

The suit claims that Thompson bought \"Grand Theft Auto III\" at the Gamestop in Jasper and \"Grand Theft Auto: Vice City\" at the Jasper Wal-Mart when he was underage.

According to the Tuscaloosa News, the suit claims that Wal-Mart, Game Stop, along with Take-Two Interactive Software, the manufacturer of the games, and Sony Computer Entertainment, the maker of the PlayStation 2 all contributed to the 'training' of Thompson to murder.

Apparently Thompson, when he was apprehended, told officers, \"Life is a video game. You've got to die sometime\".

Personally I think this kid's gotta be a white person (no offense or anything, its just my opinion). Secondly yuh doh see these parents need to be beaten, cavity searched and hung by their toenails? Come on, you bring up a kid POORLY and want to sue a game company for ur negligance... ppl these days, noone wants to own up to their own short comings esp Americans.. ah well thats the way the world goes these days.                    


GTA makes cop killers
« on: February 17, 2005, 08:27:27 AM »

Offline Jarrox

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GTA makes cop killers
« Reply #1 on: February 17, 2005, 09:14:47 AM »
Wat ah ting... "Life is a video game. You've got to die sometime"  :lol:  :lol2:  :D  :rolleyes:  :huh:  :unsure:  :blink:                      
1f U C4n R34d Th1s U R34lly N33d 70 G3t L41d!!!..

Offline TaC_uP

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GTA makes cop killers
« Reply #2 on: February 17, 2005, 10:39:27 AM »
Well y sue sony..... these ppl jsut want money .... one incident and

a very very misleading statement if it were used in courts and u

wanna blame Gta and its developers.. these ppl vex and just want

money... notice THEY SUING BIG COMPANIES..... these ppl looking

for money not for justice.... thats my 2 cents                    

Offline PapaSmurf

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GTA makes cop killers
« Reply #3 on: February 21, 2005, 09:46:38 PM »
if they win, can i sue the makers of tellitubbies for makin my friend gay? I'm hungry for cash too                    
Zetsumyoken......the Miracle Sword descends

Offline orginalvexman

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GTA makes cop killers
« Reply #4 on: February 27, 2005, 09:57:29 PM »
lol @ tele tubbies

we must not for get the poor souls lost to barney also

"adam blame eve for eating the apple eve blame the snake who the snake gone blame"

but seriously  it  always boils back down to home                      


GTA makes cop killers
« Reply #4 on: February 27, 2005, 09:57:29 PM »

Offline TriniXaeno

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GTA makes cop killers
« Reply #5 on: February 27, 2005, 10:38:02 PM »
alyuh need to cut these people some slack.

While you can be a good parent you can't be a perfect parent.

There is bound to be media out there that will slip through the cracks and get into the hands of your children. Especially applicable to video games. Previously considered to be "kid safe" carte blanche.

Nowadays you got to watch a game esrb rating with hawk eyes and even then, probably give it a good play before passing it on to your child.

Even then, what is to stop the child from just swapping his kid safe game with a pal for a less suitable title. Nothing, that's what.

I had to ban kenshin from playing Fable when I realised how "mature" it was. I will bet a million dollars that there are tons of kids in Trinidad playing fable right now who shouldn't be!

The point of the matter is highlighting these sort of incidents will open the eyes of parents who are "good" but not "perfect" and help both the industry and themselves be vigilant about bad games getting into the hands of impressionable youths.

Ultimately, a good thing.                    

Offline ShinSagat

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GTA makes cop killers
« Reply #6 on: February 28, 2005, 10:46:07 AM »
Trailer trash.... People like money to much as it has been said.  I agree wit papa smurf I goin an sue Mario for makin me want to eat mushrooms                    

Hmph...Try again Kid - Sagat

Offline Jarrox

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GTA makes cop killers
« Reply #7 on: February 28, 2005, 11:51:05 AM »
I agree with baego dey! you cant always b sure to see every game that kids pay...

My lil brother had a friend over on carnival monday and they were excited about playing some new game that they get, (well yuh know i done get excited to ) is because when i gone to check this new game my lil 9 year old brother have d same GTA3 and looking to go and play that!  :o
well boy look how i nearly cuss! one time i went tru he friend bag to see wat else he bringing in my house..

had to ban them we!

next thing yuh know he coming to ask me "Come leh we play some F'ing FiFA yuh mc" :blink:  :lol:                      
1f U C4n R34d Th1s U R34lly N33d 70 G3t L41d!!!..

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GTA makes cop killers
« Reply #8 on: March 02, 2005, 11:48:32 AM »
okay, i agree that the media ( video games/movies/ music ) has an influence over the minds of the youth, but at the end of the day, the PARENT is the one responsible for the upbringing of the child.yes they not super, and cah be everywhere.. but i woudl think that teaching them proper values would be a guide for when you not around to see them.

if you didn't teach your child right from wrong, and left that job to the TV, that's no one's fault but yours.. sony didn't bring the child into the world . you did.. and i mean, come on.. anyone over the age of 12 knows that shooting cops = lossin yuh ass in jail .   it have no slack in that, dred.  this clown was how old? 16 at the time? i think at 16 i knew not to shoot no cops, or steal no car.. but thas just me, perhaps

 You mean to say his parents NEVER saw him playing the game? they never even asked what the object of it is ?   come on !!. if my child in front of a screen playing the same game over and over for hours.. it'd at least ask what the game is about.
baego's and Froggo's response at that juncture ( deeming the game inappropriate and BANNING d sweat) was the correct thing.  

there has always been offensive content.. in art, literature, music, and lately(with respect to the other things) videogames.  YOU, not the government or the industry , have to censor these things for your child.
Cuz at the end of the day, if somebody want something.. they coudl very well get it.(case in point: who had porn when dey was in school? i talkin before the net, here.. i had a set of VHS tapes, and i didnt even have a video)

granted, as i said before, advertisement and peer pressure plays a huge part in all this, and , just like cigarettes and alco, it should not directed towards kids. everything has its proper market.

the thing in the states is to blame someone else, and get some money.   but on the other hand , they always sayin they have a 'constituitional right' to do what the france they want.
who they gonna sue next? Nike? cuz he was wearing a pair of shox when he run away?  

actually,  looking at the article, its the victim's relatives who suing...   i guess it's cuz there isnt any money to get from the boy's parents.  now i know i would be out of my mind if my family member gets killed by a punk, but common sense would show that the companies were not responsible.. why didn't they sue the gun maker? hmm? cuz i mean, they provided the gun that shot the cops.. or how about the department.. cuz they had those officers working on shift that night...

nobody held me down and stuffed a cigarette in my mouth..  i knew it was bad, and i still smoked... dumb, yes, but i not gonna say 'is witco fault'.. i stopped FIREBALL smoking, thas what i did.  

so when i get caught smokin in form 3, and get a whole set of ole talk from moms, i take it.. cuz i LOOK for that.

bottom line :- in order to enjoy the freedoms we do, we must all be responsible for our own actions..

sorry for the length.. just got on ramblin

oh, and he's black.
the whiteboys *generally* shoot up the schools ( though they use the same defence )                    

Offline Jarrox

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GTA makes cop killers
« Reply #9 on: March 02, 2005, 01:23:20 PM »
Mr. disciple  wat r u saying really???  :huh:
am i supposed to leave him wit it but tell him it wrong and hope he knows right from wrong?
 :huh:  banning is noe the answer??? :huh:
 remember i talking about a minor here eh.. so he still in the learning faze                    
1f U C4n R34d Th1s U R34lly N33d 70 G3t L41d!!!..

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GTA makes cop killers
« Reply #10 on: March 02, 2005, 06:21:14 PM »
actually,froggo,  i said that what ya'll did ( taking the game away, and banning the sweat) was the correct thing,
...that censorship is in the hands of the parent( or elder brother)  you saw what was going on, and took an interest.  

y'all assumed responsibility, whether it be taking the game away, or checking yuh brother friend to see what else he brought..

values are very important, but are not a cure-all. and as i said, they are to help when u not around to watch over the kids.. when yuh there, however, lay the law down..                    

Offline [P] Striker

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GTA makes cop killers
« Reply #11 on: March 03, 2005, 10:16:12 AM »
Hmmm. I like where this thread is going. I wonder if papasmurf and shin Sagat win their cases, wouldn't open up a floodgate of litigation.

I usrely want to sue the education system for not makin me an A student. Especially when i did all the work i was supposed to. Think i could get the courts to give me Hazel's Audi?                    

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GTA makes cop killers
« Reply #12 on: March 03, 2005, 03:33:11 PM »
this is BS...i still think parents should have control over too is this "Uncle Sam" have dem spoiled to ,they have life to easy then parents could get arrested for just hitting is dat...thats why children over here so these crack heads etc.....i could go whole day about  bad influence this place has on kids if u don't control dem well.....anyways my main point is if dat kid was smart enough to do all that...he should be educated enough to know right from wrong as well...i hard is it...                    

Offline specialK

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GTA makes cop killers
« Reply #13 on: March 03, 2005, 06:32:27 PM »
Um, all the Grand Theft Auto series aren't rated M for Mature? If he is 18 now, then when he bought it he was 16 so he shouldnt even be playing it.. I dont even let my little brother play it. And even if i did, he wouldnt try to jump in somebody's car and run down no policeman. Is just retardness in some people and the want to blame it on somone other than yourself.
oh i almost left out: SPARE THE ROD, SPOIL THE CHILD!!!                    

Offline PapaSmurf

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GTA makes cop killers
« Reply #14 on: March 03, 2005, 09:26:56 PM »

Excellent point. This lawsuit is jusy a smoke screen to divert shame & attention from bad parenting onto an attack on the far richer gaming industry.                    
Zetsumyoken......the Miracle Sword descends

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GTA makes cop killers
« Reply #15 on: March 04, 2005, 05:27:42 AM »
yes, agreed but it does serve a greater good, which is the highlighting of the issue for the "less informed" parents who may not realise just how "innapropriate" gaming material can be.

It's not just mario brothers out there any more.

Nothing like a lil Shock TV/Reporting to get their attention.                    

Offline orginalvexman

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GTA makes cop killers
« Reply #16 on: March 04, 2005, 10:41:46 AM »
but all of allyuh forget when we were younger it  only had 1 tv station  TTT (RIP)  so it was eaier for our parents to control what we watch  and played now most homes will have at least 2 tvs in it  child will go play there games or watch cable in another room while the parents watching tv.

what i am simply saying is that there is to much of a media nower days to keep track of everything yuh children doing  and imagine for the states it worst  yet cause them cah evn hit the child a jump kick in the head if they gettingon stupid.                    

Offline Exar_Kun

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GTA makes cop killers
« Reply #17 on: March 17, 2005, 06:38:31 PM »
I think it's ridiculous trying to blame video games but I can understand how it's possible to end up thinking life is a game.

I doubt anyone here has ever played the Romance of the Three Kingdoms games.But a big trick in them is that events that happen month by month are random so people save and reload till they get what they want.Well once I woke up in the morning and figured this day would suck so I thought that I'd better 'save my life' so I could reload if things go badly.

It just happened for a split second but I suppose some people could take it further.Course at that level the problem is psychological.People that fargone could be set off by anything.                    

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Re: GTA makes cop killers
« Reply #18 on: April 15, 2005, 10:04:06 AM »
I have had enough of this thread. It is dumb and is causing me much undue stress. I think i'm going out to murder and torture some police officers.
Zetsumyoken......the Miracle Sword descends


Re: GTA makes cop killers
« Reply #18 on: April 15, 2005, 10:04:06 AM »


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