Author Topic: Pentium 4 overclocked to 6.3GHz  (Read 6248 times)

Offline Synth

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Pentium 4 overclocked to 6.3GHz
« Reply #20 on: November 12, 2004, 05:29:35 PM »
His FSB won't limit him much, being an overclocker myself i'd know.

  Unless he unlocked his CPU , he won't be able to increase clock speeds without pushing up the FSB, and RAM speeds . To reach 6 ghz he'd need an FSB of close to 400mhz: P4 1600mhz FSB  and a RAM clock of 400mhz/ DDR 800 , the OCZ RAm booster would be essential in this.
         Clock = FSB x Multiplier .
   His cache is directly tied onto his core clock , so it will increase with clock .
 But the latencies will hold him back from truly doubling his performance , i don't see any 1- 1- 1- 1 rated RAM sticks around :P

#1 The cpu used is an ES. So its multiplier is partially unlocked.

#2 He had ratios other than 1:1 which he made use of to attain to ultra high levels of CPU FSB and MEM FSB as pointed out in my previous post.

#3 Why are you explaining all this anyway when camre pointed out he in fact agreed with you points about bottlenecks? He agreed and nothing else was asked which related to the original topic. We are not impressed with all the extra info you have provided. Please stick to original topics of discussion.

#4 DDR2 was designed to scale to very high frequencies. As it gets higher the increase in bandwidth makes up for the higher latencies. Which shouldn't be totally equalled to that of ddr1 that said because of the intend platform it is used on and fact it works on different principal. Of course less latency is usually better.

That said most ddr2 can run at lower latencies that standard especially if given more voltage.

Fugger pumped every part of the system...both fsbs. I will go so far as to say he has more than doubled his performance given all the boosts to his other performance limiting components.

As for all ones...thats impossible. Not now, not in our lifetime.
And even if ram existed which could you have not considered that ram isnt the only limiting factor when it comes to latencies. The rest of the system buses needs time to syncronize with the memory.

And example of such is running at 2-2-5 vs say 2-2-6...Hard drives have been known to get corrupted at such low timings or at the very least mis-timings result in slower hd performance. Yes, memory can and do affect all parts of the system.                    


Pentium 4 overclocked to 6.3GHz
« Reply #20 on: November 12, 2004, 05:29:35 PM »

Offline coldstorm

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Pentium 4 overclocked to 6.3GHz
« Reply #21 on: November 12, 2004, 10:22:17 PM »
well i like to add to ur post synth :P
1-1-1 timing are possible but at very low speed less than 25 Mhz. what use they be at that slow speed is anyones guess but the tech people havn't come up with a way to get lower timing from faster memory speed . so 2-2-2-5 is good  but like u said it could screw up ur hd.when running at such low timming u normall need ecc to help keep the mistimming as low a possible even though ecc double memory price.
as for his cooling with the three phase cooler i was thinking that after the first stage he forces the liquid to become even denser so it loses more heat rather than how u had it since collant in refigurator boil at -56 celcius and become solid at  -180 celceius if my memory serves me right so it possible for him to add another satge and drop temp even lower.
the three phase cooling while it need time to start up to drop temp to -120 it can keep it at that temp constently without u having to pure more colant in it . so if he scalled it back to let say 5.75 maybe even 6.0 ghz he could run the system stable for as long as he wants.
Now let me explain specific heat capacity to trinitherturnofgamers
specific heat capacity is the amount of energy require to raise or lower temprature of a solid,liquid or gass  by 1 degree kelvin. the specific heat capacity of water is 2100 joules per kg. have it heat capcity so high mean water can absorb alot of energy before it raise 1 degree so it is good for cooling cpus. With collant in refigurator the tempreature is already so low it does not matter that it can't absorb so much engery sicne there is a long offset to 0 kelivin.                    

Offline Synth

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Pentium 4 overclocked to 6.3GHz
« Reply #22 on: November 14, 2004, 05:09:45 PM »
You are correct about 1-1-1 being "possible". I am wrong. I should have said impossible at any useful fsb. Hey, I have to assume SOMETHINGS otherwise I'd be explaining my ass off forever :P

Well yes, after 1st stage its basically trying to remove even more energy from the "liquid"...and yes becoming denser is a effect of that process. So yes again your correct.

What I tried to do was simplify the explanation as far as I could since no one seemed to be following me really. What I explained wasnt the full 3 stage just one stage of liquid and one stage of gas. This was done to point out that per phase, alot more energy is being taken away from the *coolant* (and by extension lowers temp more) in case of vapor phase than in liquid; Hence pointing out one way in which using a liquid coolant like LRC makes little sense as used by camre's point.

And yes he could add more stages...but a point will be reached where no amount of additional cooling will bring an increase in o/c ability, nor lower temps more...well unless he changes the gas to something more exotic. Im pretty sure he's reached the limit of that particular cpu.

lol @ specfic heat capacity explanation...I don't even understand what you just said ;)

Watch the engrish! :D                    

Offline Synth

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Pentium 4 overclocked to 6.3GHz
« Reply #23 on: November 14, 2004, 05:11:16 PM »
PM From Camre to ME:

I like you, cause you remind me off my old boss. He loved to stretch a point so far, that the listener (or person on the receiving end of the argument) would get bored and forget the topic that was even being discussed. I call that the talk and wrap tecnique, where you talk so much that you try to wrap the listner and blind them from the topic at hand.

heres my point.

Yes, by my standards, the cooling system seems a tab bit too much. it looks like a time machine.

I have no idea what rocket coolant costs, but I have a feeling it is not cheap. I don't know the guy who did the overclocking, I don't know his budget, I am not telling anyone to get rocket coolant instead of anything.

You said the guy is doing something new and he should protect it or something to that effect, yet you made it abundantly obvious the threshold of silicon's temp limits, I believe you said 100 degrees. Is that F or C? lol

The dude that I saw at the PC fair who did the demonstration with the coolant is retired, and had his badge. The tanks were 'almost empty' and his friend allowed him to get off the base with them. The also had Nasa and all that other details and information stamped into the tank.

All I was saying, is what I saw, which was a guy over clock a cpu, submerged the mobo in the coolant, which was in a clear box, which needed to be sealed because it was evaporating. and after a couple minutes, it began to boil the coolant. I was astonished like all the other patrons at the show.

The END ;)

See ya later aligator

MY Reply:

Dude, you really need some Reading & Comprehension Lessons. I am ALWAYS to the POINT. I don't "drag on", I simply address each and every RELATED point. I always aim to be complete and technically sound in everything I do or say. My time and energy is limited so I only say what needs to be said. No more no less.

The fact you refuse to admit your conclusions have little basis in technical reality didn't help your case.

I was merely pointing out the errors in your thinking/logic. Just because you see or hear doesn't mean its correct or accurate. Thats why understanding the process is so important. Without that all your doing is using someone else information which cannot be validated.

It is your right to have whatever view you wish but you didn't bother to defend/explain your point of view thats one of the reasons why I got on your case so comprehensively.

"I have no idea what rocket coolant costs, but I have a feeling it is not cheap. I don't know the guy who did the overclocking, I don't know his budget, I am not telling anyone to get rocket coolant instead of anything."

If your going to get into a conversation it pays to be informed. Especially when you make general statements without "evidence".

"You said the guy is doing something new and he should protect it or something to that effect, yet you made it abundantly obvious the threshold of silicon's temp limits, I believe you said 100 degrees. Is that F or C? lol"

I have no idea how your coming to such conclusions am I really that hard to follow? Anyone else coming to same or similiar conclusions based on what I say? The guy's process is "new" only in so far he extended a currently know process to be even more effective. In essence from 2 stage to 3 stage.

Yes its degrees celcius. YOU made the point of using LRC and emphasized that rockets used it...a logical mind would come to conclusion that you said it because of rockets high temperatures...thats what made it so effective...the fact that it can withstand such high temps. But THEN you pointed out that it then I said, if LRC can boil at so low a temperature (since processsors max out around 100 degrees) then htf can it withstand rocket temps? In other words your points and logic contradict each other. But even so I still tried to explain your own logic in an attempt to try and make your point clear...

"The dude that I saw at the PC fair who did the demonstration with the coolant is retired, and had his badge. The tanks were 'almost empty' and his friend allowed him to get off the base with them. The also had Nasa and all that other details and information stamped into the tank."

Did you mention ANY of this before? No.

"All I was saying, is what I saw, which was a guy over clock a cpu, submerged the mobo in the coolant, which was in a clear box, which needed to be sealed because it was evaporating. and after a couple minutes, it began to boil the coolant. I was astonished like all the other patrons at the show."

Did you mention it was SEALED? No.

That said nothing in that "experiment" proves anything related to cooling. No temperature measurement. No proof of his overclocking acheivement whatsoever. In fact all that can be concluded from your information is that it was merley a show to impressed people by making lots of bubbles.

Which brings me back to the point of what does this have to do with the topic? Why did you bother to bring this information up? It seems to the logical mind that you said it as a way to prove that his process was overkill. Otherwise what reason did you have for posting it? What does it prove?

"All I was saying, is what I saw, which was a guy over clock a cpu, submerged the mobo in the coolant, which was in a clear box, which needed to be sealed because it was evaporating. and after a couple minutes, it began to boil the coolant. I was astonished like all the other patrons at the show.

The END ;) "

If THATS ALL YOU SAYING then it has nothing to do with original topic and makes no usable points whatsoever.

PS. Since your so interested in submerge cooling he could have easily used mineral oil as "coolant". That should also give nice bubbles.

Lastly as you brought up before, there are a few skilled persons who have the natural ability to argue a point forever. Take note that everything I say is technically sound and most importantly TO THE POINT so again I say your conclusion about my "style" is wrong to say the least.                    

Offline coldstorm

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Pentium 4 overclocked to 6.3GHz
« Reply #24 on: November 14, 2004, 06:20:42 PM »
OH i know what he talking about when they pour the liquid onto it . That stuff cost $300 a gallon evapourtaes at -54 celcius made by 3m techtv back in day had a special with ocing and they used some of that stuff real cool for the unique point of view mothboard in liquid but lacking since container must be air tight and must have refridguration unit inside to keep liquid from boiling. still 3 stage  vapour cooler is a better solution for longer period of time running

defination of specific heat capacity is being used to explain why 3 stage vapour cooler so cool                    


Pentium 4 overclocked to 6.3GHz
« Reply #24 on: November 14, 2004, 06:20:42 PM »

Offline unimatrix001

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Pentium 4 overclocked to 6.3GHz
« Reply #25 on: November 16, 2004, 05:50:16 PM »
aye i does do crappy overclocks...i jess wah hav a number dat is to the nearst 2 significant figures wit my processor.i overclocked my 3.06 to 3.2 jess cus de 3.06 was ah itch in meh eye                    

Offline Bong53

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Pentium 4 overclocked to 6.3GHz
« Reply #26 on: November 23, 2004, 08:54:59 PM »
I'm all about overclocking, I overclock my machine...but with the kind of cost of that, liquid nitrogen and stuff, I think I might just do's really easy to start out in if you use Cluster Knoppix.
Btw...what is the fastest anyone has seen an air cooled barton 2500+ ? mine is currently at 3000, I fell outta the overclocking scene for a while and don't know what's up.

THAT MAN IS AWESOME! 75% overclocking with an INTEL! Unheard of. Simply unheard of.

one more thing...AMD STILL SPANKS INTEL! WHO HAS THE BETTER 64 BIT? YER DAMN SKIPPY IT'S AMD! Sun Microsystems sells AMD machines for a reason. For some odd reason I think that part of it has to do with the crazy bus speed. Just maybe? That's what I thought.

Still though the man deserves mad props, cause I couldn't do that, or at least haven't yet.

Always AMD,
Bong :D                      


Pentium 4 overclocked to 6.3GHz
« Reply #26 on: November 23, 2004, 08:54:59 PM »


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