:-D :-D :-D It's Christmas time for me cuz i jus received the best present!! Chloes's back!! IN YUH FACEAll of alyuh Chloe haters suck salt She back looks like even a mc bomb couldn't stop she . YAY FOR CHLOE!!!But on another note, i'm interested to see why Lana returns to Smallville and do you guys think there would be any romance between Clark and Lois or a 3-way love triangle thing going on? Or if Chloe comes back, 4-way?
I MISS DE DAMN THING!!!! ARGH and they don't even show it on sundays anymore double ARGH....
All de people talking about \"Chloe's Back\"...alyuh realise that regardless of whether she's alive or not, she's not actually on the series.She gone the way of Pete...kicked out to make room for other characters. Her death was only an excuse to bring Lois, who will undoubtedly get more creative play in one season than her cousin did in 3.So for all the hope they danglin in front of you, the fact of the matter is that the only \"Chloe\" anybody getting for this season will be coming out of other characters' mouths...and written on a tombstone.That's good enough for people who didn't like her...is it good enough for you?