i have no idea why i chose this name.i guess i discovered GATT around the same time Carlsberg was introduced in T+Tcaptivated by their ads the name sounded kinda kewl.G0t StuCk WiT It eVer SincE......o_0'*this iz a bit off topic here: BUT did any1 else notice that hellfire has a post count of only 5!wonder h0w He could have afforded 2 buy an AvAtAr and A SiGNatue?.......0_0....
Quotei have no idea why i chose this name.i guess i discovered GATT around the same time Carlsberg was introduced in T+Tcaptivated by their ads the name sounded kinda kewl.G0t StuCk WiT It eVer SincE......o_0'*this iz a bit off topic here: BUT did any1 else notice that hellfire has a post count of only 5!wonder h0w He could have afforded 2 buy an AvAtAr and A SiGNatue?.......0_0....Perhaps somebody donated to him?