most likeyl it will be delayed.....AGAIN!!! not as though my computer can run it but i was looking foward to dat game...but it got delayed...then delayed again... OH THE HUMANITY!!
i think they had a sp 2004 release date in mind in the first place... but did this entire thing to increase the popularity of THE GAME ..... even if it IS total crap.. right now it is more popular than ETM.. and hundreds of thousands of people have already pre ordered it... valve and vivendi are set for a few years well.ETM had more bugs than ME and XP home combined... DODGING? why bother? if the bullet is 1 foot away it will damage you anyhow... graffixx? lags like hell on anything less than lowest settings.. Gameplay? too laggy and buggy to enjoy. Half Life 1 was delayed a whole year as well.. maybe its some kind of sacred tradition? like how every skywalker has blown up a giant space ship by flying inside it?