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Offline androsovic

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« Reply #20 on: September 27, 2003, 05:17:00 PM »
Angel whaz ur scene hoss?i am not your friend.get that straight                    


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« Reply #20 on: September 27, 2003, 05:17:00 PM »

Offline Zero

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« Reply #21 on: September 27, 2003, 06:16:50 PM »
Yeah big up to Ramstein and Korn!! :-D
And Big Down to Androsovic!! that mc :bash:
Yeah and Korn - Good God is ah real Big F*ing tune!!!                    

Offline Rock_Angel

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« Reply #22 on: September 27, 2003, 07:04:38 PM »
iced earth - solitude
faint - linkin park
system of a down rocks!
afi ownzzzz
adam song by blink 182 is such a good song.....i play that a lot
oh and i DO NOT LIKE that lil boy crazy all peppy poppish wannabe brit tryin to be wat she is not hillary duff.....those songs are soooooo irritatin and are so yesterday                    

Offline Bob

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« Reply #23 on: September 27, 2003, 08:51:46 PM »
Cuka Rocka - Once Upon a time in Mexico Soundtrack
I dont wanna grow up - The Ramones
Almost over - Limp bizkit
 Eat you Alive - Limp bizkit
Build a bridge - Limp bizkit
Date rape - Sublime
Wrong way - Sublime
Doin time - Sublime
Paddle out - Sublime             
the world needs snake... only the US needs fisher...

Offline Rock_Angel

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« Reply #24 on: September 27, 2003, 09:06:57 PM »
those are some dred songs samanosuke                    


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« Reply #24 on: September 27, 2003, 09:06:57 PM »


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« Reply #25 on: September 28, 2003, 11:42:26 AM »
well so far all i can say is that i agree with almost everything said here, especially Adam's Song
i also like Anthem Part 2                    

Offline Lafiel

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« Reply #26 on: September 28, 2003, 02:34:17 PM »
she dreams in digital-orgy                    

Offline perfectdrug

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« Reply #27 on: September 28, 2003, 03:50:10 PM »
so did everybody forget perfect circle, nine inch nails,
and no doubt- spider web, ex-girlfriend

oh yeah bush, live, system of a down
and INCUBUS                    
...So take mine like a man, you little weiner==>courtesy NEO...FYI...that\'s UBER gay..

...a drug thats the HIGH not the pill...


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« Reply #28 on: September 28, 2003, 04:54:29 PM »
i like too many from them to name

i prefer don't speak to spider webs, and sunday morning

soad :D                    

Offline Anubis

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« Reply #29 on: September 28, 2003, 05:20:17 PM »
system of a down .... staind .... disturbed ... linkin park... puddle of mud ... goo goo dolls... eminem .... evanescence ... korn ... godsmack... the metallica of the olden days (these days they not all that) ... nickleback... drowning pool... finger eleven... marc anthony... enrique.. mariah carey ... tamia...everclear
hell i could go on and on man
music just rocks no matter the genre ..... back in the days stuff mad to                    
Angeli Ultii ->Angelus Humarai…Edax Omnium**post tenebras lux**(dum spiro spera)
Angel of vengence->Angelus Humarai...consumer of all things**after darkness comes light**(while i breath i hope)

Offline Set

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« Reply #30 on: September 28, 2003, 05:20:58 PM »
true talk
too many songs from too many artists for me to post                    

Offline Crixx_Creww

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« Reply #31 on: September 28, 2003, 06:24:44 PM »
ah man name zero x call dong ah serious band dere

3 doors dong
when iam gone
here without me

looser does give me goose bumbs

LP forever, anything and everythign from them

chevelle and afi real doin it for me dese days dread waysss

cold play is like wow


LIKE...... OH GOD WOW!                    

Offline Demon

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« Reply #32 on: September 28, 2003, 06:28:18 PM »
system of a down .... staind .... disturbed ... linkin park... puddle of mud ... goo goo dolls... eminem .... evanescence ... korn ... godsmack... the metallica of the olden days (these days they not all that) ... nickleback... drowning pool... finger eleven... marc anthony... enrique.. mariah carey ... tamia...everclear  
hell i could go on and on man  
music just rocks no matter the genre ..... back in the days stuff mad to

Most of my playlist right there yes                    

Offline Zero-X

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« Reply #33 on: September 29, 2003, 01:41:15 PM »
Linkin Park - both albums
Three Doors Down - When i'm Gone
Maroon 5 - Harder to breathe
Avril Lavigne - the ENTIRE album :D
Creed - all 3 albums
System of a down - Aerials/Forest/Chop suey
Limp Bizkit - My way or the Highway/Rollin'
Train - Calling all Angels
Lifehouse - Take me Away
Ramstein - all tracks
Iced Earth.....

and i have my own song which i shall post later on in the thread....                    
It\'s Not Over Yet, not by a long shot.....

May your soul be spared by the miraculous sword from heaven......Zetsumyoken


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« Reply #34 on: September 29, 2003, 03:29:11 PM »
aye pple, i dunno how many of u got this eh, but as much as i like the Avril Lavigne album, this woman here have some serious points
(i apologize for any obcsenities in this article, they are not mine :)) :

Avril Lavigne: Rising Star or Rising Asshole?
Written by Jessica Zietz
Disclaimer: This is NOT an anti Avril Lavigne site. This is a music magazine. Within the magazine there's an articles section, and within that section there is this article. Please take the time to look at the rest of the site before you ask me why I run an Avril site. Also, before you email me:
- I do not devote my life to hating Avril Lavigne. I spent a few hours writing this article in July. How that constitutes obsession or having nothing better to do is beyond me.
- I run a music magazine. It is my job to express my opinions on music. Don't tell me to keep it to myself.
- Why do I know so much about her if I hate her so much? It's called research. I was not going to bash her without knowing my shit first. I don't listen to her music or look for interviews with her because I secretly want to be her. Why waste time writing something like this if you can't back up what you're saying?
-If you can't form an intelligent thought or think of something halfway decent to say ("you suck avril rulez" is not intelligent), don't bother. I will not respond.
- To the pathetic, 11-13 year old Cult of Avril I'm-so-punk-because-I-shop -at-Hot-Topic-and-listen-to- Avril-and-like-sk8er-boiz members: Welcome to the real world. Not everyone is going to like everything that you like. Please get over it.
"The next time you get the urge to shut somebody up because they don't see the world exactly the same way you do, take a deep breath, get out your Bill of Rights, and count to the ten amendments."- Dennis Miller

Avril Lavigne. Just seeing the name sends a trickle of pure disgust down my spine. Why, you ask? I mean, her songs are so deep! Her clothes are so cute! She doesn't care what anyone thinks of her! She's like, totally punk rawk! Well, my little brainwashed ones, I'm afraid I'm going to have to disagree. Let's see...where shall we start?
Avril Lavigne is a pop singer feeding off of the new punk trend. Apparently, she (along with all her fans) missed the bulletin notifying those of us whose minds aren't quite as impressionable that dressing in every article of clothing ever put out by Hot Topic does not make you punk. Clothing should not define a musician's style. Rather (and here's a real challenging idea for you), their MUSIC should. Yet, the brainless youth of America continues to eat it up, as they do with anything and everything they're spoon-fed by the media, top 40 radio, and the sadistic, brainwashing, greedy trend whores better known as MTV executives.
In a recent magazine article, Avril proclaimed, "I don't write 'Oh-baby-baby' songs. I'm a skater punk who writes guitar driven rock." Yet one listen of the record proves otherwise. It is an album of mostly slower, pop-rock tunes that would have felt at home on Mandy Moore's latest record. Avril can't seem to understand that, as much as she tries to give off a different image with what she wears, she is a POP singer. Uh-oh, here comes the retort from angry Avril worshippers.
"She's not pop! She's rock! And she writes songs and plays guitar!"
Calm yourselves, kiddies. This attack has only just begun. Stay with me as I dissect Avril's music, image, fakeness, and hypocrisy.
Annoyance #One: Avril the Songwriter
In J-14's August issue, Avril explained her songwriting process. "Once I sit down with the guitar, I write about what I'm feeling that day." However, in the July 1st edition of Time Magazine, Ms. Lavigne admitted, "I sit down with a guitar player usually."
A guitar player. As in someone who is not her playing the guitar. Which is it, Avril? Furthermore, a look at the songwriting credits on her CD will reveal that each song was cowritten with a multitude of professional songwriters. Anyone can spit out a couple rhyming sentences, maybe even a melody here or there, when they're being guided by experts. (Britney Spears did it- is it necessary for me to say much more?) One can't help but wonder just how much of those songs was written by Avril. Yet, in that same J-14 article, she claimed, "I wrote all those songs when I was sixteen." The credits tell otherwise, and somehow I'm not buying the Avril-did-it-all version of the story.
Don't get too angry just yet. There's nothing wrong with receiving some help writing songs. However, Avril is being touted as some guitar-playing, songwriting prodigy when, in reality, she's not the only force behind those tracks. But that's what sells, so I guess that makes it alright to lie, exaggerate, and present yourself as some virtuoso.
Annoyance #Two: Avril the Guitar Player
It's pretty impossible to read an article on Avril Lavigne that doesn't mention Michelle Branch. In fact, a recent article in YM stated, "She rocks harder on the guitar than Michelle Branch." Remember that trickle of disgust flowing down my spine? There it is again. You see, Michelle Branch got her big break when she opened up for Hanson- just her, a guitar, and some undeniable raw talent. When performing, be it for TV, a live concert, a radio show, whatever- she always plays her guitar.
That's not the case with Lavigne. In numerous pictures of the singer (and I stress singer, not musician) performing, as well as the television appearances I've seen, Avril merely sings. In her acoustic sessions with AOL, she sang while a member of her band strummed along on acoustic guitar. Any half-decent musician who constantly states that she plays guitar would have proven herself then and there. A article reviewing a recent Avril performance mentioned that she strapped on the guitar for one song, claiming, "I suck." If someone like Britney Spears or Mandy Moore, who call themselves singers/entertainers and not musicians, played guitar for one song during a concert, I'd be impressed. Yet Avril constantly talks about how she plays guitar...why wouldn't she play it live? There's simply no excuse. And playing the few chords that she does know does not constitute a true musician. Furthermore, a look at the album credits show that Avril played guitar for only ONE song. Now that's a real guitar player.
Annoyance #Three: Avril the Lyricist
"I never spend less than an hour
Washin' my hair in the shower
It always takes five hours to make it straight
So I'll braid it in a zillion braids
Though it may take a friggin' day
There's nothin' else better to do anyway."
- "My World"
That's uh...deep.
"He was a boy, she was a girl
Can I make it any more obvious?"
Well, you sure as hell couldn't make it any more juvenile.
"He's just a boy, and I'm just a girl
Can I make it anymore obvious?
We are in love, haven't you heard, how we rock each other's world?

I'm with the sk8er boi, I said see you later boy
I'll be backstage after the show
I'll be at the studio singing the song we wrote
About a girl you used to know."
- "Sk8er Boi"
First of all, the fact that it's spelled like that is enough to make me vomit all over myself. I thought no one over the age of thirteen wrote a sentence that looked like, "U R 2 Kewl 2 B 4 GOT N." Second, the lyrics are flat out ridiculous. Boy meets girl, girl is too good for boy, boy becomes big star, girl regrets it, boy meets Avril, boy and Avril live happily ever after. My imaginary nine year old sister could have penned better lyrics.
"Went back home again
This sucks, gotta pack up and leave again
Say goodbye to all my friends
Can't say when I'll be there again
Its time now
I turn around
Turn my back on everything"
- "Mobile"
Well, cry her a fucking river. Avril, darling, you chose that lifestyle. You chose to drop out of high school, move to LA, and pursue your career. Deal with the consequences.
"I'm feeling nervous
Trying to be so perfect
Cause I know you're worth it
You're worth it

La da da da La da da da"

- "Things I'll Never Say"
No "Oh baby baby" songs? There's nothing wrong with a love song or two. Yet she disses them every chance she gets...and goes and sings lines that are just as mushy. For example, also found in "Things I'll Never Say":

"If I could say what I want to say
I’d say I want to blow you away
Be with you every night
Am I squeezing you too tight?
If I could say what I want to see
I want to see you go down
On one knee
Marry me today"
At least Britney never proposed marriage.
Oh, and here's a bright idea for Avril to prove how punk she is. Let's have her RAP in a song. Because, ya know, most punk bands always include a rap bit or two in their songs. Here's an excerpt from "Nobody's Fool," also known as Avril's audition for Cash Money Millionaires.
"I'm not the milk and Cheerios in your spoon,
It's not a simple here we go not so soon,
I might have fallen for that when I was 14
And a little more green."

That inconceivably ridiculous first line speaks for itself. The second makes no sense whatsoever, I've no qualms with the third, and the fourth...Avril, the writing is lacking. Perhaps you shouldn't have been so quick to drop out.
"If you're trying to turn me into someone else
It's easy to see I'm not down with that
I'm not nobody's fool."
Could've fooled me. (Yes, I crack myself up.)
Annoyance #Four: Avril the Wannabe Punk Rocker
"When it is suggested that even then her tastes were kind of pop-oriented, her head snaps up as though she's been slapped. 'New country,' she says, as though pop music is somehow less cool than new country. Then again, it seems any music is better than pop music in Lavigne's eyes. Later, when it is mentioned that she seems poised for pop stardom, she is quick to correct. 'No, no, no. Rock stardom,' she says forcefully. 'I don't like using the term pop star because that's not my personality. My personality is like a rock star. I'm hardcore.'" (Taken from
Rock star? Hardcore? Anything but pop? Keep dreaming, Avril. Take one listen to that CD- it's pure pop with a tinge of rock here and there. A song doesn't need slick Neptunes production for it to be radio-friendly pop song that appeals to bubblegum music lovers. And the upbeat track "Naked" is undeniably, well, poppy.
And don't think I'm too evil. I can admit when a song of hers is good. In researching for this article, I downloaded them all. I think "Too Much To Ask" is a pretty good song and "Complicated" consistently gets stuck in my head. However, they're being sung by someone who's always claiming to be one thing, then singing music that's all the opposite. And isn't that what she vents about in "Complicated" anyway? Which leads me to...
Annoyance #Five: Avril the Hypocrite
"You're trying to be cool/You look like a fool to me."
The single making Avril famous, "Complicated," is a song about someone who changes their looks and personality to impress other people. Yet, in the video, Avril and crew are trashing the mall and causing all kinds of problems. Avril the rebel even smashes her guitar at the end of the video. (What a shame, it was just like new, seeing as how she strums it maybe three times throughout the entire song.) She tries to come off as this too-cool-for-school bitch with an attitude while she whines about someone who's doing the same thing to her. There's a word for that. I believe it's called hypocrisy.
She's a constant contradiction. She skateboards in the video, poses for publicity shots with the board, tells YM magazine that she's good at it...Yet, in an interview with MTV, she discussed how the director of the "Complicated" video wanted her to skate in it. Ms. Tony Hawk protested, "No, dude, I suck!" Make up your mind, Avril.
Moreover, she recently told Elle Girl, "Today, I rejected some gorgeous publicity shots because they just didn't look like me. I won't wear skanky clothes that show off my booty, my belly, or boobs. I have a great body. I could be Britney. I could be better than Britney."
No one could be Britney. I'm not a huge fan of hers, but her popularity and success are mind-blowing. For Avril to arrogantly declare that she could do even better than one of the most successful teen pop artists ever is ludicrous (and a bit too cocky for my liking). And if she's so against posing in slutty clothes, why didn't she throw in some of that bitchy attitude she seems so proud of and refuse to wear the outfits to begin with? The story simply isn't adding up.
Annoyance #Six: Avril the Packaged Product
Unless you're living in Tanzania, you've probably noticed that punk music is edging back into the mainstream. The demand for Britney and NSYNC is down and this means less money for the music execs who buy their Porsches and mansions with money made from teen stars. Time for a new plan. It amazes me that so few people see through this. Avril is dressed in Dickies, ties, studded jewelery, Chuck Taylors- most of which isn't usually worn by the pop fans. Furthermore, she's being hyped up as the songwriter/guitarist that I attacked earlier. She calls herself a skater punk, categorizes her music as rock and punk, poses in pictures with a skateboard...yet her music is anything but what such fashion would suggest. Being punk does not come from wearing the right thing. However the image is helping her to sell more records because it's what's popular now. One look through any teen magazine will reveal models dressed in clothing just like hers.
And let's not forget the fake tattoos she wears on her arms. Cause that's like, ya know, sooo totally hardcore. Let me go draw a big skull and crossbones on my arm so that I can be punk too. Please.
Yet another thing adding to her image that sells so well- upon visit to her official website, "Sk8er Boi," the only remotely faster rock song on the album, begins blaring. Obviously, they want the visitors to form an impression of Avril's music based on that song, when in reality, the rest of the album simply doesn't sound like that.
Avril Lavigne just seems fake, plain and simple. She tries to pull off this tormented, wounded puppy look in the "Complicated" video. She emphasizes her songwriting and guitar playing, yet had numerous songwriters work on her album, while the guitar is rarely strapped around her body when the music is live.
A member of an Anti-Avril community on Live Journal pointed out, "And if she takes all this time trying to label all of her music, she probably isn't what she says she is, cause she has to prove everything through her clothes. Your personality should come from the music you create, and if you are that pathetic to keep on classifying it, might as well forget it." Well done. I couldn't have said it better myself.                    

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« Reply #35 on: September 29, 2003, 04:08:17 PM »
Whoa! i mean WHOA!!!!!!!
i only read up to (Annoyance #Two)
i done that crap too freaking long
(Written by Jessica Zietz)

That lady needs to get a life or something..sheesh :-|                    

Offline mangoseed_89

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« Reply #36 on: September 29, 2003, 04:37:48 PM »
goosh boy
at least on the old forums it had some people who like reggae and all that
but now iz only rock
my word...                    


Offline Bob

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« Reply #37 on: September 30, 2003, 11:12:38 AM »
Goldfinger- Pick a fight
Goldfinger - F@*ck you and your cat
Goldfinger - Superman
Goldfinger - This lonely place
Bad Religion - You
Bad Religion - Leaders and followers
Afi - the boy who destroyed the world
Pennywise - F@*ck authority
Pennywise - greed
Rancid - maxwell murder
The Vandals - Eurobarge
The Vandals - Anarchy burger
Suicidal Tendencies - Psycho Vision
Guttermouth - skaters anthem
Misfits - american psycho
Nofx - Mr Jones
Nofx - Whats the matter with parents today
Sum 41 - Anic
Sum 41 - What we're all about
Sublime - Badfish
Sublime - 40. oz to freedom
Sublime - burritos
Sublime - smoke 2 joints
One minute silence - And some ya lose
Quarashi - Stick em up
Primer 55 - breakin loose
Bionic Jive - I shot lucifer             
the world needs snake... only the US needs fisher...

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« Reply #38 on: September 30, 2003, 01:11:38 PM »
goosh boy  
at least on the old forums it had some people who like reggae and all that
but now iz only rock
my word...

Rock music is the greatest thing that ever happened...... :D                    
It\'s Not Over Yet, not by a long shot.....

May your soul be spared by the miraculous sword from heaven......Zetsumyoken

Offline mangoseed_89

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« Reply #39 on: September 30, 2003, 02:38:14 PM »
well all i goin an talk bout is rap and reggae.. :-D                    



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« Reply #39 on: September 30, 2003, 02:38:14 PM »


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