Author Topic: BATTLE OF THE HEROES  (Read 50591 times)

Offline ShowTime

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« Reply #140 on: March 10, 2004, 12:07:20 AM »
such a waste of break

trying to get technical with me by stating that iam speaking of dragon ball gt
then going and doin something as stupid as talking bout dragon ball z


dragon ball z is the same as dragon ball!, stupid ass funimation split it into dragon ball and dragon ballz for the stupid dumbass zero attention span americans.

here a tissue, go erase yur self from existence.

Being stupid enuff to say that ssj 1 could beat super man?
are you foaking doltish?

stop brown nosing to fault

dont ever call lord kal el's name in vain again

I "know nothing".  How illogical is that statement?  Now let's review.  FUNimation is responsible for alot of crap that has degenerated Dragonball and Dragonball Z, and even GT (yes, GT can and has gotten worse).  But the simple fact that Dragonball, Dragonball Z and Dragonball GT was around and liscenced as such before FUNimation even had the liscence for Dragonball Z means that they couldn't possibly have had anything to do with the naming or seperation of Dragonball, Dragonball Z, or Dragonball GT episodes or of the series itself.  That was done by Toei Animations, the company I hold responsible for the mistake of 'GT'.

And let's backtrack.  I'm a waste of break b/c i dont think that Superman is the best thing around?  I'm a waste of break b/c i have an opinion that's different from yours?  I'm a waste of break b/c I dont try to force my opinion on others?  Is that why?

Brown nosing Fault?  YOU"RE the one that brought up Fault in the first place.  I simply answered your question.  And I didn't lie. I'm a boss.

You know what I think.  I think you have no idea what your talking about (besides about Superman, you seem to be overly knowledgable about that) and i think you're just talking out of your arse!  Nothing you have said has any proof.  If your going to talk DBZ with me, you better come with something better than "There is no Dragonball Z!!!"  

Seriously lame                    


« Reply #140 on: March 10, 2004, 12:07:20 AM »

Offline Crixx_Creww

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« Reply #141 on: March 10, 2004, 09:11:48 AM »
wow, the man answering his own questions and answering them wrong to yes.

Your wrong about Toei, they sold funimation the licensing but they had nothing to do with the seperation of db into dbz.

If your a true anime fan, yuve seen db jap. in which case yud realise that there is no dbz in jap, its only db and then dbgt.


THERE IS NO MORE! so how could it possibly get any worse than it already is?

reading is friggin fundamental son!

and as for your existence as a waste of break, accept it, we all have our limitations, so deal with it.
I mentioned fault cause he is the leader of fear thats all.

As for your opinion, your opinion ceases to matter when its wrong.
I am not stating my opinion in these matters, i am speaking on emperical truths. There is no other answer.                    

Offline ShowTime

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« Reply #142 on: March 10, 2004, 12:45:22 PM »
Ya know, for someone who's wrong about alot of things, you sure do talk alot.  

1. Fault is not the leader of FEAR.  I think I would know.  But if you want you could ask him.  Or maybe ShinIori.

2. I have in my possesion over half of Dragonball Z and GT in original japanese English subtitle.  Even the movies supposedly during the DBZ timeline are titled Dragonball Z during the start up and during the episode titles and even during the original japanese commercials.

3.  I speak about GT like that b/c I've have seen how GT has been translated by FUNimation and they have not done a good job.  They have basically kept the same anime and instead of translating it, they basically rewrote most of the script to fit a younger audience.  Adding one-liners, cheesy jokes, and the overuse of stereotypical character voice-overs they HAVE made the anime worse than it already is.  It's bad enough that GT has too many plot holes, they have to go and mess up the script.

4.  You talk too much.  Come back when you have something better than insults that take away from the fact that you don't know what you're talking about.                    

Offline Heady

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« Reply #143 on: March 10, 2004, 03:33:22 PM »
uhhhhh do u two need some privacy of something.

cause i could got to another thread.

*handsome feels the heat and goes on to another thread*                    

Offline Angelus

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« Reply #144 on: March 10, 2004, 05:37:59 PM »
batman would win because he usually studies an oppoent weakest  point to the nth degree ....(any foe do matter how powerful)...but without kyptonite he could get beat down by kal-el (superman)                    


« Reply #144 on: March 10, 2004, 05:37:59 PM »

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« Reply #145 on: March 12, 2004, 12:17:07 AM »
See, no response.  I told you I was a boss!
Hell, I should be a super hero.  

"SHOWTIME!!" The Action Figure.........nah, I'd over-sell                    

Offline ShinIori

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« Reply #146 on: March 12, 2004, 12:42:56 AM »
Let`s be Realistic.
Superman is strong.
But even Radditz would be able to pound his face in.
Thats all.
No explaination necessary. Watch DBZ to find out.                    

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« Reply #147 on: March 12, 2004, 01:08:32 AM »
Batman...btw wolverine is a waste of time he is not focused and too chaotic...sure he has the claws and the healing factor but he lacks strategy and patience and that will always make him inferior to batman and spider-man. Note the characteristic of great heros are their abilities to adapt to any situation.
wolverine conclusion: just a wild guy that can really take alot of licks (which comes in quite handy since he receives quite alot of it on a regular basis)

Buh you freaking MAD or wha?!!
If you've read several back-up issues of Wolverine, you'd know that saying Wolverine doesn't have strategy or patience is a load of CRAP!!!
Watch the issues when he finally takes out the Scottish assassin, McLeish.
Or how about the time he purposely went berserk when he learned that Mr. X was telepathic during a Deathmatch with him, just so he won't be predictable? STRATEGY!!!
And know this...

If Wolverine had no patience, a lot MORE people would be DEAD.
The most recent example being his confrontation with the drug smuggler, Rojas. Despite the provoking she gave him, he still restrained himself, and even patiently waited [even if only for a short while] for her to shut up. Even self, he still didn't kill her when he got mad.

You need to do some research before you accuse one of THE greatest heroes of being completely reckless, son. You, apparently, haven't done enough reading.                    

Offline QDizzle

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« Reply #148 on: March 12, 2004, 01:40:47 AM »
TELL THE FOAKING MC like it is outlaw if i did pass in this thread an see he did post that before i woulda cuss whey he mc and put him in his place wolverine is one of the most powerful mutants ever and imo would b second in command if superman was to uhmm should i say resign  anywyas i would really tink that these idiots would think before dey talk and if they want to say sumthing and cyar back it up then stfu cause yuh makin yuh self look like a psycho dunpeal
that would be all                    

Offline ShowTime

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« Reply #149 on: March 12, 2004, 01:45:45 AM »
Note the characteristic of great heros are their abilities to adapt to any situation.

So wait, what he go say about Superman?                    

Offline QDizzle

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« Reply #150 on: March 12, 2004, 12:40:12 PM »
hoss plz doh start u really lookin fuh bachannal overs dat nah                    

Offline Crixx_Creww

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« Reply #151 on: March 12, 2004, 02:34:00 PM »
dizzle talkin truth

showtime better calm he self with he stupid talk before i have to pull out my pen and list it for him.

I WILL write a 5 page essay on superman's qualifications as THE super hero.

And shin iori, why de ass you go encourage showtime in he ish talk by sayin something as stupid as raditz could beat superman?>

 hes not even a bloody super saiyajin!

WHAT MESS ALYUH TALKIN!!                    

Offline ShowTime

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« Reply #152 on: March 12, 2004, 03:51:38 PM »
Note the characteristic of great heros are their abilities to adapt to any situation.

So wait, what he go say about Superman?

He was talking about THIS comment you igorant jackass.  WHAT THE HELL IS WRONG WITH YOU??  JESUS CHRIST!!!!

But enough of that.  I don't need to get mad to prove you wrong.
Here goes.

1. My point that I was going to make, but i let it go b/c of Qdizzle, was this, if coledraft said that an attribute of a hero is to adapt to any situation then Superman is a given.  Maybe too much so.  Superman already being stronger and faster than everyone (In DC) doesn't really need to do that, because it doesn't matter.  Really, who cares if he gets hit by a missile or something b/c when the smoke clears, he'll be alright.  Hell, not even his clothes are affected.  He's almost TOO Superman.  Maybe that's what makes him a hero, but it also makes him boring.  You already know the outcome. "Superman's gonna win" BECAUSE AND ONLY BECAUSE he's 'stronger and faster and has more powers than anyone and the least weaknesses'.

2. Dizzle was talking about the controversy that had existed earlier about the whole Batman/Superman thing being brought up again and I agreed.  THAT's why I didn't post anything after.  

3. And what mess are you talking?  HAVE YOU EVEN SEEN AT LEAST ONE EPISODE OF DRAGONBALL Z?  How could you have common sense when you're saying that ANYBODY from DC stands a chance against men from DBZ?  From since Dragonball, Frieza destroying planets with one finger.  It have men like Vegeta and Nappa, destroying and taking over planets, conquering whole planets with NO effort.    

Goku from Dragonball wipe out a whole army with one kamehameha.  And even in Dragonball Z, he get level lixx from Raditz.  Raditz was no pushover.  I understand that your a Superman fan or whatever.  But if you're arguing power and speed in Dragonball Z, then you must really like losing battles.  (reference: U arguing Soul Calibur with Imperial)

Dred, it have fights where normal men can't even see what going on.  Hell, it have fights where people who used to fighting with Goku and dem can't even see what going on.  That is speed hoss.  Aight, when someone punch at Goku and he moving so fast that it look like the punch going straight through him, that is speed.  I dont think I need to argue power, but obviously you haven't seen DBZ so i will.  It have men powering up, and people feeling the ground shake in other demensions.  It have men like Gohan and Gotenks, who kickin people and they exploding.  These people fight for a living.  Even if they don't fight, they still get stronger.  Plus not to even mention the other various powerups.  People killing people just by their aura.

And that's just vague events, I haven't even gone into detail.  Like Vegetto fighting Buu with just his feet.  Cell absorbing people.  It have dred men like Janemba, Hildegarn, Bojack, Androids 8, 13-20, Kooler, Brolly, etc. Goku comin back from the dead and still fighting and still beatin men.

Crackers man, it's IMPOSSIBLE, you CANNOT argue Dragonball Z with me.  There is NO way that Superman compares.  NONE.  Face the fact that you can be wrong and that Superman is not the Strongest cartoon character ever made.  Again, you have opened your mouth and said a bunch of level crap without any supporting details.  You simply keeping pointing to your opinion that "Superman is the best because he's strong and fast" and nothing else to go with it.  

Go, watch some dragonball z and understand.  Don't come back until you're more open minded. I know what I"M talking you?                    

Offline Crixx_Creww

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« Reply #153 on: March 12, 2004, 04:40:12 PM »
Note the characteristic of great heros are their abilities to adapt to any situation.

So wait, what he go say about Superman?

He was talking about THIS comment you igorant jackass.  WHAT THE HELL IS WRONG WITH YOU??  JESUS CHRIST!!!!

But enough of that.  I don't need to get mad to prove you wrong.
Here goes.

1. My point that I was going to make, but i let it go b/c of Qdizzle, was this, if coledraft said that an attribute of a hero is to adapt to any situation then Superman is a given.  Maybe too much so.  Superman already being stronger and faster than everyone (In DC) doesn't really need to do that, because it doesn't matter.  Really, who cares if he gets hit by a missile or something b/c when the smoke clears, he'll be alright.  Hell, not even his clothes are affected.  He's almost TOO Superman.  Maybe that's what makes him a hero, but it also makes him boring.  You already know the outcome. "Superman's gonna win" BECAUSE AND ONLY BECAUSE he's 'stronger and faster and has more powers than anyone and the least weaknesses'.

2. Dizzle was talking about the controversy that had existed earlier about the whole Batman/Superman thing being brought up again and I agreed.  THAT's why I didn't post anything after.  

3. And what mess are you talking?  HAVE YOU EVEN SEEN AT LEAST ONE EPISODE OF DRAGONBALL Z?  How could you have common sense when you're saying that ANYBODY from DC stands a chance against men from DBZ?  From since Dragonball, Frieza destroying planets with one finger.  It have men like Vegeta and Nappa, destroying and taking over planets, conquering whole planets with NO effort.    

Goku from Dragonball wipe out a whole army with one kamehameha.  And even in Dragonball Z, he get level lixx from Raditz.  Raditz was no pushover.  I understand that your a Superman fan or whatever.  But if you're arguing power and speed in Dragonball Z, then you must really like losing battles.  (reference: U arguing Soul Calibur with Imperial)

Dred, it have fights where normal men can't even see what going on.  Hell, it have fights where people who used to fighting with Goku and dem can't even see what going on.  That is speed hoss.  Aight, when someone punch at Goku and he moving so fast that it look like the punch going straight through him, that is speed.  I dont think I need to argue power, but obviously you haven't seen DBZ so i will.  It have men powering up, and people feeling the ground shake in other demensions.  It have men like Gohan and Gotenks, who kickin people and they exploding.  These people fight for a living.  Even if they don't fight, they still get stronger.  Plus not to even mention the other various powerups.  People killing people just by their aura.

And that's just vague events, I haven't even gone into detail.  Like Vegetto fighting Buu with just his feet.  Cell absorbing people.  It have dred men like Janemba, Hildegarn, Bojack, Androids 8, 13-20, Kooler, Brolly, etc. Goku comin back from the dead and still fighting and still beatin men.

Crackers man, it's IMPOSSIBLE, you CANNOT argue Dragonball Z with me.  There is NO way that Superman compares.  NONE.  Face the fact that you can be wrong and that Superman is not the Strongest cartoon character ever made.  Again, you have opened your mouth and said a bunch of level crap without any supporting details.  You simply keeping pointing to your opinion that "Superman is the best because he's strong and fast" and nothing else to go with it.  

Go, watch some dragonball z and understand.  Don't come back until you're more open minded. I know what I"M talking you?

First thing.
I want you to go and re read my post about raditz and superman.

Did i mention anything about the other saiyajins? or the other entities in dbz?
NO. you are saying that superman cant compare with any of the characters in dbz and that is utter nonsense.

You must be  seriously on drugs if yu trying to tell me that superman cant defeat kryllin or mr satan.THey are characters in dbz. Can super man defeat muten roushi? OF course he can, dont be a dolt.

Can he defeat raditz? MOST DEFINATELY!  Think back showtime, think back to the level that picolo and goku were when they fought raditz, they were ants compared to the levels of vegetta and nappa at the time. And even nappa and vegeta were weak compared to frieza, who was weak compared to trunks, who was weak compared to cell and so on and so forth.

I didnt say that superman could defeat everyone in the dbz universe at everysingle timeline. THats impossible, the writers of that show went wayyyy over board in the  creation of there characters. they made mortals infintely more powerful than even the gods and that right there is a huge mistake by any writer.

Back to the fights, your talking bout people not being able to follow a fight with goku and the others cause they are moving so fast. Fast indeed. Light speed no.

Super man can and has destroyed worlds with his bare fists, not some unrealistically huge energy ball, but with his fists.

Goku and the host of saiyajins, including brolly, are not invulnerable but superman is. A fist fight against superman is completely and utterly futile!

But of course as i mentioned, they have there host of insanely over powerful energy based moves that allow them to be more powerful than gods. Case in point, uu buu and brolly.'

You obviously have very limited knowledge on superman's abilities and exactly how powerful he is. Your statements regarding superman winning situations only because hes strong and fast are completely ignorant, there are others who are strong and fast in the D.C world, flash for example, the brand new flash, newly ressurected from the dead and given the speed force is faster than superman by about one class making superman now the second faster individual in the d.c world. Flash is fast, do you see flash saving the world in the manner in which superman does? Hell no.
He cant. hes too human.
There are some jobs that are simply way to big for mere humans, and thats where superman takes all precedence. Icon is another d.c character that just may be close to superman's strength, but doesnt have his speed invulnerability, experience energy matrix ,tactile telekenesis to be SUPERMAN.

Iam sure yu have no idea what supermans complete array of powers and abilities are so i wont confuse you with them. Hes not all brawn. Pick up a comic .

So  to recap, iam not saying he can beat every single person at every single time in dbz.

Raditz stands no chance against him.

Goku would only stand a chance at ssj 4 or as veggeto with vegetta, using some abstract insane technique.

And if you think you know oh so much about dbz, then please clarify for me. Who is the single most powerful character in dbz.                    

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« Reply #154 on: March 12, 2004, 04:54:09 PM »
Finally, you're actually thinking about what you're saying before you type.  That's all.  I don't care about this stupid debate.  I've been through this too many times with closeminded people who've only read Superman comics they're whole life and have only seen DBZ on Toonami and call it crap.  If we were to actually argue our two opinions, it would go on forever, I just wanted you to start THINKING about why you have that opinion and to stop making empty statements and insults that take away from your arguement.

And to answer your question.  Vegetto.  Vegetto is a completely seperate character, though having both attributes from Kakarotto and Vegeta.  His powers have seemed to have no limits as he's never had the need to power up fully.  And he has humilitated the (arguably) strongest form of Buu.  

But, if your not satisfied with that answer and you personally consider Vegetto to not be a seperate character, then I would have to say Pan is the strongest person in Dragonball Z.  At the end of DBZ, where Pan is introduced, it is said that she has the most power in Goku's whole family, even more than him.  Uub was around at the time, though he could not be sensed, but Goku had become stronger than him.  Gohan, even with his mystic abilities stopped Training and again grew weaker.  Vegeta also stopped training as much if you want to take GT into account.  All of this leaves Pan to be the strongest.                    

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« Reply #155 on: March 12, 2004, 05:02:22 PM »
Good answers. Veggetto is the most powerful, i thought yu would make the mistake of saying gogetta.

And about my opinions, when i speak about superman, i do not speak in lay man's terms.
I refer to the facts and only the facts about superman, i know his character quite intimately and for me there is no margin of error when speaking about him. You do not know as much about him and the D.C universe and most likely about any comic universe as i do. I hold fan boys in contempt so i do not feel it neccessary to rationalise and explain everything i say about comics. If you need me to give all the details, then you are not on my level .If you were on my level, youd be on my side and would agree completely with every statement i make.
Statement, not opinion.                    

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« Reply #156 on: March 12, 2004, 05:21:55 PM »
Then you have learned nothing.  I am talking about the fact that two people could look at something and see two different things.  TWO seperate opinions born from the same topic and both are right in the eye of the beholder.  The only thing needed is respect.  Clearly you do not respect anyone's view on this matter if you call your opinions a fact.  You do not respect my opinion, because you think I'm wrong.  I think I'm right, though I tolerate you're opinion b/c it's yours.  I'm not you.  And you have yet to realize that.  

Your level?  Which level is that?  Where you know mostly everything about DC comics and the Comic Universe?  For as much as you have 'facts' you still make mistakes and overlook details.  Like in the "Smallville" thread.  

Even if I'm not on your level, as it were, if you were trying to convince me of 'heroability of Superman' then you can't possibly do so just by biggin up Superman.  That's where REAL facts come in. Not just opinion.                    

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« Reply #157 on: March 13, 2004, 12:00:44 PM »
this is complete and utter nonsense. U cannot compare the likes of superman with goku (or any dbz or db or dbgt charater) they exist in two sperate unvierses with each haveing different laws of phsics .
If goku (or any dbz charater )was to go into mavel or dc universe the weakest telepath can control them . If superman went into dbz world he would get beat by any charter capeable of blowing up the sun . as for the strogest charater at the end of gt goku abosord the drangonballs so that makes him the strongest                    

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« Reply #158 on: March 13, 2004, 12:46:59 PM »
Crixx seems to more about Superman than I`ve even ever heard. Only person proably on your level with this would be Leviticus.
Anyway. WHen was it that Superman destroyed a planet with his fists?                    

Offline Crixx_Creww

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« Reply #159 on: March 13, 2004, 02:10:53 PM »
During power surge. he was a couple light years from earth and was caught up in a galactic battle.

He had to save some innocents and get rid of some baddies. THey had a planet like apocalypse, but there werent living people on it, just war machines and he get fed up and destroyed it.
At that point in time he didnt need to breathe to survive in space, so destroying the planet was of no consequence to him.                    


« Reply #159 on: March 13, 2004, 02:10:53 PM »


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  • protomanex: Shout out to man like Crimson
    January 20, 2019, 09:19:44 PM
  • Crimson609: shout out to gyal like Corbie Gonta
    January 20, 2019, 09:19:06 PM
  • cold_187: Why allur don't make a discord or something?
    December 03, 2018, 06:17:38 PM
  • Red Paradox: everyday from 6:00pm
    May 29, 2018, 09:40:09 AM
  • Red Paradox: anyone play EA Sports UFC 3.. Looking for a challenge. PSN: Flippay1985 :)
    May 09, 2018, 11:00:52 PM
  • cold_187: @TriniXjin not really, I may have something they need (ssd/ram/mb etc.), hence why I also said "trade" ;)
    February 05, 2018, 10:22:14 AM

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