But pierceings arent a sign that your disturbed.It's more of a cry for attention but ppl who are really disturbed dont really do things like that to themselves.So piercings aren't body art now Pyro? Watch your statements man-I'm not a man who supports ALL types of body piercings but I don't tell someone what to do. Pierce what you wanna pierce. Every person is intitled to their own sense of style. Body piercing DON'T say you're depressed dude. Get your facts straight.
Christianity is based on the Word of God, the Bible.Nowhere in the Bible does it say that Mary was sinless. All it said is that Jesus' birth was immaculate.Later in the Bible it states quite clearly that she had other children.This thing about the the Holy Spirit not being able to reside in a vessel that contains sin is the doctrine of the Catholic Church, not the Word of the Bible. And those are two VERY different things.Mangoseed, your religion has a history, and it has reasoning behind its Catechism. I suggest you go learn about it before you repeat each and everything your priest or confirmation teacher tells you.The funny thing about that whole \"immaculate\" reasoning is that it seeks to undermine the very nature of Christ: his humanity. His oneness with the people he was trying to help.
u know what really pisses me off suicidal ppl they're only lookin for attention and doh give me no bullcrap about how they have issues and crap if u want to kill urself u WILL kill urself ppl who speak of it and attempt it and doh succeed never really wanted to do it if you wanted to do it you would not be amongst us today........