Bless to d doubles d baddest idea yet then that could lead into d secondary schools war. And it go have tournaments....who could wrap d doubles d fastest and ting.............
wow... a LITTLE too much digimon... jus they were usin burgers instead of doubles but u get the
guys how about this....(though it's kind of a rip off of rival school) warring schools duke it out and end up fighting inside a chinese restaurant where rice hit's the ground and the owner, a half indian half chini who's pearents are a white woman and a black man ends up triping out and destroys the whole of trinidad with nothing but a chini choper
ayyyye showtime n i were talkin, and i think this would make a good idea. A group of trini people quest to find the world's (or trinidad's, of course) best doubles vendor and then they need to find the perfect ingredients in order to create the perfect doubles to save the world from going to hell, because it is only doubles that will satisfy the enemy so that he would leave us alone...or well, something along those lines anyway.