Author Topic: Writer's anyone?  (Read 63563 times)


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Writer's anyone?
« Reply #40 on: November 30, 2003, 02:16:59 PM »
I like  :lol:                    


Writer's anyone?
« Reply #40 on: November 30, 2003, 02:16:59 PM »


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Writer's anyone?
« Reply #41 on: November 30, 2003, 04:21:45 PM »
alrite ppl
i am giving u all my newest work
did this saturday nite
something keep me from sleeping
so i wrote what was floating in my head

1st poem


Lost within the dark,
Burning with deep angst.
Forces a silent scream,
That echoes within the confines ,
Of my scarred being.

The pain helps me realise,
That i am still alive,
Just lost in all the confusion.

My vision focuses,
All costumes and false pretenses,
falls away...
I see the world for what it is...
Shadows made by fake light.

Away from all the pain,
There is no hate.
Hate is not within me,
I still do care,
I still sweat the small stuff.

Maybe it's my big scarred heart,
That lets me care so much.
Makes me hate myself.

But that's just me,
I can't change me,
Just like I can't change the way I feel.
The pain will remain there,
And That's why I will continue to care.

                                ----Vijay Ramnine
                 Property of Jay9 Productions.

i got more but soon...
all from the same nite.                    

Offline ~*Ashiee*~

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Writer's anyone?
« Reply #42 on: November 30, 2003, 10:38:34 PM »
i find guru shoulda add "pun intended"
lol :)                    


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« Reply #43 on: November 30, 2003, 11:29:45 PM »
My feeble attempt at a short story

 The air was filled with the screams, and explosions of firing weapons and artillery, demolishing anything which was threatening their existance. Humechs fought above the raging battle, smaller and more versatile than mechs, assisting the aircraft and coming at times down to help every once and awhile their counterparts belowand other ground restricted vehicles and marines. The battle wasat its fiercest in days.
 "X squadron, whats your status"
 "Shit Sir " came the reply "They killin us out there, they got countless class 1 humechs a few bombers and zector A aircraft, snipers and marines are messin up us, Sir it plain hell, we need backup if we gonna continue here sir"
 "Dammit, i'll send the A squadron to give you backup while you retreat, get to red squadron and help them give cover fire for the rest of us, we got to run from this battle, it make no sense fighting"
 "Yes sir, would report back when we make contact with red squadron"
 "All squadrons prepare to retreat, A squadron backup X squadron"
 There came acceptance from other squadrons over the radio transmission.                    

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Writer's anyone?
« Reply #44 on: December 01, 2003, 12:20:57 AM »
that was rather short
my short stories does be real long

i would call that a parrable

but it was good                    


Writer's anyone?
« Reply #44 on: December 01, 2003, 12:20:57 AM »

Offline Evangelion_01

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Writer's anyone?
« Reply #45 on: December 01, 2003, 12:47:49 AM »
Now this one is a bit of an old one I wrote a while back. Aye Imperial and Pinkie-me and both a you hafta bounce a work...

I’ve forgotten…

By: Evangelion_01

I’ve forgotten
What’s it like:

To feel the pain of a bruise
As you fall from your throne
And life hits you harsh reality.
No blood…
No scar…
No pain…
I’ve forgotten
What’s it like:

To listen to another person
To hear their feelings
And opinions
To mediate for what they speak
I’ve forgotten
What’s it like:

To be held in another’s arms
To feel the warmth of a hug
As I fall
 I get up again…
No hug for me…
I’ve forgotten
What’s it like:

To hear a loving word…
To hear inspirational thought…
Phrases to spur you onwards…
Silence: my companion
Thanklessness: my reward
Is my hard work for nothing…?
I’ve forgotten
What’s it like:

To feel compassion once again
To actually care
To feel emotion
Towards a fellow human
I’ve forgotten
What’s it like:

To bleed when I am stabbed
The maroon river
The fluid of life
I pay no attention to it anymore…
I no longer cry…
I’ve forgotten
What’s it like:

To hear another voice
Deep within myself
To listen to myself…
To sort my emotion
That tangled mess of barbs.
I’ve forgotten
What’s it like:

To even hate…
To detest another person
To despise
To repulse
To disgust the presence of another…
I’ve forgotten
What’s it like:

To even love anymore…
I have left myself
In the darkness
Of my destructive past
An empty shell
A walking vessel
Seeking what I cannot find…
I’ve forgotten
What’s it like:

To be myself…

To smile…

To frown…

To love…

To hate…

To be happy…

To be sad…

To torment…

To ache…

I have lost my human self.
I’ve forgotten
What’s it like:

To be a friend to myself.
I see nothing
I feel nothing
A human I was…
Not anymore …
You have been my companion
My soul mate:
My ever-present friend.
But now I leave you
To wander the world
To seek my purpose once again…
Just as lost as before…
Have you ever felt like:
You know nothing of your purpose
And your humanity has left you? …

You have been a friend…
A companion…

Nice to know you…

Who were you anyway?

Oh yeah…I forgot…

Copyright@ E-Vanguard Prod.                    


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Writer's anyone?
« Reply #46 on: December 01, 2003, 03:01:54 PM »
that's rel decent pinkie, not bad at all, maybe u should try somemore if u feel so inclined.

yay! evan posted.

i like it :)

makes me think, and remember, even if its about forgetting.                    


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« Reply #47 on: December 01, 2003, 03:57:00 PM »
wrote this poems same saturday nite

Why I Write..

Boils deep within me,
I am ready to lash out.
I want to smash your face in,
But I do not fight,
because of anger,
I write.

Lights my soul aflame,
Brush my hands against your face.
My lips against yours,
Tasting your beauty.
But i will not rush into love,
I will write about it.

Tears my soul apart.
My heart is shattered,
Millions of pieces.
My soul is on the verge of tears,
But i will not cry.
Instead i will write,
And let my words,
Make this world know,
Why i cry.

             ------Vijay Ramnine
   property of Jay9 productions

Offline Flippant

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Writer's anyone?
« Reply #48 on: December 01, 2003, 06:43:29 PM »
way too much teen angst in here.

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Writer's anyone?
« Reply #49 on: December 01, 2003, 06:53:39 PM »
ey guru ah did not see androsovic in that story.FREE URSELF FROM AMERICAN SLAVERY! SUPPORT COMMUNISM!                    


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« Reply #50 on: December 01, 2003, 08:48:52 PM »
way too much teen angst in here.


well why dont you PUT something else in here?? obviously it wont change unless someone makes a move to do so, why not you?                    

Offline Evangelion_01

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Writer's anyone?
« Reply #51 on: December 02, 2003, 01:25:12 AM »
*me twirls his pen*

Still yet to see some better work from the silent ppl :P Let tem come test we ^^                    

Offline Zero-X

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« Reply #52 on: December 02, 2003, 08:23:07 AM »
this poem was written 3 years ago, when i was 15 years old, when nothing was right and good and everything was wrong and bad...

Property of Zero-X a.k.a. Adam Lum Yue...Hope u Enjoy!? :D

                                        Pleasure or Pain???

Whenever i see your face...
Is it pleasure or pain?
Whenever i see you smile at me...
Is it pleasure or pain?
Whenever i pick up your scent...
Is it pleasing or painful?
Whenever i think of you in every way...
It's either pleasing or painful...

Why do i feel this way?
Why should i feel this way?
Is it just me? Or is it just you?
Could it be i'm in love?
Or maybe it's just lust...
My mind conflicts with the body...
And my heart with my soul...
It's so confusing that i'm at a loss...
Yet some people will look at me and say 'Yous a boss!!'

Can someone help me?
Can anyone help me?
Instead of adding to the pain...
Help me to ease the strain...
This is tearing me inside...
Even if, you don't see it outside...
I try to be happy, not to be sad...
But sometimes i'm glad, and also i feel mad...

It is so pleasing to see, hear and smell you...
Yet it's also painful, when i'm with you...
If i knew what to do, i'd do it in a minute or two...
But since i'm so lost, i don't know a shit to do...
All i can do is be alone, in the darkness of my mind...
Where no one can find me, not even friends of my kind...
They will try to help me, but they can't even help themselves...
Yet they are willing to take their time, to help me with my problems...

Many emotions run through my mind when i see you...
Love, lust, sincerity, shyness, fear and even jealousy too...
When i see you, my brain goes to overdrive...
I try to calm down, but it keeps going 'till i lose my mind...
I'm so in love with you, that i am willing to bear this pain for you...
Even though you are partially the cause, of this unbearable emotion too...
Now, i don't know what to say...
Except that, i hope i come out of this ok...

Copyrights to Zero-X a.k.a. Adam Lum Yue...Hope u Like it... :D                    
It\'s Not Over Yet, not by a long shot.....

May your soul be spared by the miraculous sword from heaven......Zetsumyoken

Offline Ickori

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Writer's anyone?
« Reply #53 on: December 02, 2003, 01:33:43 PM »
I don't normaly write poems but i guess i should start. This is part of a story I was writing and i took the name of the star and used it as my gatt name, LOL.I don't normally show ppl this if it is crap tell me but not to harshly plz and tell me how to fix my style.( Goddess u always making the thread i want to make b4 me yes)

Dust had gotten into Ickori’s eyes and the wound on his leg seared in pain as it continuously bled but Ickori stood up, if he had to die he was going out with a fight. Adrenaline must have been pumping extra hard for him because he could feel the dust particles in his eye but he could still see clearly. He looked around his once beloved village which was now nothing but debris and saw a sea of bodies. Blood had stained everything. In the hand of a villagers’ corpse that lay next to him was an old, very unfashionable sword. But Ickori cared nothing of how it looked at all; he grabbed it up and held the handle unnecessarily hard with his both hands out in front of him. His wound had now opened up more and blood was pouring out of it, he was putting more pressure on it as he stood up but he was feeling none of the pain he should have… at least not yet.                    

Never forgive the bad ones


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Writer's anyone?
« Reply #54 on: December 02, 2003, 07:16:56 PM »
AYE!!! Ickori i rel sad :(

i was supposed to get a copy of that before you posted anything remember? yuh brother stickin in giving me my copy *goes off and cries*

and on another note, i like it Ickori, it shows great potential, one or two things can be fixed...I WANT THE COPY I WAS PROMISED!!!!!!!                    

Offline Evangelion_01

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« Reply #55 on: December 02, 2003, 08:06:31 PM »

Wrote this one last night...Wasn't feeling too well though...

Just for tonight…

By: Evan Kimori (Eva_01)

I see a star up in the sky…
So far away…
If only I could be one, so far from everyone.
This maze called life.
Am I anyone?
Am I anything?
I see this star up in the sky…it’s something…

The empty paper before me
Don’t know what to do.
Should I just write?
Another story of my life,
Or just another plea for life…for attention…
for love…?
Or should I just die tonight?
Join that star in the sky…

Can someone believe in me tonight?
Can someone see me tonight?
Can someone be at my side…just for tonight?

Maybe I’ll just go lie down…
Close my eyes.
Let the tears wet my pillow…
Those tears.
Those useless tears…
Of fear…
I want that one touch
Just to make me feel alive again
Like I’m someone, something
I exist, I breathe, I live…
Good thing no one can hear me.

I feel like God ignored me today…
Left me in the dust…
Maybe if I close my eyes,
The world will swallow me whole tonight.

That damn paper
It’s still there…still empty…
I don’t know whether to laugh or to cry…
Inspiration? Or lack of it…

Do me a favor…
Just be there right now…
Comfort me…
Make me feel alive…
Or something like it…
I don’t care right now.
Just be here...just for tonight…

Will you believe in me tonight?
Would you be there for me?
Never mind-I don’t really care…
Just be here for me tonight…please?                    


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Writer's anyone?
« Reply #56 on: December 02, 2003, 08:12:30 PM »
nice one eva, i like it.
i will post a lil bit of another story i have somewhere..                    


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« Reply #57 on: December 02, 2003, 08:18:21 PM »
I was only four years old when I first heard that eerie tune, a song that stirred my younger self from the silence of sleep. I moved from the bed quietly, leaving my brother to his own slumber as I ran from my house.
   I remember the crisp night air and the cool breeze that blew long locks of hair away from my face as I ran across the moonlit fields behind my house, arms outstretched as if to catch the night itself.
   Outside was full of the sounds of night, the crickets and grasshoppers, and the little toads and frogs in the pond that was a way’s off; but all I heard was the song, the beautiful voice of a woman and the harping that had penetrated my sleep.

that's a few paragraphs of one thing...the only half decent thing i have saved on my computer.
there is a part two to that i wrote some time ago, but what do u think of that?                    


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« Reply #58 on: December 02, 2003, 10:54:55 PM »
Nice DG, i would like to see more stuff from u in the future, havent really seen much from you
(Will add some more poems when i get time)                    


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« Reply #59 on: December 02, 2003, 11:03:34 PM »
Nice DG, i would like to see more stuff from u in the future, havent really seen much from you
(Will add some more poems when i get time)

i am TERRIFIED of having the public see anything i write



Writer's anyone?
« Reply #59 on: December 02, 2003, 11:03:34 PM »


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