Author Topic: Writer's anyone?  (Read 63567 times)

Offline Luce

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Writer's anyone?
« Reply #300 on: January 26, 2004, 08:28:29 PM »
this is all yours now neo...                    


Writer's anyone?
« Reply #300 on: January 26, 2004, 08:28:29 PM »

Offline ShinIori

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Writer's anyone?
« Reply #301 on: January 26, 2004, 09:11:17 PM »
I`m realistic in a sadistic way,
They call me balistic in a simplistic way,
I`ll bail into my minds own sway,
I can`t see the gray,
Its black and white till I get this right,
But I probably won`t anyway.
You rape my mind so I can`t get away,
It won`t help much that I got this way,
From the game that you played,
To drive me insane.

I have a better Idea....                    

Offline demented

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Writer's anyone?
« Reply #302 on: January 27, 2004, 06:23:36 PM »
neo u sure that is ah story? it is a writers forum not an analysis forum..o gosh man actually read and understand wat u goin an post nah and where yuh goin an post it. i dunno if other ppl aint realise that it IS NOT A STORY or allyuh aint smart enough to realise wuh he post cuz it kinda obvious as u read the first line..any comments mods???...

just a thought  :)                    

Offline Evangelion_01

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Writer's anyone?
« Reply #303 on: January 27, 2004, 07:35:35 PM »
Very impressive additions here I see. Quite admirable work from some very talented writers. And I thought me and DG were alone with writing when we got here :P Seen some nice work from Chaos, Aka_Neo, G_Pinkie and many others. *thumbs up*

We should work on something together at a time. I'd be quite interested in that idea.

Now...I have a bit of a problem here. My short stories and some of my characters are a some persons. I know GATT has quite a few of these 'phobes *will not call names* As a writer, I consider my work to be unique in its own way, depsite what other people criticise of its content. Now, I accept good criticism always in a friendly way-but all-out condoning of my work I will not accept in a friendly manner.

To be straightforward-some of my work contains some offbeat content and some homosexual content and characters with 'differen't aspects. Now, before you start throwing knives and boos etc, these characters are of MY creation and these writings aren't meant as pornography but as human or otherwise creature expression of emotions thought of by every person.

This having been said-I'd like to know now-as part to see what type of persons and writers we have here...should I post a sample of this type of work, would I get some PRODUCTIVE and UNBIASED commentary?                    


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Writer's anyone?
« Reply #304 on: January 27, 2004, 11:00:57 PM »
i know i havnt posted a damn thing here in ages.
i beg your forgiveness, but mock is in a month and the countdown begins.

decent stuff btw.
jumpin mouse is kewl :P                    


Writer's anyone?
« Reply #304 on: January 27, 2004, 11:00:57 PM »

Offline PyroSlasher

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Writer's anyone?
« Reply #305 on: January 28, 2004, 10:19:58 AM »
I got a few and was just about to post them......but I forgot the book home!Neway,next time.But i must commend quite alot of these ppl.......very talented.                    

Offline Aka_Neo

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Writer's anyone?
« Reply #306 on: January 31, 2004, 02:09:06 PM »
maybe some good wirters could come together and write a decent story or something .... well i am comin up with one maybe u might see it lata or something                    

Offline Aka_Neo

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Writer's anyone?
« Reply #307 on: January 31, 2004, 06:47:52 PM »
neo u sure that is ah story? it is a writers forum not an analysis forum..o gosh man actually read and understand wat u goin an post nah and where yuh goin an post it. i dunno if other ppl aint realise that it IS NOT A STORY or allyuh aint smart enough to realise wuh he post cuz it kinda obvious as u read the first line..any comments mods???...

just a thought  :)

yeah man u real lucky u eh get ban yet cuz i fine u real postin stupidness i suprise them eh give u spammer rank yet                    

Offline Aka_Neo

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« Reply #308 on: February 02, 2004, 04:23:01 PM »
this is for u ppl who hasnt read the story a seperate peace its a good book.well i fine so but i think u should really read it.

The background of "A separate Peace" is the Second World War and the focus of book is a group of sixteen-year-old boys who are moving towards a war. The extract comes from the end of the book where Due to what Gene had done to Finny, he has been made to look at himself and now sees the war differently from the other boys. Gene has been forced to face his own "ignorant heart," and he now feels that he understands that people can be evil and hurt those who love them. Gene now knows that wars are created not by generations but by the human "ignorant heart".

In "A separate Peace" there are two wars being fought. The major war is Word War Two while the other war is the one that Gene tries to create between himself and Finny. This is war is always a single sided battle, as it is both created and fought in the mind of Gene.

At the beginning of this novel Gene is very "Ignorant" of his heart. He constantly lies, not only to others but also to him self. Finny on the other hand is a very honest person, he never lies about anything to make him sound or feel better about himself. An example of this is the incident where the boys are asked their height and Genes says he is 5’9 and Finny corrects him by saying, "no your five foot eight and a half, the same as me." This quote shows the honesty that Finny possesses and that Gene lacks. Gene refuses to admit that he isn’t tall while Finny openly admits it. Gene refuses to admit that he isn’t brave or that his motives for injuring Finny where entirely false. Gene cannot face what he is and this leads to tragedy.

Because Gene is dishonest he imagines that everyone else is as well. Gene imagines that Finny’s character is exactly the same as his, which of course it isn’t. Gene builds up hate, anger and fear of the character that he has given to Finny. Since this is his own character and not Finny’s at all, the emotions that Gene feels towards this character are really what he feels towards his own character. Gene starts to believe that every thing Finny does has a cruel intention, this of course is entirely false. He even believes that Finny took him to the beach because Finny had low grades and wanted to lower Gene’s grades so that he would be better than him Academically.

Gene is also very jealous of Finny. Gene’s feelings of jealousy wouldn’t have been a major problem, but when anger and jealousy are lurking in the same domain, they prove to be a deadly combination. Gene envious of Finny’s ability to be a non-conformist and not care what anyone thought of him. Once Finny went as far as to wear a pink shirt, in an era where pink worn by males suggests that they are gay , this really shows what a strong character Finny has. Gene on the other hand is a definite conformist, he is constantly striving to be seen as great by others. This is why when Finny brakes the school one hundred yards free style record without any training Gene cannot understand why Finny whishes to keep it quiet.

Finny loves Gene, and Gene doesn’t seem to understand why a great person like Finny would want to be friends with him, so he begins to think of their friendship as a competition. As the book continues Gene begins to feel very threatened by Finny and starts to think of him as the enemy. Throughout the entire one-sided rivalry that Gene creates, Finny is totally oblivious to what is going on. This is made even clearer in the instance were Gene was studying for a test and Finny invites him to the tree and Gene explodes at him. Finny shows how oblivious he is to this rivalry when he says "I didn’t know you needed to study, I didn’t think you ever did. I thought it just came to you."

Gene’s hate, anger, jealousy, and fear finally climax when the pair decide to do a double jump from the tree and Gene jounces the limb causing Finny to fall, "I took a step towards him, and then my knees bent and I jounced the limb. Finny, his balance gone, swung around to look at me for an instant with extreme interest, and then tumbled sideways." Gene cripples the best athlete in the school and his best friend and this eventually leads to Finny’s death.

Gene’s admission to being responsible for Finny’s fall hurts Finny so much that he refuses to listen to him, so Gene is forced to lie to him. Gene tells Finny that it was a "blind impulse" and nothing personal. Finny dies at the end of the novel due to a fall down the marble stairs, this rushes him into surgery where some of his bone-marrow seeps into his blood stream, stopping his heart and he dies. Gene never cried, not then, or after the funeral, because Gene had become an extension of Finny and "you can’t cry at your own funeral."

Gene does enter the war, Gene says that he killed his enemy at school, I believe this enemy not to be Finny but Gene’s "ignorant heart." he realizes that Brinker was wrong about how wars are created, Gene now knows that wars are created by "something ignorant in the human heart." Gene has overcome his own "ignorant heart", and has become Finny, all his hate, fear, jealousy and anger are now gone from him, Finny has taken them with him to his grave.                    

Offline demented

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Writer's anyone?
« Reply #309 on: February 03, 2004, 06:35:16 PM »
Very impressive additions here I see. Quite admirable work from some very talented writers. And I thought me and DG were alone with writing when we got here :P Seen some nice work from Chaos, Aka_Neo, G_Pinkie and many others. *thumbs up*

We should work on something together at a time. I'd be quite interested in that idea.

Now...I have a bit of a problem here. My short stories and some of my characters are a some persons. I know GATT has quite a few of these 'phobes *will not call names* As a writer, I consider my work to be unique in its own way, depsite what other people criticise of its content. Now, I accept good criticism always in a friendly way-but all-out condoning of my work I will not accept in a friendly manner.

To be straightforward-some of my work contains some offbeat content and some homosexual content and characters with 'differen't aspects. Now, before you start throwing knives and boos etc, these characters are of MY creation and these writings aren't meant as pornography but as human or otherwise creature expression of emotions thought of by every person.

This having been said-I'd like to know now-as part to see what type of persons and writers we have here...should I post a sample of this type of work, would I get some PRODUCTIVE and UNBIASED commentary?

My god man, are u on the other side???????????                    

Offline PsiVal

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Writer's anyone?
« Reply #310 on: February 03, 2004, 06:45:34 PM »
i got to go dig up some stuff BRB...................................................                    
dEaTh Iz Easy LiFe Iz HaRd

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Writer's anyone?
« Reply #311 on: February 03, 2004, 11:53:37 PM »
Hopefully people here are not gay and you will get booed and whatnot! Yes I am a homophobe, you got a problem with that? There are males and females in species for a purpose.                    
...and the fault is my own...

Offline Evangelion_01

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Writer's anyone?
« Reply #312 on: February 04, 2004, 12:41:22 AM »

I see...

Apparantly I should not risk exposing my writing to these persons. I've eyed replies and gotten enough feedback to consider.

Thank you for your support...or lack of it.

Have a nice day.                    

Offline tha_pong

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Writer's anyone?
« Reply #313 on: February 05, 2004, 04:02:15 PM »
After the loud explosion everything went pitch black. Maggie was left standing on the staircase clutching her little brother, both of them afraid to move.

         She knew that they had no chance of escape, now that the lights went out. She heard the creatures laughing deviously behind her. Before, she was slowly ascending the staircase trying her best not to make a sound, but now, she threw all caution to the winds, grabbed her little brother and began to run frantically up the stairs.

         The sound of lightly beating gossamer wings began to fill the air as they began to catch up. The sound filled Maggie with terror. As they almost got to the top, she began to pray that she would make it. seeing that her bedroom door was ajar. She got in; barely though and pulled her brother with her, locking the door behind

          Her little brother jumped and clung to her screaming with fright as loud thuds erupted from the other side of the door. She knew that it was only a matter of time before they got in. She just had to think fast. The banging on the other side of the door grew more violent and the hinges were already beginning to give way.

         Thinking only of the safety of her little brother, she shoveled him into her private bathroom and told him to stay quiet. She slammed the door and faced what was about to come. The big door finally gave way with a bang and what seemed like a thousand, huge grinning gray bats armed with miniature axes, burst into the room. They were ugly things, with wide grinning mouths full of pointy, yellowing teeth and long black flickering tongues. They all as if in unison, rose into the air, raised their miniature axes and flew at Maggie, yelling.

          She began to scream, in fright and confusion and flew up from the tangle of sheets and blankets. She discovered she was completely drenched in sweat. She knew she had had a nightmare, but couldn’t remember about what. Even though she tried to, she just couldn’t. Eventually she gave up, rolled over and went back to sleep.                    

Offline richjob

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Writer's anyone?
« Reply #314 on: February 05, 2004, 06:26:58 PM »
Look, the writing forums are not for people to come in and slag other people's work.  I only now saw this, and to say the least, I'm a bit pissed off that people will still criticize other work based on their own pre-judgements.

Evangelion_01, I'm sure that you can set up a webpage or online forum somewhere where you can password protect some of your more "offbeat" content.  You can give the password only to those who you want to.                    
There used to be a URL here.

Offline Evangelion_01

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Writer's anyone?
« Reply #315 on: February 05, 2004, 06:38:32 PM »
Hrm true but webpage design isn't my stong point. And besides-I'm not gonna bother atm. But if you'd like to take a read of my work-email or PM and I'll send you some.                    

Offline richjob

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« Reply #316 on: February 05, 2004, 07:06:17 PM »
Alas, these days I don't even have time for myself, far less for critiquing other writings.  I'm in an online reading group and I'm sadly behind in the peer reading.  :(                    
There used to be a URL here.

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« Reply #317 on: February 05, 2004, 07:21:50 PM »
I know the feeling man :( I had a backlog a while back from and I just had to end up leaving the site altogether. besides, I spoke in general :P to anyone who'd like to get a sample of my works. Buit deep thanks for your support. :)                    

Offline ShinIori

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Writer's anyone?
« Reply #318 on: February 06, 2004, 07:01:10 AM »
Maybe I should actually post one of my real writings...
I`ll think about it...                    

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« Reply #319 on: February 06, 2004, 12:19:39 PM »
Post away or send via email. I read and give honest, fair commentary on anything.                    


Writer's anyone?
« Reply #319 on: February 06, 2004, 12:19:39 PM »


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