Author Topic: Q's Quest  (Read 25708 times)

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Re: Q's Quest
« Reply #20 on: January 25, 2008, 07:01:21 PM »
I'm aware Imperial that we aren't the world's top dogs. My intent is simply to show what we can do. Not the best in the world, just the best from here.

Ultima, show me a board in T&T that is actually WORKING and I'd be MORE THAN HAPPY to record it. Other than Back to Basics on George St. corner (now closed), there is NO other good Chaos board in this country. Believe me... I'm checking (Of course if you know of one, spread the word). That's what prompted my retirement from Chaos. I decided to leave it after I mastered that combo. The only person who could CLEARLY beat me in Chaos was Plugs... My teacher.

That's why I'm looking at the console scene now. This "not-working joystick" business is getting on my nerves.

HEY... Just who the HELL do you think I am?

Rest In Pixels, bitches.


Re: Q's Quest
« Reply #20 on: January 25, 2008, 07:01:21 PM »

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Re: Q's Quest
« Reply #21 on: January 26, 2008, 12:12:19 AM »
Sorry, dunno about working SvC boards, since SvC working properly is still rubbish. This is *SvC* we're talking about here, the worst fighting game to be released in the past 10 years.

Though if you're going to leave the game after mastering a combo, why not master an actual useful combo like Geese's ground infinite to MAX combo or Zero's jumping infinite? At least those break the game. That combo for Akuma is rather meh (as is Akuma on the whole) .
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Re: Q's Quest
« Reply #22 on: January 26, 2008, 02:51:44 PM »
I HAVE to disagree Ultima. The last half alone is an easy setup i.e. Uppercut = DEATH. The whole thing is VERY practical with the quickness of the uppercut and the ability to skillfully combo a Raging Demon. That's why they sabotaged Akuma in that he builds up his super meter VERY slowly. I'll put it this way: In my Chaos hey-day (when I was younger, faster and interested), NOBODY stayed on the ground for more than 2 seconds at a time against my Akuma. His basic Raging Demon combo, his Max Demon combo, they were known and FEARED. Akuma was GREATLY underestimated in SvC and I proved it everyday in Back to Basics. BTW, thanx for your time, patience and tutelage, Plugs.

As for Geese, he's RIDICULOUSLY overpowered in SvC (Not that I mind  :awesome:). It got to the point where I stopped playing Geese just to avoid total pwnage of everybody and still have some fun. His Max combo was NOTHING to master. I even use to finish the Max with a Raging Storm or the grab super instead of the usual finish. It was a toy I greatly enjoyed. Only Plugs (Analyst) could've beat my Geese with his Orochi Iori.

Akuma's combo was just more challenging to master, that's all. I'll upload the other clips sometime but the Shun Goku Satsu is AMAZINGLY easy to set up. I'll prove it when I upload it.
« Last Edit: January 26, 2008, 02:56:12 PM by Q »

HEY... Just who the HELL do you think I am?

Rest In Pixels, bitches.

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Re: Q's Quest
« Reply #23 on: January 26, 2008, 03:26:55 PM »
I remember back when SVC came out me and boxlunch (killa) took a week and broke the game down, by the end of week between us both we could have done a kickass combo video as we had well over 20 100% combos. My terry combo eventually made it to a cyberfanatix combo video :D

KOF98 is getting a PS2 release I'll be pushing it on a small tournament scene when it does :D:D:D

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Re: Q's Quest
« Reply #24 on: January 26, 2008, 04:17:12 PM »
Demon combo only works once per match though. Plus, I'm sure if I looked I could find dozens of 100% MAX combos. Hell, even Hugo has one, and he's awful.

Meanwhile, Geese, Zero, can kill you at any time without meter, any where. Guile and Chun-li too, to a lesser extent.

I'm sure you used to win a lot with Akuma, but that's probably more a case of you beating up people worse than you, not Akuma being that good.

Ultima - The Right Arm of Scrub Voltron
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Re: Q's Quest
« Reply #24 on: January 26, 2008, 04:17:12 PM »

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Re: Q's Quest
« Reply #25 on: January 26, 2008, 07:22:40 PM »
True, Ultima. I myself have seen many but while some were extremely difficult to perform on stick, the others were just cosmetic and borderline impossible. Besides, once per match is all you need once you have other tricks up your sleeve (which I did/do). The REAL difference is with Geese and Zero, it's almost effortless, especially Geese. You have almost NO WORK to do.

Zero runs the risk of being predictable, even with all those moves. He has a VERY cheap "Blowfish" stick in the corner but whatever works, I guess... And unless the opponent can safe-roll, his Exceed is GUARANTEED once you can pull it off flawlessly. Ppl learned to safe-roll by force when I played Zero.

Geese, well... 7-9 good hits and STARS, the Raging Storm is a 360 degree offensive Shield and once Geese traps a non-teleporting enemy in a corner, the dignified thing to do is to walk away. His cancel combo demoralises all recipients (helplessness can do that to your psyche), his Exceed is easy to set up AND picks ppl up from the floor (WTF), he's got an annoying crossup jab ("neck" LK) and to add insult to injury, the bastard picks you up from the floor by your throat for another faceplant. That's why I stopped playing Geese... It was too easy and DISRESPECTFUL. lol

Akuma was just more of a challenge to use. Hugo isn't that bad, BTW. He's VERY fast. His grab range isn't as good as, say, Tessa's but he's VERY quick.

rb, KOF 98?!? DAT IS GAME, BOI!!! I have to shake off to much rust to jump in a Tournie. I fought a Chinese guy the other day and he was GOOD. *Is it just me or do the Chinese really like Iori?*

THOSE were good times. Goro, Yashiro, Yamazaki, Terry, Rugal, Saisyu, Shingo... The list rages on. Now I'm nostalgic.

HEY... Just who the HELL do you think I am?

Rest In Pixels, bitches.

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Re: Q's Quest
« Reply #26 on: January 26, 2008, 08:35:37 PM »
GGPO ( has made it possible for me to fight all kinda ppl lately.

It's not that they really like Iori per say, Iori is just that damn good, hell everyone learns Iori sometime or the other. Goro and Yashiro are also top in 98. There's an arcade in chag that has a machine thats always working (the owner keeps his stuff well and also plays KOF with his patrons, really cool dude) and has steady competition.

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Re: Q's Quest
« Reply #27 on: January 26, 2008, 10:04:42 PM »
Zero's infinite, I'd have to admit, is nothing short of ridiculous.
In a corner, jump, spinning rod, repeat.

A shame I can't do that on arcade, though (my wrist can't take wringing so many DPs, sadly.)
Even without the infinite, though, Zero can zone pretty well, especially with Cyber Elves. Plus, his super has two variations, both high and low, so you can really cause some sweet mix-up games with him as well.

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Re: Q's Quest
« Reply #28 on: January 26, 2008, 10:29:15 PM »
In my limited experience, Zero needs only a fraction of his arsenal to actually kill people. His infinite is actually a bonus, since the real annoyance is the fact that he has a projectile that has maybe half the recovery time of XSF Cyclops, meaning you can never ever punish him for using it. That, and with the mines he drops he can gain back 50% life any time he feels like it (only once per match IIRC, but still, on top of all the other crap he can pull, it's outrageous). That and Geese's "I found this infinite after playing him for 5 minutes" crap, shows what happens when you don't beta test secret characters.

GOd. Why are we talking about SvC again? This is a game that most serious players stopped playing after two weeks because it was so broken and horrible. >:|
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Re: Q's Quest
« Reply #29 on: January 26, 2008, 10:37:45 PM »
GOd. Why are we talking about SvC again? This is a game that most serious players stopped playing after two weeks because it was so broken and horrible. >:|

Well, self-torture makes ya smart, ya know.

Actually, Zero has a move where he can gain back life without nuking your Excel- namely, the Nurse Elf. I can't remember if you can get out of that manually, or you have to wait until the move is finished. Either way, I don't really use it...the startup is horrid.

he has a projectile that has maybe half the recovery time of XSF Cyclops, meaning you can never ever punish him for using it.

Perhaps, but, oddly enough, hitting him while he's charging for it means that he loses the charge (unlike Mega Man, who keeps it even if you launch an iron boot to his nads.) But, like I said, he's a great zoner. That move is one of the reasons why. (A shame he can't chip with the shot so much, but I suppose if it did, that would make Zero even more unbearable to fight.)

EDIT: You know what...just for kicks, we should sweat this game sometime. So we can all have a good laugh off of it and have one more wacky story to tell our grandkids when we're like a ba-zillion years old and absolutely no bladder control.

"...and that's when I killed him with Zero's infinite. Hee, hee, heee......oh crap, I just soiled myself. Nurse!"
« Last Edit: January 26, 2008, 10:43:40 PM by New_Era_Outlaw »

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Re: Q's Quest
« Reply #30 on: January 27, 2008, 12:34:20 AM »
lol @ NURSE!!!

Sounds like a gas. Why not?

*Just had a senior moment. NEO makes bladder control jokes and I said "GAS". I apologize.*

HEY... Just who the HELL do you think I am?

Rest In Pixels, bitches.

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Re: Q's Quest
« Reply #31 on: January 27, 2008, 02:45:22 PM »
I'm not a sadomasochist, so you won't catch me playing SvC. The only characters I'd be marginally interested in (M.Bison and Hugo) are god awful (did you know that Hugo cannot hit any crouching characters with his jumping attacks except jumping B? The rest all whiff!).

Zero didn't need to charge his buster. Just shooting the little pellet was enough to completely control the space in front of him.
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Re: Q's Quest
« Reply #32 on: January 27, 2008, 11:44:27 PM »
True, Ultima, and the lag is almost NIL. They really did send Bison to hell, though. He's the one character I gave up on completely and it takes A LOT for me to write off a character.

HEY... Just who the HELL do you think I am?

Rest In Pixels, bitches.

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Re: Q's Quest
« Reply #33 on: January 28, 2008, 08:48:49 AM »
ftr i like svc.whatever........   There are really good no  great players at playmax in arima.. The best geese and akuma is there. U WILL see 1005's there. if u luck.Level of skill is insane.

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Re: Q's Quest
« Reply #34 on: January 28, 2008, 10:45:37 AM »
SvC ---> level of difficulty and skill required to be a monster ---> MINIMAL

It wouldn't take much for anyone to look unbeatable.  To the unknowing eye, it could possibly look like skill.  That's the awfully sad part.  It's sad when old games like hyper beat out a lot of newer games like SvC and CFJ for gameplay.

It's sad to see how many people buy into the hype and don't know better.  Seems like someone will have to make the game unplayable to them for everyone to give it up.  If I was a bit younger, had more free time and actually gave a shit then I'd volunteer my soul for the fifteen torturous minutes of training it would take for me to be a god at the game.
Consciousness yearn to kill
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Zealous I burn the drill
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Re: Q's Quest
« Reply #35 on: January 28, 2008, 12:46:28 PM »
No whiplash. Don't get crossed up. Almost all that Arima has right now in Chaos was regurgitated by ME. There was NOBODY who could've played Chaos until I started training Marvin (short, shaven-headed guy) and Ravi (Indian dude who sells coins). I could tell you to a "T" what Arima has right now. Stop me when I'm wrong:

The current Geese is unoriginal (Tall, indian youth-man), the Akumas are too busy spamming Gou Zankuus (air magics), jabbing and running away to do anything skillful (Short youth-man with canerows specifically) and the ONE good Akuma that shows ANYTHING remotely skill-based (Tallish, dark guy with canerows) learnt a lot from me. I just gave him a start. I trusted him enough to learn more on his own and he has done pretty okay.

The only person to come on the scene who didn't get a page from my book was a Ryu (dude with one leg) and he's a SF EX2 Plus player so he's just a Ryu fan quoting from another game entirely. SvC Arima has NEXT TO NOTHING. Take it from the guy who laid the first stone when he says you don't have a castle. That guy is me.

I'm no Chaos god anymore but I know what I built and left behind in Passions and it WASN'T an empire. You guys wouldn't last a match against the POS Chaos warlords and that was YEARS ago. Back to Basics arcade has since closed down. Allyuh now start.

Why do you think I always invited Marvin to come to town and fight? Without him, Ravi and a couple Ryus, Arima Chaos would be more barren than a honey jar at Winnie the Pooh's house. Meditate on that.

There is another Ryu... A tall brown-skinned guy. He came with a friend to Java once... And when I say skillful, I mean in terms of execution on stick, considering that THEY STILL HAVE YET TO BUY PARTS FUH DE BLASTED BOARD.

Am I wrong yet?
« Last Edit: January 28, 2008, 12:50:46 PM by Q »

HEY... Just who the HELL do you think I am?

Rest In Pixels, bitches.

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Re: Q's Quest
« Reply #36 on: January 28, 2008, 01:55:06 PM »
Ravi is meh boi!!!!.. U TRAIN HIM????  WTF?????!!!!!!!!! U must really be a god then in that game.(Adding a chankra)
What name he knows u by?...... U interested in some tekken tag footage?

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Re: Q's Quest
« Reply #37 on: January 28, 2008, 02:16:19 PM »
My eyes are bleeding. 
Consciousness yearn to kill
To re-affirm the will,
Zealous I burn the drill
Forging, I mould the skill.

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Re: Q's Quest
« Reply #38 on: January 28, 2008, 04:50:14 PM »
lmaO @ Imperial's exsanguinating occular orifices. (Big words are fun.)  :awesome:
I know we aren't the best worldwide, Imperial, but you have had the chance to show what you can do i.e. your video exploits. I believe it's a chance everyone should have, once they know they have something awesome to bring to the table. Dry your weeping/bleeding eyes. lol
*I never did ask why you dislike SvC so much... Why is it? Just curious.*

That was once upon a time, whiplash. I only play Akuma now, trying to record one more combo. I also try to stay nameless in Arima but I think Marvin knows my real name.

I wouldn't mind some Tekken Tag footage... Once the players are above par. I wouldn't know, I'm not a HUGE Tekken fan but once it's good, GREAT. Bring it. Just last week I caught some Super SF and some Hyper SF matches in St. James. I forgot what a bastard Akuma was in Super SF.

BTW Imperial... There's a lot more science to Chaos than meets the eye. There aren't many other games in which you can actively control not just your Super bar, but sabotage your enemy's... If any. It's no "Accent Core" but it's not Tetris either.
« Last Edit: January 28, 2008, 04:56:56 PM by Q »

HEY... Just who the HELL do you think I am?

Rest In Pixels, bitches.

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Re: Q's Quest
« Reply #39 on: January 28, 2008, 07:59:03 PM »
bwtmc....don't be hating on tetris


Re: Q's Quest
« Reply #39 on: January 28, 2008, 07:59:03 PM »


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