Anime Expo T&T Niho’noMatsuri

Come one Come all! Anime Expo TT is back for more awesome adventures with its 2017 event Niho’noMatsuri ( Japanese Festival )

Go take part in lots of fun activities and check out the various vendors. This event is open to Comic collectors, Anime fans, Japanese Culture enthusiasts , Gamers, Cosplayers and anyone who is looking to have some fun at a friendly event! All are welcomed.

The organizers had so much fun with you guys this year, they can’t wait to have even more in 2017! Check out the event at https://www.facebook.com/events/285522815161540/.
The link below takes you to the vendors application. Everything is explained there, but if you have any further questions feel free to nessage the page. https://goo.gl/forms/KyUDEDa06WNrIs1V2 AND COMPETITIONS

More information regarding competitions will be posted soon. Here are the competitions and activities for the day.

Opening Ceremony
Mini Maid Cafe
Art Competition
Cosplay Competition
Gaming Tournament
M&M’s and Chopsticks
Planking Competition
Twerking Compeition
Floor activities include vendor booths etc
