What if Freddie Mercury From Queen didnt die how would that impact on music todayWhat if E.T didnt phone homeWhat if the sun was green would we get super powersWhat if anime was never subbed or dubbed would you still watch it.
What if we found less intelligent life on another plant would we try to destroy them? or probe their rectums?
What if there was no technology but a fusing of mind body and spirit to do incredible things would we still fight wars.
Quote from: Qloxx on December 13, 2006, 02:15:19 PMWhat if there was no technology but a fusing of mind body and spirit to do incredible things would we still fight wars.It's like my father says.........where ever there are humans there will be friction......What if you very bestest friend in the world tells you he's gay wwyd?What if one day while changing your clothes in your room/on the beach/or wherever and you look up and see a guy looking at you and vigorously......'flogging the log' what would you do?
life with out ramen?
- What if the act of 'spanking the monkey' suddenly became popular enough to have its own board game and video game?