what team do you usually play with?
generals is nothing compared to rise of nation or aom
...ah guess is time for me to finally move from my beloved sc.
Quote...ah guess is time for me to finally move from my beloved sc.Waaaaaaayyyyyyyysssssss.....men still playin starcraft?!?!? Laaaaaahhhhhhhddddddd...time to retire dat game boy...move up to someting new...I went so far as to use meh StarCraft CD as a coaster...no turning back
China is pretty cool man, you should give them a go...Overlord Tanks at your service!!
Have you got Zero Hour yet? ZH is the expansion for Generals...and let me tell you...it's a must get! Lots of new units etc etc. but also new generals toys to spend your General Stars on The USA could get a wicked one that lets loose a mad plane that keeps circling and gunnin up d target, particularly good against vehicles and stuff...they also get a new drone for their tanks called the Hellfire that is good against other tanks but then you give up the repair feature of the previous machine gun drone...tons more new stuff....all really cool.China gets a nice building to house their hackers....very nice, since in the past, they would just be sitting around in the open hacking away and very susceptible to attacks...Of course these are but a mere example of the new things that have been added...get your hands on this expansion asap...
Quotewhat team do you usually play with?I always play Random. Tho I secretly hope not to get the GLA, I'm not as proficient with them...Quotegenerals is nothing compared to rise of nation or aomI also prefer AoM to Generals myself...but Generals has earned it's place on my PC.
you saw the new ccg expansion? zero hour