Author Topic: !EVERYTHING! PS3  (Read 759735 times)

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« Reply #3160 on: April 27, 2011, 01:51:18 PM »
KZ3 campaign better dan Crysis 2?


« Reply #3160 on: April 27, 2011, 01:51:18 PM »

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« Reply #3161 on: April 27, 2011, 02:03:31 PM »
KZ3 campaign better dan Crysis 2?

hmmm. I really can't say which better.
Killzone 3 was much more largescale/explosive/better story.
Crysis 2, sandbox-nano-suit-maximum armor/cloak fun.

As far as FPS campaigns go, they are both worth experiencing.

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« Reply #3162 on: April 27, 2011, 02:51:53 PM »
Anyone else notice that even though PSN is down, patches can still be downloaded. Dragon Age 2 when I played it this weekend after taking a break from Shao Kahn kicking my ass had an update.

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« Reply #3163 on: April 27, 2011, 03:00:55 PM »
Anyone else notice that even though PSN is down, patches can still be downloaded. Dragon Age 2 when I played it this weekend after taking a break from Shao Kahn kicking my ass had an update.

thats because its more so qriocity that is down....

i.e. anything that requires a psn sign in will be down

i noticed the same thing when i started RDR yesterday

Offline MessiaaH

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« Reply #3164 on: April 27, 2011, 03:25:36 PM »
In the illustrious words of Shang Tsung:


MOORRTTTAALL KOMMMBATTT...*theme song goes here*


"The lawsuit seeks monetary compensation for the data loss and "loss of use of the Sony PlayStation Network, credit monitoring, and other relief according to proof.""


« Reply #3164 on: April 27, 2011, 03:25:36 PM »

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« Reply #3165 on: April 27, 2011, 03:53:16 PM »
^^ Wheyyy... $_$....them greedy lawyers jump on the train one time. "On behalf of consumers" my arse, LOL!
« Last Edit: April 27, 2011, 03:56:56 PM by madmunkie »

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« Reply #3166 on: April 27, 2011, 03:54:09 PM »
^^ Ent, rofl

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« Reply #3168 on: April 27, 2011, 07:05:19 PM »
I doh even have ah ps yet lolol, and i still find sony owe men something. Is about good customer service, and keeping your customers happy, we not saying dey have to give everybody 50$, we saying dey owe gamers alot if dey want to keep we business.
Everybody should be up in arms, to ensure we get d best service possible.
If my company resonspible for a network, and it get hack, we will make sure the customer is happy, even doh it coming out we own pocket.

Dis is a competative business, and with xbox 360 doing so well, nintendo getting ready to lash, and pc games still flooding, sony NEEDs to make they customers happy, otherwise yuh go be hearing bout this for years to come, and some men will jus jump ship, as im sure alot of ppl already considering for future purchases.

I was suppose to get my ps3 yesterday, skybox eh call meh, so go see if i gettin it today, if not, d next flight is tommorow.

Customer service sucks ass in trinidad, because ppl does settle for shit. Over here i does see man sending back whole meals, becuase d bacon wasnt cook good, or some crap lolol, and men getin brand new meal with discount all kinda thing. Yuh eat some wings, and yuh din find it fry good?, dat not coming on your bill. If i tell somebody in trinidad dat burger wasnt done good, dey go watch meh like ah have shit on meh nose lol.

Stop excusing sony by saying dey dont owe we nothing, dis is not, -> psn was down for a day or 2 <-, dis is a major major breach of service, not bacon done wrong. They owe us alot, faster ppl realise dat and express it, d better service we get :)

soooooo let me get this straight.......thou does not own a PS nor games on PS and u campaigning for freeness.........

try to think logically for a minute.............keep up with me here........lets say sony offer a free game what happens when its a 1. shit game 2. a good game that many ppl already buy and only the cheap ppl/ppl not serious about PSN anyway would benefit from that game? what purpose that serving?

now onto an even crazier idea someone mentioned earlier
sony giving $50 to every PSN account wallet............i wonder how serious this comment even was.......i mean i have 6 PSN accounts for me alone.......das 300US for just me how that genius idea even come in a man head is beyond me

now dont get me wrong i believe something has to be done to gain back trust but the ideas i seeing here definitely not very good

+1 w1n again, very well said

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« Reply #3169 on: April 27, 2011, 07:09:40 PM »
lol, mighty kind of you to miss the whole point and just mention specific "examples" that people were just throwing out there (in a rainbow world) lol....

your last line is what everyone has been saying.. something has to be done period... whether what mentioned here ($50, free games/themes) was valid or not was never a matter of discussion...

lol. you +1 to w1n and he basically saying nun should be done we getting a free service neways... lol...

why i aint get a plus one eh... since i been saying the same thing your last line said... eh eh!!!... aye i jus joking eh i dont want a +1
« Last Edit: April 27, 2011, 07:12:57 PM by phoenix31tt »

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« Reply #3170 on: April 27, 2011, 07:11:38 PM »
Some unsettling reports (not definitive but it does raise a few eyebrows)...
Ars readers report credit card fraud, blame Sony
By Ben Kuchera | Last updated about 3 hours ago

Sony has informed consumers who have used the PlayStation Network that much of their personal information has been stolen by a person or group of people who broke into the system and made off with the data. What Sony can't (or won't) tell us is whether our credit card information remains secure.

The number of Ars Technica readers who have had issues with their credit cards in the past few days, and have commented, e-mailed, or Tweeted about the issue, is alarming. We may be dealing with a coincidence in timing, but when your inbox is heavy with people saying they're fighting fraudulent credit card charges, it may be the first signs of fire somewhere in the smoke.

What people are saying

Let's take a look at some of the comments and e-mails that have been sent to us. Some people are just now noticing the issues, while others noticed the fraudulent charges last weekend.

"My American Express card was compromised over the weekend," one commenter stated. "This card sits in a drawer in my house for emergencies, but I did use it once on my PSP for an account. Luckily American Express is very good at notifying me immediately after the first fraudulent purchase."

Another reader e-mailed with a similar story. "About two or three days ago, my bank notified me that I had gotten my own [credit card information] stolen, the one I use for my PSN account, and with it a ticket was purchased through a German airline for nearly $600," she told Ars. "They are still looking into the fraud charge meaning that right now I have a negative $500 in my account, with no good chance that I'll be getting that back any time soon."

Another reader had a similar issue. "I had a call from my credit card company trying to verify a purchase which ended up being fraudulent. Same card I use on Sony's network. They denied [the charge] and issued me a new card," the reader commented. "Might be coincidence, but with the other security gaffes recently, I'm guessing not. Not sure what my opinion of Sony is right now and what my future is with them."

Let's keep this ball rolling! "I also had an attempted fraudulent charge on my American Express card, about $8,000 going to some Japanese store. This all happened about when PSN started having trouble, so I'm betting this had something to do with it," another commenter said. "My advice: if you have your credit card info on PSN, watch your accounts like a hawk. I'm buying pre-paid cards from now on; you know, if I decide to ever spend money on PSN again."

Here's a response to a complaint of fraudulent charges in the comments. "Probably not a coincidence, I had the same thing happen this weekend. I got an Easter Sunday call from American Express about suspicious charges that began Saturday."

There are more, but they're all variations on a theme. All told, two dozen or so people have contacted Ars with reports of fraudulent or suspicious activity on their credit cards. It's still possible that this story simply caused people to take a look at their finances and find unrelated issues, but in many of the reports the credit card companies are reaching out to them with reports of abuse.

What can you do?

We contacted Sony for comment, but we're not holding our breath: the company has been famously reluctant to share information with angry gamers demanding disclosure. While the PlayStation Network remains down, you can do a search for past e-mails from Sony, sent when you've added funds to your account; this will tell you what credit card you have on file—and that's the card you need to be concerned about.

Be sure to watch your accounts, search for any suspicious activity, and you can contact your bank and ask for a replacement card. Call your financial institutions about fraud protection services, but be sure to research any for-pay solutions.

If you have had issues with your credit card since the PlayStation hack, let us know in the comments. The sooner we receive official word from Sony, the better for everyone.

As is stated in the article, it may just be coincidence, but then it could be providence... either way ppl, watch your CC like a HAWK! in fact cancel it and have it replaced.

Now just to point out something else, it's not just the CC info that's important, fact remains unless you change address, they have the information regarding your future cards as well as who knows what data mining could have occurred from your emails if you had the same password for email and psn...

@ pheonix, No I said Sony doesn't OWE you anything. They SHOULD compensate those affected. You should read my posts properly :p
« Last Edit: April 27, 2011, 07:15:48 PM by W1nTry »

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« Reply #3171 on: April 27, 2011, 07:14:45 PM »
just throwing out a random question here... anybody get a email from Sony?...

cuz all these things stemming out from a "supposed" email that Sony were going to send... but has Sony really said that the info has been compromised?...

anybody find out lemme know

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« Reply #3172 on: April 27, 2011, 07:20:50 PM »
lol, mighty kind of you to miss the whole point and just mention specific "examples" that people were just throwing out there (in a rainbow world) lol....

your last line is what everyone has been saying.. something has to be done period... whether what mentioned here ($50, free games/themes) was valid or not was never a matter of discussion...

lol. you +1 to w1n and he basically saying nun should be done we getting a free service neways... lol...

why i aint get a plus one eh... since i been saying the same thing your last line said... eh eh!!!... aye i jus joking eh i dont want a +1

what i want is a better service with features we actually want
i not campaigning for crap that in the long run not meaning anything
if i want a PSN game guess what i already got it.

they dont owe us anything nor am i holding my hand out looking for a handout, what i want is a better quality service that is all and that seems reasonable dont u think?

and this is coming from the man that uses PSN and his PS3 more than any of u yet im not flippin out and losing my mind over the outage. Only thing i was pissed about is having to change my password for every single site i use, paypal amazon , online banking etc

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« Reply #3173 on: April 27, 2011, 07:26:52 PM »
just throwing out a random question here... anybody get a email from Sony?...

cuz all these things stemming out from a "supposed" email that Sony were going to send... but has Sony really said that the info has been compromised?...

anybody find out lemme know

Yep emails were sent out. Additionally this is on local news, BBC, CNN, etc..etc..
It's a full fledged data breach. You have every reason to be concerned.

The email which is the same thing I posted a few pages back from the PS.Blog.

Valued PlayStation Network/Qriocity Customer:

We have discovered that between April 17 and April 19, 2011, certain PlayStation Network and Qriocity service user account information was compromised in connection with an illegal and unauthorized intrusion into our network. In response to this intrusion, we have:

1)     Temporarily turned off PlayStation Network and Qriocity services;

2)     Engaged an outside, recognized security firm to conduct a full and complete investigation into what happened; and

3)     Quickly taken steps to enhance security and strengthen our network infrastructure by re-building our system to provide you with greater protection of your personal information.

We greatly appreciate your patience, understanding and goodwill as we do whatever it takes to resolve these issues as quickly and efficiently as practicable.

Although we are still investigating the details of this incident, we believe that an unauthorized person has obtained the following information that you provided: name, address (city, state/province, zip or postal code), country, email address, birthdate, PlayStation Network/Qriocity password and login, and handle/PSN online ID. It is also possible that your profile data, including purchase history and billing address (city, state, zip), and your PlayStation Network/Qriocity password security answers may have been obtained. If you have authorized a sub-account for your dependent, the same data with respect to your dependent may have been obtained. While there is no evidence that credit card data was taken at this time, we cannot rule out the possibility.  If you have provided your credit card data through PlayStation Network or Qriocity, to be on the safe side we are advising you that your credit card number (excluding security code) and expiration date may have been obtained.

For your security, we encourage you to be especially aware of email, telephone, and postal mail scams that ask for personal or sensitive information. Sony will not contact you in any way, including by email, asking for your credit card number, social security, tax identification or similar number or other personally identifiable information. If you are asked for this information, you can be confident Sony is not the entity asking.  When the PlayStation Network and Qriocity services are fully restored, we strongly recommend that you log on and change your password.  Additionally, if you use your PlayStation Network or Qriocity user name or password for other unrelated services or accounts, we strongly recommend that you change them, as well.

To protect against possible identity theft or other financial loss, we encourage you to remain vigilant to review your account statements and to monitor your credit or similar types of reports.

We thank you for your patience as we complete our investigation of this incident, and we regret any inconvenience.  Our teams are working around the clock on this, and services will be restored as soon as possible. Sony takes information protection very seriously and will continue to work to ensure that additional measures are taken to protect personally identifiable information. Providing quality and secure entertainment services to our customers is our utmost priority.  Please contact us at should you have any additional questions.

Sony Network Entertainment and Sony Computer Entertainment Teams

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« Reply #3174 on: April 27, 2011, 07:28:30 PM »
blu_vice.. let me simply explain something to you... YOU WANT SOMETHING... isnt that the bottom line... why do you deserve anything you are not paying for it... that is the sentiments of slamming and w1ntry :S....

you want better QoS... right fine.. if thats what u want them to focus on cuz of the crap that happen here no scene... but other people want other things... u cant blame them for wanting it... bottom line is You think sony needs to do something to make back up our trust... so do I... so does messiah, so does arcman n the others...

edit: thanks for the confirmation apprentice, things officially messed up now lol

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« Reply #3175 on: April 27, 2011, 07:35:31 PM »
Actually I am pretty ok with PSN's features, just wish they had Cross Game Voice Chat. I see what you saying though I mean let's say they throw out a lil freebie like a lil theme or something is that really going to make a difference?

Just got that "Important information regarding PlayStation Network and Qriocity services" email from Sony.

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« Reply #3176 on: April 27, 2011, 07:37:43 PM »
@ woody... lil things does go along way in peoples mind to eh...

its certainly better than just moving on business as usual... sometimes the little things do count.... and do help to uphold the image of the company etc

although if you go too small ppl might just thing yuh mamaguying them lol
« Last Edit: April 27, 2011, 07:40:02 PM by phoenix31tt »

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« Reply #3177 on: April 27, 2011, 07:52:57 PM »
Anybody find it funny, that sony is being officially sued, for d Free PSN Service ?

And dis whole matter of sony dont "OWE" anybody anything is d reason why customer service SUCKS in trinidad, becuase everybody selling yuh ah product/service dont think dey owe anybody anything, take what yuh get and suck salt. lololol.

And alyuh men doing like we on d side of d road beggin sony for ah hand out.
Is 400US for ah console u know, it not cheap wta! lololol.

Also blue_vice, i bought ah ps3, with various games, and collecting it tomorow. I spend my money behind sony, i have every right to bitch, especially when d main reason i bought it is fuh mortal kombat swet on psn :S. And dis weekend is yet another long weekend, and d thing not back up yet. Mortal go have to collect dust till whenever. I coulda wait till d game get cheaper if i know sony was going to be dis gay.

In any event, anybody spend money behind ah ps3, have d right to bitch. U dont have to be living on psn and using it more dan everybody to qualify lolol.


Got uncharted 1 for 19$, uncharted 2 for 20$, gow3 for 20$, ah pay close to 60 bones for Mortal Kombat dat i cant fight anybody in hh1, by d time sony get psn back up dat game mite drop to 20$ also lolol. Ah spend meh 60$ cuase ah want to swet man NOW!, during meh time off. Ah Well.
« Last Edit: April 27, 2011, 08:00:35 PM by MessiaaH »

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« Reply #3178 on: April 27, 2011, 10:49:10 PM »
Further Q&A on the PSN Outage.'

Credit Card numbers were encrypted but may have been stolen. The culprit would have to decrpyt the tables. Additionally CC security codes were NOT stored on PSN. Therefore in the event someone accessed the card number, they'd still need to access that security code to use it.
So hopefully Credit Cards are safe.

Yes law enforcement is hunting down the culprit.

Mandatory Firmware update coming for users to CHANGE passwords on attempt to sign in.

All emails should be sent out by tomorrow. (I've received the email on all my PSN accounts.)

Sony is moving their entire data center to a new location. New network infrastructure. New security code.

Still a longs wait again guys. Looks like PSN gonna wtfpwn Xbox live's 11 day outtage :P

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« Reply #3179 on: April 28, 2011, 01:29:18 AM »
Sony is moving their entire data center to a new location.

wow... so u tryna tell me the location was compromised to :|... wda is this.. this real big


« Reply #3179 on: April 28, 2011, 01:29:18 AM »


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    January 20, 2019, 09:19:44 PM
  • Crimson609: shout out to gyal like Corbie Gonta
    January 20, 2019, 09:19:06 PM
  • cold_187: Why allur don't make a discord or something?
    December 03, 2018, 06:17:38 PM
  • Red Paradox: everyday from 6:00pm
    May 29, 2018, 09:40:09 AM
  • Red Paradox: anyone play EA Sports UFC 3.. Looking for a challenge. PSN: Flippay1985 :)
    May 09, 2018, 11:00:52 PM
  • cold_187: @TriniXjin not really, I may have something they need (ssd/ram/mb etc.), hence why I also said "trade" ;)
    February 05, 2018, 10:22:14 AM

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