walk into kitchenput cup on counter wash handsput cup in sinkturn around and look walknearly fall overshadow of GRAPE VINE LOOK LIKE ZERGLINGgonna stop playing SC2 for a while
My bro was like WTMC when I was playing Battlefield Bad Company 2.I was playing a rush stage and it was one of the snow stages. (the day one with vehicles) and we were winning However I was trying to score some more kills. So I basically tried to climb a hill to wreck a tank but I couldn't reach the peak but I was almost there.. I found myself actually moving my whole body (in real life and in my seat.. and head as If I trying to climb the f***in hill and I was completely unaware until my brother came in the room and he noticed what was going on and shouted; "what de mudda c*** is this boy" and he laughed....That was funny wish someone recorded it lolz
That is a weird design on its butt lol. Odd spider indeed. On a separate note would love to see coconut crabs lol.http://www.hoax-slayer.com/coconut-crab.shtml