Boss you do not get involved in family affairs , You call the police and explain the sitation then you kick his ass because i mean what small man could do to deserve a punch to the face
well this happens everywhere at least here is cheaper in venezuela you have to pay like 500 US$ or drive like michael schumacher
-when a woman's child comes tapping his hand on your car-when while playing a small game of cricket, the child slaps the ball and rebounds off the car door frame stopping your heartbeat for two seconds-when the little girl she has wants to go to the bathroom, undresses the girl, goes at the right side of the car (full view in wingmirror) and urinates very very close to the car-when the woman minding the kids light a spliff (not a cigarette, but a freaking spliff!!!!!!) and lets one of the little boys take a hit!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!11-when after finishing the spliff the same said woman goes to the bathroom at the side of my car again, while proping up on my trunk
I was in so much shock is like I couldn't react