Microsoft has its Private Folder 1.0 application which allows you to encrypt files in a folder called "My Private Folder." With Private Folder 1.0, Microsoft encourages users to share their private data with friends, colleagues and others that share your PC. The folder is secured by a single password and Microsoft even provides a password strength display to show you how secure yours is as you enter it for the first time. Minimum password length is 6 characters with 16 characters being the max.
Once you enter a password and open My Private Folder, the default time-out is 5 minutes. After five minutes, the folder will automatically lock itself again. You can lock the folder manually from either the desktop icon or the taskbar icon. You can also adjust the time to leave the folder unlocked from 3 minutes to 60 minutes (or never if you're feeling lucky).
hmm.. i guess it'll be useful for those of us who share family PCs and want to keep stuff for 'archival'
i rem a padna of mine moms installed some camera software, so it gone scannin the entire HD lookin for pics.. and pick up the man stash. LOL
i real laff at him