So I've been rocking an oldish Geforce 4200ti for a couple of years and I want to upgrade it to something that plays games at 1024x768 at a decent clip. I've got a 17" monitor, so I'm not interested in higher resolutions.
I realized my need to upgrade after trying to play Doom 3, and watching a slideshow.
As I'm getting up there in years, I don't play as much 3D shooters as I used to. The last one I bought and played regularly was UT 2004. Still plays decently on my old Geforce 4, especially after the slight overclock I bus on him.
More strategy titles - your Civs, Rise of nations type of stuff. Oh yeah. And Sims 2. Pulls in the girls something fierce.
I was wondering if a Geforce 6200 was a decent upgrade option for the Geforce 4200. (if itt's not, I'll use it to replace the GeForce 3 I have in another machine)
Any suggestions, oh gamers of GATT?
And no, I don't wish to spend lots of money. Secondhand is OK, once it's from a reputable seller. May do that closer to Christmastime.