Virtual Zone X530 Sweat Report 30.01.05 Jdcrys Shinkuu
Well fellas, Jdcrys Shinkuu here with intel on our sweat, which was supposed to start @ 2pm. But knowing typical Trini’s they were late; even the prepaid guys. We had people from Net surfers, Chaos Legion, Java, NBK Clan and others from the Gamers crew. Virtual Zone’s regulars came out as well. We had 15 competitors in all for the Logitech 5.1 X530 System.
Mad cow from Surfers came with strong support, confidence and proved himself to be a worthy opponent to who ever stood in the way of his arsenal, while local “Voted best SoF player” kept his id on the dl, he was quickly recognized as the mighty Fault. Now personally I have only heard of the NBK Clan (Natural Born Killers) once, the now retired members of the Shinkuu Clan would remember them when we supported Net surfers in their Sweat for $500.00 some time back. Their entry was a young man (well at least he looked young) Silver Hawk. The Chaos Legion brought two, namely Chaotic and B_Rad, while the Vzone Regulars came out to show support / spectate.
Warmups were started @ 2pm and ran till 3pm to allow the others to reach. Now this being the first sweat for 2K5 late coming was pardoned, the next time management would not be so compassionate. The first match up started @ 5:05 pm and lasted till 7:35 pm. The map was a randomly selected Jungle map, daytime, and no pickups. Our contestants went at it in full gear, most using the all popular M4, Frag grenade, Shotgun, the newly modified hand gun (only used in ICS) and armor. While others though that the M5 and other weapons at their disposal would prove much more effective. It was within the first 150 kills the men separated them selves from the boys. Those being Mad Cow, Silver Hawk, Fault, Dark Kajun, Chaotic. It was then a matter to stay on top and maintain the now steady flow of kills, @ 250 kills the sweat had grown serious between Silver Hawk, Mad Cow and Fault. The first tourney ended with Cow shaking his “Dreads” @ the others in victory. One which he savored to his hearts content. Fault came second showing his talent to be still intact. Silver Hawk was still within the top 5. End of part one, Intermission, Café will be open for refreshments for the nex……
After a well deserved rest for others to lick their wounds and to recollect themselves from the previous map round two started. @ approximately 8pm we had a vote to which it was decided that Mines of Moria was too large for the deathmatch. The map was then changed to UT_November (Tribute map to Unreal Tournament). With Mad Cow sitting this one out everyone gained their confidence back and went at it with fully recharged egos. For the cafe onlookers came the ohhhh and ahhhhs as the commentary was softened by the laughs @ players who got their head shot off or player who did not throw the grenade after 5sec. this match seemed to move faster that the last, the competition was brutal, the kills now coming by the 10s and 20s every 5mins. @ 200 kills they discovered the new bombs included in this new version of ICS, which included a smoke bomb that makes your character cough and become blinded temporarily; a gas bomb that when exploded covered players in a white cloud that meant instant death, drains life when players ran into it, a Phosphorus Orange Gas bomb that blinds as well as the old favs, 5 frags, flash etc… the disorientation was massive, some of the regulars abused the newcomers with these seemingly new weaknesses. But as all good players, the gang adapted. The shouts of war continued right up until 9:15pm where Silver Hawk came out on top dethroning Fault who settled for a 10 hour package valid for 1 month.
The finals were held in an Elimination in the Barn for 20 kills. Our two winners Silver Hawk and Mad Cow decided on the score limit. Each wanting to kill the other quickly for the prize. It started off neck to neck @ 3 Vs 3. 15 Minutes later the standing were a shocking 12 Vs 9 Mad Cow falling to Silver Hawk. The great battle lasted for another 10 – 15mins where Silver Hawk’s strategy proved more effective… He won @ 18 vs 20. blink.gif My apologies to Silver Hawk 12 Vs 20...
Congratulations resounded the halls of Virtual Zone as winners were taking their winning pics with Vzone staffers who presented the prizes. For Mad Cow a Logitech 2.0 USB Wingman Controller which was presented by Vzone staffer Le Shawn. And the Head Techie and fellow Gamer “Replacement Killer” presented Silver Hawk with the Logitech 5.1 X530 System.