Well basically, we almost confirmed to be having the tourney, just need to flesh out prizes and entry fee (It won't be too cheap though, cuz we putting up booster boxes for 1st and 2nd place, and maybe even 3rd as well!The 1st and 2nd place would most likely be a box of IOC/LOD 1st ed./SOD...and maybe even Dark Beginning for 3rd place if it comes out in time for the tourney...so entry fee may be a bit higher than normal, but it's so we can up the prizes as is...plus it will be UDE-official. Any thoughts...?
...more like annoyance of getting my cards stolen.
Well I'm mentioning this upfront, the registration price will be higher than normal, due to the lower amount of people being allowed to attend, combined with the level of prizes being given out.Before I forget, the duelist number WILL be capped @ 32 duelists maximum!