2. The strat is called mnms neo. LMAO @ doctors3. The tank push is good because the marines can attack air units which makes carriers pretty much dead. But then again, few would use a tank push in late game situations where the Protoss get a can get their capital ships going. By that time, you're supposed to have ghosts with lock down, or science vessels with emp which pretty much spells disaster for Carriers.
Intel intel intel....Know what ur enemy is doing.. Terran has the hugest advantage here...Comsat. Being the most balanced race...With proper intel, u'll NEVER lose to a protoss unless they're like a GOSU.A protoss has not defeated my terran in like 3 yearsProtoss MUST upgrade to higher tech levels to stand even a fighting chance.Spy on them...Know what they do, and create the units to destroy.Early, firebats marines and a couple tanks usually spells the end to the average protoss opponent.A average opponent would try templars early. INTEL INTEL INTEL.An advanced one will attempt the devastating reaver drop...(one of the more difficult manouvers to defend). (but defendable)..and if any terran allow a toss to reach 4 or more carriers, You deserve to loss Terran vs Zerg.....(Zerg doh stand a chance against a good terran player PERIOD ! There is a counter for EVERY ZERG move. And marines / medics vs Hydras - marines win !!Yep - 25 marines with medics will kill 25 hydras...while i am lethal with protoss, and annoying with zerg, i'm unstoppable with terran !!!
whey@3yrs. you sound like a serious player boy. but you hadda play dest , leh we see if all de talk you have would stand on de battlefield smile.gif we appreciate de tips from you though, but i would like you to play dest or something