The Revision 'E' Athlon 64s are starting to trickle out from AMD they sport optimized memory controllers and new extensions including SSE3 , making them slightly faster per clock than their older brethren
(5-10%) , plus they are able to easily scale to 3ghz on stock voltage (which is .1 volts lower than Winchester Athlon 64s)
This means we can grab one of these cheaply , and with some skill and a good motherboard, overclock clear to 2.6ghz + without even blinking , giving us as much performance as an AthlonFX 56 for a fraction the price !
For the richer people not wanting to overclock, the new 'E' Venice cores are suppposed to bring retail chips to 2.8ghz soon !
this should keep us happy till dual cores come out .
links :< 3ghz Athlon64< SSE3 enabled/Disabled bechmarks, 6 % performance increase .
I plan to base my next rig on this chip .... alot of overclockers out there will want to .