Author Topic: Flow National eSports (DotA Sweat Every Friday Night)  (Read 38181 times)

Offline DaemonX

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Re: Flow National eSports (DotA Sweat Every Friday Night)
« Reply #40 on: July 25, 2016, 04:48:10 PM »
July 8th
36th Flow National eSports Post-Article

We had a new element in our usual Chenchen vs CoolerNoob fiasco as a 3rd gril stepped into the bootcamp action named BelusSolstice. Belus jumped in on a healer to support ChenChen’s jungling skeletons and all seemed right in the world. Meantime Xjin was doing his do on the dragon while Protoman carried on his token spiderman followed by Rogue on his duel girl. Over on the dire, Hydred, King and Shotta in handicapped form were having their fun while ChenChen did her best to push towers with snakes. This left a struggle for Lenoob playing with a maddened astral destroyer to no avail. After some clutch combo plays from Chenchen and Belus, victory was secured.

For the first big boys game Azael, Daemon and Shotta combined forces with King and LeNoob to gang up on an opposing radiant side. Daemon was charging all over the map from the get go causing havoc and making life very easy for Azael mid. Hydred tried his best on his token carry but was thwarted at almost every attempt. Rogue and Xjin were next on the hit list and had their early games destroyed leaving them wanting and wailing and unable to gain any momentum all game. This left a struggling M_illusionist and Protoman to try and mount a counter offensive 300 style but alas the dire like the armies of persia swept across the battlefield claiming victory despite all opposition.


After the previous sweep and some new players entering the fray they were at it again. This time Duckman jumping out on dire to throw down a beastly horseman carry along with Xjin tossing away the failing skeleton from the game before for his other token dragon while King did his thing on his token tiger girl, this left LeNoob to run a hard solo support and take some licks. Over on radiant, team persia headed by Azael once again used general Daemon to sleep the midgame allowing Hunty to get way to farmed on the shadow fish. Rogue was on point with waveboy but the game winning factor had to be BelusSolstice on an ultra-aggressive ravager that had the enemy team shifting and a shaking until defeat.


A chance betrayal, once again the Persian army was formed in the final game led by Azael and Daemon but this time their previous star Hunty had switched teams. Regardless, the Persian army forced inward with shotta rogue and protoman, each bringing offensive intelligence heroes in an attempt to support their leader into an early victory. Hunty seeing the flaw in the strategy targeted the feet of the beast, constantly focusing the support and leaving the leader to fend off large numbers alone. To make things worse Coco had suddenly joined the fray on the snowballer and Hydred decided to pick up mr. big black hole to ensure even more team fight security. The persian leaders tried their best to fight the war on their own and got far but in the end they fell to a farming Hunty this time carrying the enemy to victory. GGWP
« Last Edit: July 25, 2016, 04:55:59 PM by DaemonX »


Re: Flow National eSports (DotA Sweat Every Friday Night)
« Reply #40 on: July 25, 2016, 04:48:10 PM »

Offline DaemonX

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Re: Flow National eSports (DotA Sweat Every Friday Night)
« Reply #41 on: July 25, 2016, 04:51:24 PM »
July 15th
37th Flow National eSports Post-Article


A bootcamp with plenty fresh new faces and our favorite  ChenChen rockin a HardBack to start off the night. Saxito was back playing support for Chen on dire with his Frost Maiden while Suzie took to the jungle leaving Wintry to play a robinranger on the offlane and Shotta to go mid with a hooker. Over on the radiant newcomer 260Noscope was raping face with fire spear while mid Trinisolomon was trying to sniper a few targets on the constant barrage of hooks. Other newcomer lml shined trough the midgame with Tomahawk causing boom doom and kaboom along the way, this left a sneaky Xaeno Dragon enough space to farm and take the victory with strong performances from no scope and lml.

The first game was a roaring slugfest with Azael playing roaming ganker and Daemon carrying for the Dire. Xjin was there as well doing his thing on his token Dragon while Shotta was pumping as rogue knight, this left King to do his usual Arrow roaming with Azael. Over on the radiant it would be a more wombo combo side with modbus on ravager and smurf on a reverse horse man. The wombo combo seemed to be enough to deal with Daemon and Azael though. M_illusionist of radiant capitalized on the lockdown with kunkka to the delight of Hydred. LeNoob became the key factor in countering Azael with his heal and repel and soon after it was Victory to Radiant.


The final game would see some more interesting battles with Azael taking a bench to let newcomer echo try his hand at the astral destroyer while Wintry supported him with the icy healing dragon. King opted for a skeleton while Lenoob decided to go for critgirl leaving Smurf to handle mid with rocket man. The dire decided they were having none of that nonsense with Hydred picking up his token omnislasher while Daemon re-engaged charging cow form. M_illusionist decided to take advantage of the destined bloodshed by grabbing the shadow fish. This left Modbus and Shotta to jump on that already very overpowered and over qualified bandwagon of heroes with Shottas' oldskool favorite cogman and Modbus with the towering tosser. This arsenal proved to be simply too much for the radiant to handle and soon the massacre began with Daemon charging and causing havoc while Hydred spun his way in to the enemy base. Victory to the dire GGWP.
« Last Edit: July 25, 2016, 04:54:55 PM by DaemonX »

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Re: Flow National eSports (DotA Sweat Every Friday Night)
« Reply #42 on: January 23, 2017, 06:43:14 PM »


Re: Flow National eSports (DotA Sweat Every Friday Night)
« Reply #42 on: January 23, 2017, 06:43:14 PM »


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