First, I gave my Raspberry Pi more memory via swap space. Ya, swap space is typically very slow, but for backup purposes, it’s fast enough. Since I have a removable USB drive attached to my Raspberry Pi, I created swap space there. (Do all these as root or under sudo).Run this once for initial set up (my /path/to/swapfile is on my USB drive):dd if=/dev/zero of=/path/to/swapfile bs=1M count=1024mkswap /path/to/swapfilechown root:root /path/to/swapfilechmod 0600 /path/to/swapfileBefore you start that swap, see what swaps you already have:free -hI think most Raspberry Pi owners will see 100 MB listed in there. That’s a bad idea (I’ll explain why), and we’ll remove it. But for now, lets just add on more swap:swapon /path/to/swapfileSee if it worked:free -hIf you have an extra 1 GB of swap space, you’re in luck! Now make this permanent on reboots:vi /etc/fstabAfter your removable drive has been mounted, add this:/path/to/swapfile swap swap defaults 0 0Save and exit vi. Then restart the machine with “reboot”. On reboot, run “free -h” to see if you still have your new swap space. It may list 1.1 GB, if there are 100 MB from the first swap and 1 GB from the swap you just made.
Nzbdrone is a program like SickBeard. It's always good to have a new kid in town! How to install:Add NzbDrone's repository to your software sourcesudo apt-key adv --keyserver --recv-keys FDA5DFFC[ENTER]echo "deb master main" | sudo tee -a /etc/apt/sources.list[ENTER] Install/Update NzbDronesudo apt-get update[ENTER]sudo apt-get install nzbdrone[ENTER] Start NzbDronemono /opt/NzbDrone/NzbDrone.exe[ENTER] Open your browser and go to http://RaspberrypiIPadres:8989
**First ** make sure NzbDrone is installed you can go here to find out how to do that I created a .sh or batch file to automate the process of type "sudo mono /opt/NzbDrone/NzbDrone.exe" Here is a link to the batch file so it saves you all from having to do this even though it was easy if you open in a text editor you will seeBatch File: (Just Hit Download to grab it) .sh file just has one line of text #!/bin/bashmono /opt/NzbDrone/NzbDrone.exeNext there are two ways of doing thisMethod One:is using rc.local you do this by opening a terminal windows and typing (without quotes) "sudo nano /etc/rc.local" (or if easier you can use a text editor like gedit, pluma, leafpad whatever you have just replace the nano part with what you wantOnce this is open go to the bottom and just above where it says "exit 0" type the following for eg./bin/sh /home/server/Desktop/NzbDrone.shmine was saved to my desktop on my linux machine you will need to edit this to wherever you put the file you downloaded above but remember to keep the /bin/sh first then a space then the rest
using sh file in my home directory and named it (imaginative), with appropriate chmod +xNext (and I assume you're doing this all from a terminal/ssh), change to your home folder's configuration folder (cd ~/.config), and make an autostart directory (mkdir autostart).cd to that folder (cd autostart), then make a *.desktop file for your script (vi feh.desktop) with the following 3 lines:[Desktop Entry]Type=ApplicationExec=/home/pi/start_feh.shThat's it -- all it took. So... long story short: On your Raspberry Pi, to start a program after it launches into LXDE, make a *.desktop file in /home/[user profile]/.config/autostart
This is a quick tutorial on how to setup your Raspberry Pi to serve as a DLNA server using "minidlna". Since I am running Raspbian “wheezy” version, you need to check first that you have latest updates. You do this by running next commands in terminal.1sudo apt-get update2sudo apt-get upgradeAfter you do that, you need to connect your external hard drives that you will be using as a storage for your media files. When connected run this command to list them together with theri UUIDs:1sudo blkidYou should get something like this: 1pi@raspberrypi / $ sudo blkid2/dev/mmcblk0p1: SEC_TYPE="msdos" UUID="C522-EA52" TYPE="vfat"3/dev/mmcblk0p2: UUID="62ba9ec9-47d9-4421-aaee-71dd6c0f3707" TYPE="ext4"4/dev/sda1: LABEL="WD Elements" UUID="bd669137-8990-4852-b922-05708aa050e0" TYPE="ext4"5/dev/sdb1: LABEL="One" UUID="53f7239a-cbc8-46bb-9ada-49bc9f04cd4e" TYPE="ext4"Now you should make directories where you would mount your HDDs, here is an example how to do it:1sudo mkdir -p /mnt/One2sudo chmod 755 /mnt/One3sudo mkdir -p /mnt/Two4sudo chmod 755 /mnt/TwoNow you need to edit a "fstab" file to enable automatic mounting of HDDs. Here is what you do:1sudo nano /etc/fstaband add lines for your HDDs (you can use UUIDs or just /dev/sda) i used the following: 1/dev/sda1 /mnt/One ext4 rw,defaults 0 02/dev/sdb1 /mnt/Two ext4 rw,defaults 0 0Now you install the "minidlna"1sudo apt-get install minidlnaAfter installation is over, you need to configure the minidlna.1sudo nano /etc/minidlna.confYou add the following lines to the configuration file, with path pointing to your directory layout...1media_dir=A,/mnt/One/Music2media_dir=V,/mnt/One/Movies3media_dir=P,/mnt/One/Pictures4media_dir=A,/mnt/Two/Music5media_dir=V,/mnt/Two/Movies6media_dir=P,/mnt/Two/PicturesYou also change db_dir so that the database is saved across reboots.1db_dir=/home/pi/.minidlnaAfter this is done you can add the service to start at boot: 1sudo update-rc.d minidlna defaultsYou run 1sudo service minidlna startto start the minidlna server and 1sudo service minidlna force-reloadto reload the database.
The Only Raspberry Pi XBMC Tutorial You Will Ever Need'm shocked that they can achieve 1080p output with a US$35 device. Really I am.