Fight Night Round 4 - 100
Brink - 100
Midnight Club LA - 100
Unreal 3 - 100
Kameo - 100
Batman Arkham Asylum - 100
Crackdown - 100
Force Unleashed - 100
Bad Company 2 - 100
Call of duty 4 - 100
Fifa street (the older version) - 100
Enslaved Odyssey to the west - 100
Assassin's creed 2 - 100
Assassin's creed Brotherhood - 100
Vanquish - 100
Super Street fighter 4 - 100
Bulletstorm - 100
Call of duty black ops - 100
Gears of war 3 - 100
Street fighter x tekken - 100
Kingdoms of Amalaur Reckoning - 100
Gears of war 2 (not in case) - 100
All Games are in excellent condition.