Like I does say time and time again, Microsoft don't be running a sprint, them fellers does be running a marathon.
They need much better pr and consumer messaging, but when u look, really look, at what the company is doing, you go see how much sense it makes.
"When they released their first Xbox console, Microsoft introduced a system which forced gamers to pay for a\subscription in order to play each other online. This too was controversial, and Sony again opted to play the gamers’ advocate and not introduce a similar system with its PS3 console. Fast forward seven years, and now Sony’s changed its tune, saying that PS4 players will require an online subscription in order to enable online multiplayer.
Microsoft made the tactic viable, and Sony’s begrudgingly followed in its footsteps.
Microsoft as a company is very disliked , but they usually tend to know what they doing in the end.
People quickly forget d pack of rubbish that was the PlayStation network when it was launched.
They also forget how all they credit card info get hacked and every man jack had to change all they passwords.
They also forget the 2 month outage of psn. Lol.
When I had a ps2, I mod it and put a hd in it, and installed all my games To said HD, because I utterly hated disc based games. I wanted to turn on my system, pick a game and play. That was YEARS ago.
This day and age, I still have to be relying on swapping cds with d ps4?
Not to mention waiting for the system to update when I want to play a new game, happened to me with both uncharted 2 and 3. Both times I end up leaving d system and gaming d following day.
I welcome an all digital system with open arms, I've been modding it into Sony products for years. Now it's an integral part of the Xbox one but men don't like it? Lol. MS has a nice vision of the future. And they are almost always copied and followed after what they plan work out.
2-3 years from now when ms making money from no used games, watch how fast Sony go look to follow them.
Hell steam has done it and make a mint. Yuh feel ms stupid?
Also MS is positioning themselves to compete against apple and google. Ppm Sony don't seem to be concerned with.
And is them same ppl both ms and Sony will have to be directly battling not too long from now. And what go happen?
Sony go end up with they pants down whiles ms go have things setup nice.
The only part of what ms doing I find unreasonable as a gamer is the always online bit. Requiring a connection every 24hrs should be extended to like 1-2 weeks. Which would allow for ah nice offline vacation if u gone down south etc. But apart from that I fully agree with what ms doing.
The Kinect being always plugged in is another hot topic issue, but developers want that. They don't want to have to code they game to handle scenarios where u unplug yuh Kinect, or don't own one. Devs know Kinect is always there so they can reference d tech anytime anyhow without coding for both Kinect and non-Kinect scenarios. This go lead to better more intelligent use of Kinect.
Having all ur games in the cloud tied to ur account means, if u driving home from work and happen to stop by a friend with an Xbox one, u don't have to have a big nasty games case walking round with all the time. U can sign into his console as guest and immediately start playing any game in ur library , whiles the Xbox downloads the rest in the background.
There are various future proof and very useful scenarios in which Microsoft's approach is just brilliant. MS just does a piss ass job of communicating these advantages to the consumers.
I'd pay 100$ extra for those benefits. Benefits that would drive publishers to their platform, the start of which we already see at e3.
Extend always online longer, and I happy like pie, and that's an easy change to make and will be made if it negatively affecting the company.
And then their is the entertainment, apps, and other feature side of things that I not even going to bother to get into. Things that will be vitally important in the war against apple and Google in the gaming space.
O, and they have Killer Instinct
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