very nice. those mechs, vehicles and battlesuits look A LOT like mass effect though.
Watched this tonight as well. Thought it was mediocre at best. Even the action sequences wasn't as engulfing as it should have been for this type of flick. I found it very hard to connect with and care for any of the characters and while the vfx was good for the most part, in some scenes it just didn't do current technology justice. For instance, that chase scene on the highway with the cars, I felt absolutely no illusion of speed for what was supposed to be a "high speed chase" down a highway. Even the crash physics seemed kinda off. They need a little help from the makers of IRobot in that department. The movie was laced with plotholes and I can't honestly think of a reason to recommend this to anyone, even if they are looking for some mindless fun, since this movie attempts to (and fails horribly at) being intelligent.5/10 for the woman with 3 bazoongas.