but you just said it yourself arc, its much more than just apple.So we really can't (or shouldn't) keep casting that stone at them.I think you are right in that China themselves should get a handle on the situation but as the article mentioned, it is ultimately working in their favour.Every year, China becomes more and more powerful because of it and workers are actually better off than in previous decades.So they aren't likely to crack down on it from a political stand point.Talk about a rock and a hard place. This is one problem with no easy solution.
China have to do better than that. It is directly their fault that workers have no rights, and because of this, multinational corporations can outsource their manufacturing there, and conveniently look the other way as their s#!t gets made for cheap. Unfortunately, the best way to hold these companies accountable is with your wallet, but guess what, we gotta have that new iPhone. ...and don't think I'm taking myself out of it eh. There's probably a lot of tech that I buy, that I never even considered where, or how they're produced. It's sad really. Something for you iPhone owners to think about before you open your f@#king traps about how 'good' your glorified mp3 player is. .....SwiftKeyed from my Samsung Galaxy S2 with Tapatalk