Author Topic: Is PC Gaming Dead? (as we knew it)  (Read 52372 times)

Offline MessiaaH

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Re: Is PC Gaming Dead? (as we knew it)
« Reply #80 on: December 13, 2010, 12:25:31 PM »
and wyatt, u doing d same exact thing another poster did. ALyuh juss plucking out 1 or 2 points, and gyrating on dat lolol. D article has to be read in its entirety.

And i finding non-biased articles to paint a clear picture.
U cant read all dem thing and still come and say pc gaming dead. Come on.


Re: Is PC Gaming Dead? (as we knew it)
« Reply #80 on: December 13, 2010, 12:25:31 PM »

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Re: Is PC Gaming Dead? (as we knew it)
« Reply #81 on: December 13, 2010, 12:30:22 PM »
I did read all of those things.

In fact, I read those articles before creating the post....and it was based on those that I was convinced that PC gaming was dead as we knew it.

Asked the question to see if my fellow gaming brethren on GATT felt the same.

I am HAPPY that you and berserk feel differently. I think doomtack also stood up for the PC.

Would love nothing better than to see the situation be proved false or make an amazing turn around.

You game to do the Amazon exercise?

The results should be interesting. I'll pull PS3 and 360. You could handle Wii and PC?

Sony Playstation 3

Playstation 3 160GB: $299.99

Call of Duty: Black Ops :47.00

Gran Turismo 5: 53.99

God of War III 46.88

Online Multiplayer: Free

Total: $446.87
« Last Edit: December 13, 2010, 12:35:28 PM by TriniWyatt »

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Re: Is PC Gaming Dead? (as we knew it)
« Reply #82 on: December 13, 2010, 12:32:49 PM »
Sure, but keep in mind, u cannot directly compare d cost of a pc to d others eh. cause men not using a pc to game alone. By nature, everybody owns a pc dese days, and u rarely getting pcs from Dell/Hp etc etc, dat cannot game. Like i said, my netbook runing sc2 bess.
And its not a gaming machine, is my netbook for being on d road going by clients.

But anyways, let go!

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Re: Is PC Gaming Dead? (as we knew it)
« Reply #83 on: December 13, 2010, 12:35:32 PM »
Dat last article i post from ign is ah real good one to read in defense of pc gaming. Give it ah read if u havent.

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Re: Is PC Gaming Dead? (as we knew it)
« Reply #84 on: December 13, 2010, 12:35:48 PM »
I seriously cah handle doing a sli setup to play friggin meat boy and bejewelled 3.

Black Ops really open my eyes. Seems like 90% of the people that i've encountered has had one problem or another with the PC version of the game where the console experience seems to be heavenly by comparison. Really, what is the sense of having dedicated servers for the PC is just as you are about to shoot a man you get lag which when it stops, you find yourself dead. It simply doesnt make sense.

Such a big game like Black Ops was done TERRIBLY on the PC and frankly I believe it will start a domino effect for all the major titles that come after it.

Before it used to be that a bad PC release was the excception and if something really was screwed up at launch, only mere days would elapse before a winning fix comes down the intertubes.

Here we are more than a month into release and the same stupid problems still exist.

All the bess graphics in the world means nothing if 1) the online community is sparse and 2) the game has crippling flaws that make it unplayable for the most part.

PC gamers HAD Crysis 2 to look forward to but its no longer an exclusive. There's no reason the PS3 version cant come close in terms of graphical prowess to the PC version WITHOUT having to fight with SLI/crossfire/driver/patch issues AFTER spending heap on upgrading your setup.

Need I also remind all the historically, the Crysis franchise is NOT multiplayer heavy and a short (hopefully impressive story THAT FLOWS from the last one) and mediocre at best multiplayer component is all that we have to look forward to.

I cant make any categorical statements of which platform I will gravitate towards but as it stands now, PC looking like it will play second fiddle for me.
« Last Edit: December 13, 2010, 12:37:32 PM by Captain Awesome »


Re: Is PC Gaming Dead? (as we knew it)
« Reply #84 on: December 13, 2010, 12:35:48 PM »

Offline MessiaaH

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Re: Is PC Gaming Dead? (as we knew it)
« Reply #85 on: December 13, 2010, 12:40:56 PM »
I actually didnt buy blackops, cuase it look like jus another cod to me lol.

Im looking foward to Bulletstorm and Rage. who's pc graphics going to undoubtedly wtf pwon d consoles.

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Re: Is PC Gaming Dead? (as we knew it)
« Reply #86 on: December 13, 2010, 12:43:03 PM »
 Oh Lord, look at those pigs flying outside...waaaayzzzz Cap...Even Ms. Piggy flying!! ROTFL  :hiding:

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Re: Is PC Gaming Dead? (as we knew it)
« Reply #87 on: December 13, 2010, 12:47:51 PM »
I actually didnt buy blackops, cuase it look like jus another cod to me lol.

Im looking foward to Bulletstorm and Rage. who's pc graphics going to undoubtedly wtf pwon d consoles.

Why so focused on Graphics Messiah? Graphics don't make for a good game all the time...Yes, its visual eye candy, but what good is it if you playing by yourself and can't have a community of gamers to game with? You don't realize thats the main focus these days in gaming, the ONLINE gaming community. Thats the reason Xbox Live and PSN has become so popular and has grown exponentially. The Reward systems implemented on both platforms has pushed gaming to new heights with the achievement system and trophies. It encourages a competitive yet communal attitude that is just bringing gamers together. Isn't that what gaming is all about? So what if PC has better more crisp graphics than the consoles? its not exactly getting more people to game on PC is it?

Offline MessiaaH

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Re: Is PC Gaming Dead? (as we knew it)
« Reply #88 on: December 13, 2010, 12:55:13 PM »
I full agree with u, gaming is more dan juss graphics, its why d least graphical of d lot (wii) own d rest, its why i own a wii :) So PC for hardcore, wii for softcore.

But, i personaly dont like swetin with d random ppl online, i more like d vent/mumble expereince, and when we ready to swet, men swetin. So i dont have aproblem as far as comunity goes.

And i mention pc graphics so much because its obviosuly pc's strongest point lol.
Also, u took a look at my machine? I eh build dat to play on low, i want to bake my cake and eat it too.

But like d fellers at value say, them sales steadily increase over d past few years, so yes, graphics not getin ppl to play on pc, but its one of d main reasons i persoanly game on pc. Superior Graphics, and Audio. D need to not have to be lookin for ah cd meh son scratch up to put in d xbox. Everything digital, auto updating, jus click play and forget about it.
I couldnt be bothered with d signing up xbox live and looking for friends, dont have d time.

And i like d fact that when i gaming on my pc , i have access to everything, alt+tab ftw.

Ill only game on consoles for speicifc games that worthy enough.
Zelda Skyward Sword, ill buy ah new wii juss to play dat, den park d wii up in ah closet after.

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Re: Is PC Gaming Dead? (as we knew it)
« Reply #89 on: December 13, 2010, 01:00:20 PM »
I actually didnt buy blackops, cuase it look like jus another cod to me lol.

Im looking foward to Bulletstorm and Rage. who's pc graphics going to undoubtedly wtf pwon d consoles.

Why so focused on Graphics Messiah? Graphics don't make for a good game all the time...Yes, its visual eye candy, but what good is it if you playing by yourself and can't have a community of gamers to game with? You don't realize thats the main focus these days in gaming, the ONLINE gaming community. Thats the reason Xbox Live and PSN has become so popular and has grown exponentially. The Reward systems implemented on both platforms has pushed gaming to new heights with the achievement system and trophies. It encourages a competitive yet communal attitude that is just bringing gamers together. Isn't that what gaming is all about? So what if PC has better more crisp graphics than the consoles? its not exactly getting more people to game on PC is it?

While I fully understand and appreciated what Win is saying, about the community and the fun of online multiplayer etc, I have to disagree.

It is all dependent on what YOU want out of the experience.

A good game should be like a work of art. u want the best canvas, richest colors, and most awe inspiring set pieces to really dig into, sit back and bask in it.  

This is especially true for the single player games. Remember Dragon Age (Yes its one example) but this looked gorgeous on PC, however it looked like doggie pooh on both consoles (and yes I was actually able to compare)

 There are many other examples of this, not to mention physix and interactivity with the environment a la battlefield, or batman Arkham Asylum. And we en even touch Direct x 11. (dirt 2 on pc vs console is almost a different game)

I am in no way hating on the console, but lets be serious here.

Graphics do matter. yea it sounds vain, but guess what? I  likes pweety colors.

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Re: Is PC Gaming Dead? (as we knew it)
« Reply #90 on: December 13, 2010, 01:06:29 PM »
Point taken...I for one prefer my Xbox 360 purely because the graphics are nice enough, the community is LARGE enough, and the games that I play, which are mostly FPS anyway are plentiful and fulfill my Multi-player fix online. Mumble is nice and all, but again, Xbox Live has Party Chat and messaging to friends on your list. As W1nTry stated before we have at least 100+ Trinis on our lists each and there are MANY more I am sure that are on Xbox Live and PSN which we are yet to bounce up. For now, our Community is ONLY Trinis. We party up and play against Foreigners from America, Europe, Japan, Mexico on a daily basis and in Multiple games on one machine with the touch of the Xbox Button. Another reason why Consoles are so popular, ease of use and idiot proof gaming. No Troubleshooting Drivers, No GPU driver tweaks for a particular game, plug and play. Updates are automatically downloaded when you load up the game. Yes, there is still DVD media, but as I mentioned before, digital downloads are not far behind. We can already download full Xbox 360 games that are a bit older, such as Halo 3, Gears of War 2 and such. So yes, its headed in that same direction of digital distribution even on consoles. Only a matter of time as we keep saying, only a matter of time :)

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Re: Is PC Gaming Dead? (as we knew it)
« Reply #91 on: December 13, 2010, 01:10:50 PM »
D fafing around with drivers slowly becoming a mute point.
like i said before, d driver i runing now, i startup up steam->click update driver->finish!

And dat has been runing soooooooo gooodd.
Dat is d best thing steam ever do. Dat is ah epic feature till d point dat ah hardcore like me using it. and it wok bess.

And i personaly dont want/need 100s of ppl to play, i juss need enouhg to full d server.
And when we ready to swet on mumble, thats how it does be. And even d sf4 everytime i launch d game on pc, always somebody online trying to join my game, when i waiting for warone etc to join. So yea, no problems there atal. for me anyways.

As you mention dirt 2, i bought ah logitech racing wheel (made for d ps3 actualy lol), and runing my dirt 2 on dat, 30" monitor, insane! graphics, plus feedback from dat wheell.....yummyyyyyyy. Plus my xfi+audio gear doing its magic. I woulndt be found dead playing that game on console. Like i said, select worthy games. Its why i ent buy ah xbox/ps3 yet, eh see ah game on d platform that worthy of pulling me in yet.

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Re: Is PC Gaming Dead? (as we knew it)
« Reply #92 on: December 13, 2010, 01:21:31 PM »
Great points, fruitful discussions. gssbgs.

My concern, though is that as less and less attention to detail is paid to the pc on all counts, graphics included, the 'better graphics' argument may soon become moot.

With tons of console ports and abysmal pc sales, where's the encouragement for devs to put that extra graphical oomph into the pc iteration?

The number of graphically superior games on the pC is already decreasing. Unfortunately, pretty soon the lines between the platforms will be so blurred we wont be able to tell the difference.
« Last Edit: December 13, 2010, 01:23:44 PM by Captain Awesome »

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Re: Is PC Gaming Dead? (as we knew it)
« Reply #93 on: December 13, 2010, 01:21:54 PM »
steam could seriously take win for the option to get download and install graphics driver so easily. also the ingame chat with both voice and text is very awesome. (PSN we need proper chat!!!)

and one other point. some people are saying that CODBO opened their eyes to how badly pc gaming has fallen. Now if memory serves, there was a game called Call of Duty Modern Warfare 2, which was an absolute travesty on pc. there was no support (unless u call 15.00 map packs support) and the game stunk of fail. wasn't the writing on the wall then?

As buggered as black ops is on pc. it is still heads and tails over that last game. 3 patches have already come out with bigger ones on the way. yea console version ownz all, but thats not the point.

Point is this is an improvement! lewie take some notice nah? give jack his jacket much?

 Even looking at battlefield on pc, those new maps (which are free) breathe some fresh air into an already great pc experience. Again big game, maybe not with the 'community' trimmings of the console iterations, but still a more than worthwhile.

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Re: Is PC Gaming Dead? (as we knew it)
« Reply #94 on: December 13, 2010, 01:24:15 PM »
Great points, fruitful discussions. gssbgs.

My concern, though is that as less and less attention to detail is paid to the pc on all counts, graphics included, the 'better graphics' argument may soon become moot.

With tons of console ports, where's the encouragement for devs to put that extra graphical oomph into the pc iteration?

The number of graphically superior games on the pC is already decreasing. Unfortunately, pretty soon the lines between the platforms will be so blurred we wont be able to tell the difference.

u sure about that? how come list of dx 11 supported games increasing?

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Re: Is PC Gaming Dead? (as we knew it)
« Reply #95 on: December 13, 2010, 01:25:35 PM »
I think Messiaah needs to game on a console for a bit. To draw a proper comparison one, can't stick his head in the sand and say I only like WOW so i'll ONLY play wow. Yes the Wii is for guests, but have you tried an FPS on a console? have you played regularly with a solid staple of friends on a console?

You mentioned that you don't need to have the whole world, just enough to fill a server, but with XBL and PSN that's EXACTLY what you have! you have your staple gamers that you regularly sweat with (private matches or otherwise) and you have the WORLD to BEAT OUT LIKE A OLD 120Y!

And even with the frustration of getting wipe like a bad case of diarrhea once in a while, the FUN of hitting some dumb as @#$% white american trash is SO fulfilling XD, dread the KICKS we get off of beating down on some racist, uneducated, lacking a grasp of the english language idiots is priceless.

And the tatics, tricks and skills you LEARN from playing a WIDER community of gamers raises your own game. How do you get better playing the same men over and over? you don't.

I have a PC, I GAME on my PC (not as often granted) but I DO! and I own an XBox, I would not deprive myself of getting  a GOOD sweat the PC and gaining an experience that comes along with it. Messiaah, you don't own the current gen FPS consoles and you've basically said that you don't care to, so I ask, how can you push them aside and you haven't given them a proper workout? Food for thought.

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Re: Is PC Gaming Dead? (as we knew it)
« Reply #96 on: December 13, 2010, 01:31:11 PM »
IW did nonsense with that crap matchmaking thing on the pc. In the late half there it used to take a good few minutes for the damn thing to find a game. But once game start, guess what. No lag. Across the board, ive heard almost no complaints of crippling lag issues, even on release day.

Black ops on the other hand, notwithstanding the major problems the server browser had (and still have), EVERY SINGLE PERSON on my mumble list has complained of sticking, freezing and general lag in game.

I dont care how you cut it, a month after release should have seens all these issues resolved. The mere fact that they still exist is testament to the lack of caring abt the PC as a platform.

And who can blame them? If I was at the helm, i'd say to hell with pc, let them wait till we good and ready to fix them problems.

My point is that if a behemoth of a game could see such hard times on the pc, what do you leave for 'lesser' devs and games?

Improvement? Where? I dont see any.
« Last Edit: December 13, 2010, 01:35:53 PM by Captain Awesome »

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Re: Is PC Gaming Dead? (as we knew it)
« Reply #98 on: December 13, 2010, 01:35:37 PM »
dx11 doesnt automatically mean improved graphics. One of the main selling points of that architecture was accelerated processing over dx10. There are advanced graphical features but dont think that all those games are actually going to use them.

Not saying that people like Codemasters arent going to take full advantage but apart from Dirt3, I dont expect any graphically breathtaking games.

The battlefields, maybe, but im willing to get titles like that on multiple platforms just so that I can compare for myself.
« Last Edit: December 13, 2010, 01:37:44 PM by Captain Awesome »

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Re: Is PC Gaming Dead? (as we knew it)
« Reply #99 on: December 13, 2010, 01:39:20 PM »
IW did nonsense with that crap matchmaking thing on the pc. In the late half there it used to take a good few minutes for the damn thing to find a game. But once game start, guess what. No lag. Across the board, ive heard almost no complaints of crippling lag issues, even on release day.

Black ops on the other hand, notwithstanding the major problems the server browser had (and still have), EVERY SINGLE PERSON on my mumble list has complained of sticking, freezing and general lag in game.

I dont care how you cut it, a month after release should have seens all these issues resolved. The mere fact that they still exist is testament to the lack of caring abt the PC as a platform.

And who can blame them? If I was at the helm, i'd say to hell with pc, let them wait till we good and ready to fix them problems.

My point is that if a behemoth of a game could see such hard times on the pc, what do you leave for 'lesser' devs and games?

Improvement? Where? I dont see any.

well the only issue i got was the hitching and that gone since patch (and proper processor)

as for behemeoth its all according to the devs. Bioware made the best versions of its games on pc, because of the market it was approaching. Valve as well. these are not what I could call lesser. just different market.

the market sells the game, cod is a powerhouse on the console, obvious that it would put more resources there.

also its a huge improvement in that their is actual support. patches would take time. there are a ton of other variables to consider when doing multiplayer on pc.

there was NO support for mw2 and I got hella lag in that. its all according to experience, mine on black ops far outweighs than on cod mw2.

(yea black ops should have gotten beta)

as far as dx 11, it shows that more graphical options are being put into the pc releases, which is a good sign. only when they actually release could we truly compare em to console ilk.

« Last Edit: December 13, 2010, 01:41:37 PM by Berzerk »


Re: Is PC Gaming Dead? (as we knew it)
« Reply #99 on: December 13, 2010, 01:39:20 PM »


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