Bay then walked us across the parking lot and took us into a small building which housed his editing suites. Once inside, we all sat down in a small room and Bay proceeded to control an Avid like a DJ would control a turntable. While he asked us not to reveal what we saw in the footage…even though he’s only been editing for 3 weeks, what I saw floored me. I could tell from the way he was fast forwarding the footage that he already had a solid rough cut of the movie and it had background music consisting of the previous Transformers movies and the Inception score (which is what everyone is using to edit with right now). While I can’t say what he showed us, I can say the footage looked fraking awesome. The 3rd film has huge scope and some ridiculously awesome action set pieces. I saw some stuff that I have never seen in any movie. And even though it was rough and not even close to done, I was blown away at how easy it was to follow the action.While some of you might criticize Bay and not like his movies, the one thing you’ve got to give him is he knows how to frame his action scenes. Everything he showed us today was easy to follow and I know the story is so much stronger than the second film. While I’d love to get into specifics, for now you’ll just have to trust me. And just to make sure you know how I feel about the first two films…loved the first film. Have serious issues with the second.
We have a more serious story this time and I’m trying to make up for movie 2. (Laughter)
i don't really get that name dark of the moon,couldn't they come up with a better name.
PS- youtube vid is gone