I'd say that's more a matter of superior ping.the cod maps are very well designed that camping is difficult, in general. Not to mention you light up like a christmas tree with gunfire/radar/etc...all pings being equal, a camper will die, with regularity.That's the beauty of being on a dedicated server, that way their isn't a host with vastly superior ping to everyone else.
Simple resolution for a camper like that, stay away from his camping spot and leave him there to get 6 kills MAX. If everyone on the team just avoided that spot, then he would have sat there whole game with nobody to kill. Yes its annoying, but at the same time, if people just avoided that camper he would have had to leave that camping spot to get his kills. Or as W1nTry always says, CAMP just as they do and let them taste what they want to dish out....I for one hate campers, but if I get killed twice in the same spot from a camper, I not going back there. Let him salt by himself. Damn n00b.
See this is my prime example of not liking call of duty due to its promotion of "camping" and u knw what once i could run the game i intend on doing the EXACT same thing, it have ways around camping but really ? why must i rage cuz a man wont move gimme my battlefield yes
the MOST annoying map to face campers in is freakin Nuketown on Hardcore Dom/TDM! I have NO idea WTF Mezeker lives on that map for! There are 2 or 3 spots on the map that u cud more or less stay for the entire game and as soon as someone ran around the corner or even spawned, insta death. Extremely annoying. And in that map u dont really have a choice not to go back to pass the area as Redlum suggests. Grenades for days too! As Beobear say the other night, "this game have more explosions that transformers 2!" LOL. Oh and with that, freaking Gunship or Chopper gunner comes and u dont even have a chance to blink.... Another thing i despise about the PC COD is the poor keyboard layout. Unless someone can offer me a more comfortable adjustment for Melee, Special grenade and prone in proximity to everything else, i will forever die to mishitting keys, its frustrating. I lose alot of kills missing my knife button and ending up in crouch X_X fml. OH and this "Prone" tactic is highly annoying. Half my experience so far is watchin men bull de ground every and anywhere!
...and I'll tell you something. Its this whole killstreak thing that has the COD communityplaying like this. The fact that you're AWARDED more or less for camping and gettingso many kills in a row has led to a sickening majority of players who have decided to dojust that. Especially noobs. The run and gun gameplay style (which I happen to prefer)
There are regular campers that I take out easily and regularly when pings are stable. This one stood out for that reason.4 elements got me to raging here:1. LAG2. The guy's attitude post game. 3. Camping an entire game: (worth noting after the guy got killed, he went back in the same spot and got game winning kill cam.)4. False pride - boasting you are better than everyone and ignorant of WHY you got the kills in the first place. (When I have the off chance of having a better ping than all, I obviously perform better. I am humble about it and don't boast or claim to be superior than the poor folk who had higher latency.)
^^ Whats the keyboard layout for Black Ops? Not Q and E to lean, 4-special nades,middle mouse or G - nade, V-melee, Left ctrl- prone? If u ask me that's as close as u can get unless u don't use lean then u could put Special nades to Q and melee to E.
I agree with Arc and despise camps like the one Apprentice mentioned.... I have my own obsessions about campers if I find one in game that never wants to move I make it my duty to root them out and make them my b!tch .... in COD4 at least I'll see if I have to carry on this philosophy into BLOPS when I get it as soon as they sort out all the MP stuttering I've been reading about.
Dunno why the audio stuttering....ah well at least Apprentice knows to aim where it hurts the most :p