Because the Wii lacks in many areas compared to its HD brethren, it's easy to forget that it can be a capable machine when properly exploited. So when Netflix announced back in January that it was going to enable instant streaming on Wii consoles, many were wary of the service's potential.Who can claim to have had a perfect online experience on the Wii? The shop is a chore to navigate, Friend Codes are convoluted, communication is limited, and in-game lag is a persistent headache. Whenever there is a game with good online implementation, it's overshadowed by the aforementioned concerns. What's there to assure us that this won't play host to a similar crop of issues?Well, I just spent the last week taking the service for a test drive and can confidently say that not only does it work but also it's a viable alternative to any other Netflix-enabled device. Find out more when after the break