so wait, flow has no business package, a business can use the given residential package as is? what the french toast.... please flow, come to tobago..lolzanyways, just read this article and i dare say, will/could this happen in tnt as well. take a read >>>>
If the performance of the last two days is anything to go by, I will honestly admit here and now that Flow'sinternet service is by far more superior to TSTT.Yes, I said it...FAR MORE SUPERIOR.To be honest, my current issue with TSTT is not so much the Blink service itself, but the actual phone line.Unfortunately, I have moved into an area of Arima which is known to have a lot of physical infrastructural issues.At least that is what more than one TSTT line technician told me. That could account for the rather spotty performancein general of the blink service, but I can't say for sure, but I DO know that I had to reset my modem more often than was necessary.Since that Flow connection was installed, the only time I had to reboot the modem was when I transferred the WAN connection tomy wireless router, and it seems I got one of the newer modems too. This one doesn't have an internal battery, and there's more LEDson it so you can have a better idea of its status at a glance.All in all, I'm very impressed.My one and only gripe, is that I wish the upload bandwidth was a tad higher, but for now it does the jobGame server pings have improved dramatically.Downloading has improved. Especially torrents.Not a fan of Flow's TV service, and their channel packages, but thats another issue entirely.Exactly what I'm paying for, is what I'm getting...and thats tha bottom line [c] 'Stone' Cold Steve Austin...and I'm not having the YouTube issues that some of you highlighted. My YouTube loads and plays quite nicely.
Just for kicks, benchmarking my blackberry's internet connection here, will post results shortly.edit, test complete, see the mind blowing result below:Now THAT is an internet connection. Who say suhuweat!!!!